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Posts posted by Traumflug

  1. 10 hours ago, smarterweb said:

    this is almost never a real life scenario.

    The real life scenario is that one can fix all the bugs generating messages. Did this recently with a shop with no less than 103 modules of all flavors installed. Some bugs were harmless, others caused parts of the software working the wrong way.

  2. Likely a hoax. A professional (which he claims to be, "my customer") would try an installation elsewhere and look at the result before repeating it on a customer's host. And if she had actually used thirty bees, he'd know that there is no "admin module".

    Regarding "module" I get the impression that some other shop software calls everything "module" and needs a custom written module for something as simple as selling printed t-shirts. Apparently an e-commerce software which leaves wishes open, as these guys start to appear here.

  3. Recently several merchants had trouble embedding videos in their shops. For example in product descriptions or in blog posts. It's true, there are pitfalls one can trip over. One has to find the right HTML code in the video portal and copy that into the right place in thirty bees back office.


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  4. 16 minutes ago, cienislaw said:

    image processing should be straight forward process.

    Everything should be a straightforward process :-)

    As one can see easily in this thread, 5 merchants have at least 6 opinions on what that exactly means. Which in turn requires more knobs and buttons, making the process less straightforward.

    That said, image handling in thirty bees could certainly advance with an overhaul of the image handling system. To make formats other than standard resolution JPEG first class citizens as well (PNG, high resolution, WebP, mixes of that). To keep original images rather than processing them to the same size. To allow non-square images.

    Likely a long process, and one easily breaking themes. Forming the future is hard work, still worthwhile work!


    1 hour ago, zen said:

    Now It says on the code that using png for all files will benefit for pictures quality

    To go with high quality, one has to start with PNG. This option to always use PNG, even if uploaded as JPEG, isn't helpful. It just raises file size.

    PNG is nice, excellent for graphics-type images. But enormous file sizes for typical photographs. Not sure whether 5 MiB and bigger images are really helpful.

  6. 8 hours ago, Kenneth Ong said:

    Is there any way to completely avoid the backend from adjusting my images?

    After uploading images one can replace them with any version one wants. Only missing images will be generated automatically.

    That's obviously some extra work, but may be worth it if image quality is important.

  7. Forget the decoration, neither GitKraken nor PHPstorm are necessary.

    To get started, copy one of the themes:

    cd themes
    cp -rp community-theme-default my-new-theme

    Which one doesn't matter. Both are technically almost the same, just (S)CSS is quite distinct.

    Then edit config.xml inside the new theme with your favorite code editor (vi, nano, geany, gedit, sublime, whatever):

    cd my-new-theme
    geany config.xml

    Edit fields name and directory in the upper few lines. Each appears twice. Name is arbitrary, directory should match the actual directory. Save the file. Why these edits are necessary? Well, PrestaShop decided it this way 10 years ago and changing this would easily break existing themes.

    At this point you can install the theme already. It'll look like the one you copied, but it's the new one.

    Then you can build the theme:

    npm install
    npm run compile-css
    npm run format-js
    npm run copy-index
    npm run clean-up

    First command is needed only once, second command is the essential one, the other ones are tidying up code a bit.

    As you didn't change anything yet, a new build shouldn't change anything.

    Now you're ready for editing the theme. Template file (.tpl) file edits take effect immediately. JavaScript files as well. Just reload the page in your browser and the change is there.

    Regaring CSS: don't edit .css files, but the .scss ones. After each edit, rebuild the theme, then reload the page in the browser.

    At this point you're in the middle of development already. Cheers!

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  8. 4 hours ago, Madbits said:

    I should be able to sell between 1 and 20 linear meters, isn't there a method to just limit an incrementing button to 20

    Fractional quantities are not supported, AFAIK. But one can sell single centimeters, then let the customer adding such centimeters using the up/down button. Tweaks, like starting with 100 cm or adding 10 cm per click or displaying 100 cm as 1.0 m are a matter of JavaScript in the theme (product page, checkout page).

    This leaves just one issue open: a customer wanting two lengths in one order. E.g. a piece with 150 cm as well as a piece with 200 cm. Shop logic would join this to one piece of 350 cm. Other than this it should work well.

  9. 16 hours ago, Chris1d said:

    I’m using bleeding edge.

    Bleeding Edge as of when? This version changes with every commit pushed to the Github repository. Which means, one should update every now and then.

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