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Posts posted by Traumflug

  1. 2 hours ago, pendulum said:

    My worry is that an update would undo my hack.

    Yes it would, and for tb developers that's a hard to solve problem. In the PrestaShop days the option seen most often was to simply not update. tb got quite a bit better on this, one can update core software without updating the theme.

    Three ways to do it properly until thirty bees found a better way:

    - Carefully maintain a log of your changes in order to be able to re-apply them after an update. Having backup files right next to the original is fine.

    - Use Git or another version control system to keep that log and apply/unapply it as needed.

    - Use back office -> Preferences -> Custom Code. That's a bit harder, because JS and CSS added there gets applied to all shop pages. One has to figure a unique CSS path for that specific item one wants to change. But it's update-safe.

  2. A first step would be to look up whether these images exist on the server. Product images are stored in img/p/, then folders for the image number. One can find the image path in back office -> Catalog -> Products -> (click product) -> Images, hover over the image to see its URL.

    Images can be corrupted, zero size, missing, whatever.

  3. These recent irritations around the project currently named thirty bees accelerated my efforts to come up with a solid and reliable ground to connect developers with merchants and merchants with developers. Code written and features of the software were and are great, many merchants do their best to help others, just as many developers. This deserves a liberation from business and investor games.

    Say hello to

    Merchant's Edition

    Merchant's Edition has the goal to move the idea of open source into the business area. It's open to any developer working on the core software and basic modules. Their share grows not by the amount of money they provide, but by the work they put in. They can connect directly to merchants and vice versa. Merchant's Edition helps to connect them together.

    Next step: provide a chat for both. Those knowing me also know I prefer to do things right over rushing into something 80%. Look at how blazing fast the already provided site is. During development I learned a lot on how to make web pages faster, much of which can eventually be applied to shops running thirty bees as well. Published now already, to show that things around thirty bees are moving forward. Chat is then expected to be the same: fast and secure. Probably based on Matrix and Riot.

    You as a shop operator can get support right now. These nagging warnings all the time? We'll fix them. Need an extra feature? We'll write it. No time for technical maintenance and updates? We'll do it. Done by those who know the software best, from the ground up.

    • Like 8
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  4. Thumbnails regeneration never times out, it just takes time. This is one of the things where thirty bees removed one of the well known PS pains.

    For investigation on what's going on, looking at the URL of one or two images and comparing it with images actually on disk is a good start.

    One can also turn off Pretty URLs to see these URLs directly, without Apache changing it on the fly.

  5. Zu solch einem Modul habe ich mir immer mal wieder sporadisch Gedanken gemacht. Mir ist jedoch bislang nicht klar, wie da eine sinnvolle Strategie aussehen könnte.

    Eine Möglichkeit ist sicherlich, ähnlich einer normalen Bezahlung eine sich wiederholende Bezahlung bei einem Bezahldienst auszulösen. Da wäre der Shop dann nach der ersten Bestellung aussen vor. Und das geht natürlich nur mit Bezahldiensten, die solch eine Funktion haben.

    Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre, per Cron-Skript jeden Monat / jedes Quartal / jedes Jahr automatisch eine reguläre Bestellung im Shop auszulösen.

    Eine Produktart mit Verfallsdatum, das durch weitere Zahlungen verlängert werden kann, stelle ich mir dagegen eher aufwändig vor. Da bräuchte es dann Webseiten mit einer Übersicht für den Kunden, wie der Status solcher Dauer-Bestellungen ist. Kündigungsmöglichkeit, "Kontostand", Zuordnung unverlangt eingehender Zahlungen und dergleichen mehr.

    Wenn jemand eine gute Lösung kennt, gerne auch in einer anderen E-Commerce-Software: ich bin ganz Ohr.

  6. 16 hours ago, LCortes said:

    in product atributes we may choose from "dropbox", "radiobox" and "colors". Is there a way to add a "textbox" and "file upload" to attribute type?

    Dropbox, radiobox and colors are attributes defined by the merchant. Customers can select, but not change them.

    What you probably want is a customization. There customers can enter something and order the product with this something. For example, text or photos on a t-shirt printing service.


    Adding customizations is a two-step process. Enter the number of fields first, then save, then define how these fields should look, then save again. Needs a bit experimenting.

  7. 1 hour ago, cienislaw said:

    you have to change logic in module

    Yes, it should be this way. Actually the selection is generated in `Product::getNewProducts()` in classes/Product.php.

    To keep core code unchanged, one could request a larger number there, then do a random selection in the module.

  8. Having one multishop across multiple servers/installations can obviously not work. One installation can't read/write files and database of the other.

    A theoretical scenario would be to connect both tb installations to the same database. tb doesn't support that and even if it tried to support it, it'd likely be pretty error prone.

    Solution is to put all four shops on the same server. DNS records can be on distinct hostings, as long as they all point to the same IP address.

    • Like 1
  9. Using 777 permissions is always kind of conceding defeat. Much better is to find out and understand what's going on.

    One thing to check would be ownership, user and group of these templates. They should match the user running PHP, often 'www-data'.

    BTW., what are you using to edit these templates? I usually do this manually, via SSH or FTP and with a plain text editor. Probably not must user friendly, but it works.

  10. In case it's the awesome top notch theme you always dreamt of: recreating config.xml isn't impossible. Pick one from another theme, change name and directory inside and give it a try. These long lists just tell which modules should be installed along with the theme and where to place their hooks. One can adjust all of this after theme installation by the usual means.

  11. Text mail is still the safest way to handle email. No automatic execution of anything, no obfuscated links.

    Looking at what non-commercial people do with email: they write text and attach documents/images/files. Nothing which would require HTML. That's why my email client is set to text only and those mails containing nothing but "your client is broken, read here..." usually get ignored.

    Text-only mails with PDF attachment for delivery slips / invoices / other documents is actually a good idea, IMHO. Efficient and safe.

  12. 3 hours ago, AnnaLisik said:

    Is it even doable in Git

    Git has no means to make releases at all.

    Github does two things:

    - It allows to publish a release along with a release package. Similar to making a blog posting.

    - It counts every Git tag as release.

    If these two don't match, one gets a mess.

    As another example one can take the Teacup Firmware repository. This project never makes releases, still Github lists the single tag in the entire repository as "release": https://github.com/Traumflug/Teacup_Firmware/releases. These .zip and .tar.gz get auto-generated by Github and are unrelated to anything which could get called a release.

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