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Everything posted by elund

  1. Why push something out of the road map because It's too simple to implement? Never heard that argument before πŸ˜‰ If it only takes a few hours to implement, why not just get it done? And I think that many of us don't have the knowledge to implement it. BR Elund
  2. Prospeed.dk https://www.prospeed.dk/
  3. After some researching I think I found an answer on my problem here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/1000776-chex-one-page-checkout-module-for-ps16/ So looks like the payment modules (Quickpay and Reepay) - that I use - do not implement the displayPaymentEU hook 😞 BR Elund
  4. Next problem - no payment methods available: Payment options works fine with standard or other checkout modules... BR Elund
  5. Thanks a lot πŸ™‚ Could not find anything in the backend of ThirtyBees, so went into phpMyAdmin and deleted all records related to "La Poste - So Colissimo - Commerce de proximitΓ©". No clue why they exist, but probably from the old PrestaShop days. BR Elund
  6. Testing version 0.9.3 gives a different error than when I tested version 0.9.2 (see post from february 24 in this thread): Has anyone seen a similar error before? Or any ideas how to troubleshoot this? I am still testing in a backup of my production site - so more or less the same environment as when testing version 0.9.2. BR Elund
  7. When was this last time? He does not demand any money for the newest Panda theme for TB. Just log in to your account and download it. I can also confirm it works like a charm πŸ™‚
  8. No, not yet πŸ˜‰ I have upgraded my production site a week ago. But not sure that the theme is compatible with PHP8. I tried once to change to PHP8, but something with the menu broke. So still running PHP7.4 and have yet not investigated the issue further.
  9. Thanks for the tips πŸ™‚ Looks like I have/had 2 problems. First an override of hook.php made by Express Cache 3, which was not installed anymore. Second Collect PHP Logs v1.1.1, which I had to uninstall. After removing these 2 issues it was possible for me to update to TB 1.5.0. But if I tried to re-install Collect PHP Logs v1.1.1 again, then I get server error 500 again. So Collect PHP Logs v1.1.1 does not work in my environment. Edit: Found a version Collect PHP Logs v1.3.0 on Github, so the module works now πŸ™‚ BR Elund
  10. Hi, When I try to update TB to 1.5.0, it results in server error 500. I have tried to deactivate all modules without any luck. How do I troubleshoot this issue? BR Elund
  11. Thank you very much for the guide πŸ™‚ But after updating PHP to version 7.4, I have this with the Core Updater: I have Core Updater v1.6.5 and Thirty Bees Updater v1.5.4 installed BR Elund
  12. PHP 7.2.34. Which version is recommended?
  13. Strange... No matter what distribution channel I choose, version 1.5 is not available. I also tried on 2 different domains. Am I the only one with this issue?
  14. Looks like version 1.5 is not available in Core Updater (I have updated to the latest version) ? Besides that, fantastic news! Best TB week in 3 years. First a new Panda Theme - then this πŸ™‚ Thanks, Elund
  15. Now it's also officially released πŸ˜€ Check: https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme Panda V1 for TB Panda theme 1.6.0 (October 5, 2023) To be compatible with PHP 8 and TB 1.4 Bug fixes.
  16. They have actually released a version 1.6.0 - please read the last post in this thread: https://www.sunnytoo.com/forums/topic/panda-theme-compatible-with-thirtybees-1-4-and-php-8-0 I have received this version - with some delay - today, but not tested anything yet.
  17. I don't think they ever wrote that. They wrote 3 months ago that they have not done the update. Latest message from today is that they will release a new Thirtybees version next week :-)
  18. Hello, The latest stable version of TB is 1.4 and not 1.7. Prestashop 1.7/1.8 modules/themes are not compatible with TB 1.4. You need too look at themes for Prestashop 1.6 I am using this theme: https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme, but maybe you should wait buying it until they release the promised update for TB. BR Elund
  19. I am using the Panda Theme for TB and it's working fine with TB 1.4.0 πŸ™‚
  20. Nice suggestions - especially speed and security πŸ™‚ What I would loose my mind over would be: a better (customizable) theme like the Panda theme a better (customizable) one page checkout.
  21. No, it's a backup of my production site. And I have not created any custom fields or even changed something regarding the fields.
  22. @datakick I am trying to test your module, but is getting this error: What should I look for to fix this error? Thanks in advance, Elund
  23. Thanks for the very quick reply πŸ™‚ Looks like it's not enough to just change the image size in the backoffice and then regenerate them - I also have to upload the images again. Are you using Firefox Web Developer Tools to see the rendered and the intrinsic size? BR Elund
  24. Hi πŸ™‚ After updating from TB 1.3 to 1.4 some images became blurred on my shop prospeed.dk. Any ideas on what could be causing this? Thanks in advance, Elund
  25. I have no plans to migrate from ThirtyBees in the near future. Like others I am willing to pay some monthly fee, but not 50$/month as the situation is now. For 50$/month there might be other alternatives, so I need more than a statement from the new team.
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