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Posts posted by zen

  1. 5 minutes ago, AnnaLisik said:

    All I want to establish is that if people ( = potential devs) would come to the repo, they will see known (and well-established) nicknames so they will instantly catch.

    That is true.. who are you thinking about for taking the ownership of the repo ?

  2. 2 minutes ago, AnnaLisik said:

    Im affraid Im not following what you were trying to communicate here?

    he's talking about the money income for TB enterprise that will need to be redone again.. that will take time too.

    • Like 1
  3. Bonjour tout le monde,

    si vous êtes francophone, merci de répondre sur ce thread ça permettra de faire un peu de stat et de connaître le nombre de personnes actives (où seulement ceux qui lisent les posts en anglais) sur ce forum. SI on est assez nombreux y'a moyen de faire vivre la partie FR du forum encore plus, c'est vraiment dommage que TB ne soit pas plus utilisé en France, lieu d'origine du code source du projet forké.

    Si vous avez des questions sur TB et vos futurs ou présents projets web, n'hésitez pas !! je vais faire de mon mieux pour vous répondre selon mes capacités.

  4. 4 minutes ago, AnnaLisik said:

    Why do you think that forking is not ideal solution here?

    it's still possible to not break TB reputation (even if it's small) if it's not forked, and keep on increasing it while keeping brand, logo, forum, community etc..

    • Like 2
  5. I recommand not to rush to choose the best thing to do, to be prepared and think twice before rushing into any plan otherwise it might and up like this :


    Hey... Anyway we had some fun !!

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Theo said:

    Nice to know 😀 

    Very Nice Site & Compliments, well done! 😃

    thank you 🙂

    I just lost all my comment .. that was really well written and everything well balanced, such an intelligent post.. ha ha ha

    and it's all gone after a refresh with a bad click on the "prev" button mouse... 😞

    Anyway I just wanted to say : I'd like TB to remain Open Source for sure and free for all also.... But I'd love to see a CE / Pro version of TB that comes with entreprise support and personnalized quality hosting, people will surely pay for that.. all bugs will be fixed, all basics needs for entreprises connections to ERP, ERM, CRM, PIM, and all others 3 letters tools that you imagine.

    Most of the entrprise needs are similiar and if we have an expert team, it will rock for sure.. imagine an entrprises that can deal directly with the software programmers.. that actually never happen, most of the time this company works through agencies with licenses.. and the result is often mediocre.

    I can help for servers and hosting for TB in Entrprise version.. and I spend a lot of time with scripts for products / customers/ orders Sync, that means, like many of you I already have a lot of already make code that can help others entreprises in their goal.

    Note : I never talked about a clouded TB version for public.. that is not a good idea.

    Copied from Magento website , about the entreprise version :




    About the Feature List

    Enterprise Edition erases the boundaries of what is possible, giving you the power to create bold and unique shopping experiences that will transform your business.

    Built for rapid and cost-effective innovation, the platform combines rich, out-of-the-box functionality, enterprise performance and scale, and powerful business tools to keep you ahead of increasingly complex commerce operations and growing customer demands.


    I think it's one of the best way to make TB alive and growing in the future, I used it a lot for entreprises websites and it works really GREAT !

    • Like 2
  7. Well Well  Well.. I find it encouraging to see so many people trying to find a way into this mess !!

    I will tell you that I am still deeply involved in TB and will keep on doing my best to improve it like fixing bugs founded in core, I want to keep on doing it for free.

    Working for free for TB is good, I like it and it's not for free at all in fact, as I use it on many projects for my customers and this is not for free.

    Using TB instead of Presta 1.7 or OpenCart or WooCommerce or Magento is just the best option available for me specially for one point : All of the modifications I needed to do in CORE will be included in next version after adding a new pull request, but we need people taking car of that like trumbflug use to do and Datakick is still doing now.

    Just to resume : I'll be on the boat when TB sinks or not, hoping to keep it moving into the ocean of ecommerce CMS.

    • Like 10
  8. 1 minute ago, datakick said:

    To make things clear - by "not being interested" @lesley means I turned down his offered to sell me the tb company. The asking price was 30x more than I could (or would) ever pay for it. And frankly, even if the offer was 30x lower, I'd still have to thing very very hard about it. 

    to Sell it ? ok.. now I also join @toplakd on the soap opera thing ! it's mind bogus^^

  9. 5 minutes ago, toplakd said:

    As its open source, one can start its own fork, but for that one needs nerves, because negativity is mostly higher than positivity, especially on free stuff.

    As @Traumflug said, you can not see that much negativity on prestashop forums like we are able to see here 😢

    I think you are exagerating, Presta had and still have a lot of negativity on the forum but they also have a Community manager and moderators that delete a lot of unwanted messages, that sucks !

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, lesley said:

    I know everyone here is waiting for me to come and comment, to say that everything is under control, but if I said that we all know that would be a lie. The fact is I am getting better a lot slower than I anticipated and I am unsure what the future holds. But I am open to what it does hold. I am also open to answering any questions you all might have. 

    Good to know that you start getting better 🙂

    • Like 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, toplakd said:

    I do think all should stop with this mass hysteria.

    It all started with corona,

    little later @datakick saying goodbye

    3 days later ownership over @thirty bees was taken together Patreon revenues

    and on April 20. the sun went dark.


    Cool down, drink some 0% beer and enjoy the sun for next 5 days

    OK, but this is not new... Datakick is leaving because of this unclear situation, why not take the opportunity to move forward instead of let it become rotten.

    • Like 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, Theo said:

    Ah spoke to soon...
    New error:

    Call to a member function attributes() on boolean line 1480

    Highlighted: $xmlAttributes = $xml->attributes();


    Call to a member function attributes() on boolean in file controllers/admin/AdminThemesController.php at line 1480
     protected function installTheme($themeDir, $sandbox = false, $redirect = true)
    1472:    {
    1473:        if ($this->tabAccess['add'] && $this->tabAccess['delete'] && !_PS_MODE_DEMO_) {
    1474:            $targetDir = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.$themeDir;
    1476:            if ($sandbox) {
    1477:                // Load configuration of the theme package.
    1478:                $sandboxDir = $sandbox.'/'.$themeDir;
    1479:                $xml = Theme::loadDefaultConfig($sandboxDir);
    1480:                $xmlAttributes = $xml->attributes();
    1481:                $targetDir = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.$xmlAttributes['directory'];



    What you can do is to test before and you won't get the error, like this on line 1480 :

    1476:            if ($sandbox) {
    1477:                // Load configuration of the theme package.
    1478:                $sandboxDir = $sandbox.'/'.$themeDir;
    1479:                $xml = Theme::loadDefaultConfig($sandboxDir);
    1480:                if (isset($xml->attributes())) $xmlAttributes = $xml->attributes();
    1481:                $targetDir = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.$xmlAttributes['directory'];





  13. 3 minutes ago, datakick said:

    I have no idea. I was never part of tb company. Just a volunteer with github access 🙂

    I guess it's just @lesley


    OK.. so since january 2nd we have NO news from Him.. what to do ? Where are you going Datakick.. may I follow you ? LOL

    more seriously.. let's start or continue with a fork of TB with people really motivated, why not ?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. I would like to take the opportuniy to ask some basics questions before you leave, if you have the answers of course:

    How TB works legaly, is there some accounts filled with income from partners, where is it going, is it + or - right now ?

    Who is the TB team now... what job for each one..?

    And how is Lesley doing after being in hospital.. I hope much better ! Is there anybody that also has the same keys in hand for the future of TB or everyhting is under the control of one person only ?

    => I hope to have some answers before I'll consider to make a u-turn myself too.


    • Like 2
  15. That's life.. Changing is always a wise choice 🙂

    Thank you for all your devotion into this project.. I am starting to really worry now about TB..  Who is still able to give time for this project ? Are we gonna make a fork of that fork ?  many questions still remains.

    You should be payed for this job Datakick that's for sure !


    Lately I was feeling like I was the only one pushing this project forward. And I'm not even affiliated with the tb company, I was just a volunteer doing this for free.  

    I feel like this since 2 years already, but not really alone just with only 3 or 4 people really doing things and not on the same time.. so it's not trustfull.

    Anyway, if you start gardening or giving tantric courses, you'll miss TB time for sure.. OR NOT 🙂 😛

  16. 18 hours ago, Briljander said:

    I think @zen initiative earlier was nice when he did some module where it was possible to change in a theme editor. 

    Don't you think you two can put your thoughts together and make something really great here?

    That could be nice, but I started this module for niara theme specially, it needs to be done differently if it's for the community theme manager. I'd love to have more people on the module thread for sure so we can "all together" but from far away.. do something usefull for both theme maybe.

    last answer on the theme module was in : November 7, 2019

  17. On 2/25/2020 at 7:28 AM, datakick said:

    I would, actually, vote for removing this from core to separate module.

    I am for that direction too... no need for almost all users of TB.. so it's more a source of problems than anything else, someone who wants to use it should understand really what is going on and how to configure it properly and find it under module section is preferable.

  18. 6 hours ago, vikasprogrammer said:

    Fun fact, thirty bees copied a lot of express cache code line by line. You can checkout their full page caching code and compare it with mine. Its not a coincidence that mine stopped working and theirs too with new release of PS/TB 🙂

    I don't understand why your module will stop working on the PS update, and "theirs too". What or who is their this Time , sorry but it's a bit confusing.

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