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Everything posted by dynambee

  1. Just trying to narrow down the cause of this very odd delay. My postfix server is under zero load as I am not using it on any production websites yet. So it really shouldn't be the source of the bottleneck, and it's part of a mailcow installation so there shouldn't be any weird configuration issues, and it's running on an overspec'd VULTR instance which also shouldn't be causing any problems... Of course "shouldn't be" and reality can be quite different so I want to try a few things to see which "shouldn't be" is actually causing the issue.
  2. I don't notice any slowdown with the registration system, it seems to be pretty much immediate. However I just created another test order with emails enabled that took 19.8 seconds to process. :( I'm going to use Apache JMeter to test the SMTP server and see how well (or badly) it's performing. I'll also try using a Google Apps account with SMTP to see how that compares and may try signing up for SendGrid's free trial and see how that goes too.
  3. I just set email to, "Never send emails (may be useful for testing purposes)" and now the order processing is instant. Filled the cart up with 19 different items and the bank wire details page loaded fast enough that I couldn't get an accurate stopwatch counter on the time taken. I'm going to test the performance of the postfix server and see if that is the bottleneck or if the bottleneck is on the Cloudways server/30bz/swiftmail side of things.
  4. @lesley said in Long delays after clicking "I confirm my order" (bank wire payment): Are you using Google for mail? If so, that will cause it. Nope, it's postfix which is running on a separate VPS in the same data center as the 30bz instance is.
  5. @traumflug said in Long delays after clicking "I confirm my order" (bank wire payment): Easiest way to find this out would be to turn caching on. Obviously. I was hoping that perhaps it was a known issue that could be answered immediately by someone else who had already come across it. Right now it looks like the delay is caused by the order confirmation email being sent. Working to confirm this and to see if trying different SMTP servers resolves the issue or not.
  6. Sounds like it's a worthwhile project then. Email templates are always a pain in the ass but having properly formatted messages is really important, IMO.
  7. I would do a test with a couple of different reviews. Manually enter them into the table on your new site using the new productsid but set customerid = 0. If it works then you just need a small script to move the data from one database to another, updating the products_id values as it goes. How many reviews do you need to move?
  8. So the next question becomes.... Do your product IDs match between the old store and the new store? If all the product ID's match then moving the reviews across is probably possible with a bit of work. However if the product IDs don't match then it is going to be much more difficult.
  9. Hi everyone, Main question: Do 3rd party themes such as Transformer or Panda (currently unavailable but hopefully back soon!) come with custom theme-matching email templates for order confirmation mails, etc? Notes on 30bz/PS included "order confirmation" template: As I move further along in testing the new site I have noticed there are some oddities with the order confirmation email formatting, at least using the templates that come with the newest version of the community theme. Here is what I've noticed: On Gmail / Google Apps the order confirmation messages look fine, I suspect how they were supposed to look. In eM Client (popular Windows email client) the formatting is wonky. The Reference/Product/Unit price/etc area with the order details gets squished to be about 1/3 narrower than it should be, and then the shipping & delivery area gets squished down to about 1/3 width and is off to the left. In SOGo (popular open source webmail platform) the formatting is completely borked and the order details aren't readable at all. In Apple's iOS mail client the formatting is okay, but somewhat squished. Also the overall mail is shifted to the right just enough that the outer border around the message is not visible on the right side. It looks like a 3 sided border rather than a surrounding border. In Android's Gmail client the message looks perfect. The outer border is missing but it actually looks better this way. The templates seem to be the same or similar to the PS 1.6.x templates (tested on a separate PS test site I have running right now). Based on how good the templates look with Gmail and the Android Gmail client I suspect they were tested on these platforms during development, but probably on little else. :( If there are no 3rd party templates available then it seems like it would be worthwhile to spend some time trying to fix the various formatting issues. Email templates are notoriously finicky, even compared to website design in general. :(
  10. It would be much better to use IDs assigned by the system when the customers are imported, this makes sure there are no odd conflicts now or in the future. The problem is that the new IDs, whatever they are, won't match the IDs from the old system and therefore won't match the IDs in the reviews table. Therefore whatever is used to transfer the customers to the new store has to keep track of the old IDs and the new IDs, and then has to update the review data to point to the new IDs. If there are 10 customers and 25 reviews this can just be done manually. However if there are hundreds of customers and thousands of reviews then a script is going to need to be written to do the transfer. @30knees, how much data do you have to transfer? Any details about the review system you've been using?
  11. @slick_303 said in Importing customer reviews into a new shop without the customers who gave the review: You could set the customer id to your id.. just a thought, kinda lame, but it would work. It seems like this would make all the reviews appear to have been written by one person.
  12. How were the reviews created originally? I don't think PS has a default review function so I guess you used a module? How hard this will be to do will greatly depend on how the module stored that review information. Can you share the database table structure that the module used to store the reviews? Heading offline for a few hours here but if you can get the db table information I can probably tell you how hard it will be to move that data across.
  13. I used thirty bees cleaner to reset a dev/test platform and it handily removed all the customer and order data. However the tb_mail table was not cleaned. The tb_mail table links to customers by their email address and not by id_customer (seems like a bad design by PS...) and thus if a new customer is created with the same email address as a previously deleted customer the deleted customer's email history will appear in the "LAST EMAILS" section of the BO page for the new customer. Obviously this isn't a massive problem and most people will never encounter it at all. Still, it's customer data and should likely be removed when cleaning the db of customers. Longer term it may be better to include an idcustomer in the tb_mail table rather than just the mail address. Maybe an idorder, too. Seems it would be good to know what emails were sent for which order as well as to have emails tied to a customer even if they change their registered email address.
  14. I think he'll benefit from this over the long term as he is now free of Envato's anti-competitive fees. He could have been paying as low as 12.5% if he sold exclusively on Envato but would have been charged 55% if he had wanted to sell elsewhere too.
  15. Interesting. So I guess there is a difference between the FO and BO code for sending these mails.
  16. @alwayspaws said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: @dynambee I emailed Jonny a quick question about refunds but you and I both know Envat is not going to give refunds. At least that’s what I think. I don’t want a refund. I want continued support for that theme because I really like it. Envato will give refunds if they have a way to force Jonny to pay for them. It looks like Envato pays out only once per month so Jonny's account probably has at least 2 weeks worth of sales income. However since this seems to have happened right around when they pay out (15th) he probably has 6 weeks worth of sales income being held by them. My guess would be that Envato will take any refund requests from that balance and if/when that balance hits zero they will deny further refund requests.
  17. I wouldn't bother with the posts in this thread. It's mostly a sh#tshow between me and a guy who doesn't seem to understand the value of international sanctions.
  18. I'm currently creating some test order data and have been using the bank wire payment option to do this. When payment is by bank wire there are two emails sent, one order confirmation email and a second email with the bank wire payment details. Both of these emails seem to work without any troubles. However in the back office there is a button to "resend email" that should resend the bank wire payment details email. The email is sent, but the bank wire details are missing. The received email looks like this: The message that is sent after placing the order is in exactly the same format but all the details are subbed in as expected.
  19. @alwayspaws said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: I personally am very confident in Jonny Li and his products and he’s going to have his own website or some way of supporting his products and updating them. Jonny has been updating the thread you linked to in your original post and has said that he plans to develop his own site to sell themes on and that he will continue to sell & support the themes. Thinesh (Envato Market Help) Nov 21, 06:26 AEDT A refund is the only option in this case for all the affected buyers. Regards, Thinesh P L2 Help Officer If someone has a way to ask Jonny about these refunds that would be great. If Envato is going to try to force him to pay (maybe from withheld funds they haven't paid him yet) then it would kind of suck for everyone to ask for a refund. However if Envato has to pay those refunds out of their own pocket, having 1,000+ users ask for a refund...
  20. I'm currently generating some test order data to use with the API development I'm doing. I have noticed that after I click "I confirm my order" on the last page of the bank wire checkout/payment process that it takes anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds to process the order and take me to the bank wire payment details page. Everything else on the site is super fast, both in the front and back office. These are small orders with 1 to 3 items per order. As I am doing development work I have all caching turned off. Is this the likely cause? Will it get faster with caching enabled? It's a Cloudways server located about 500km from me. Server is barely used right now, a few very low traffic sites and a few dev & test sites. Using 30bz v1.0.3. Everything on the server feels very fast except this one thing. Ideas?
  21. I see now that @DaoKakao is Russian. That certainly explains his rather odd viewpoint on sanctions considering the Russian economy & currency are currently being decimated by sanctions. There won't be any getting through to him about this topic.
  22. @bzndk said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: Still they are quite locked down if they sell on Envato to keep a good split they can only sell thrue Envato, so the issue here is still did this person buy via Envato, if he did Envato is actually responsible not Jonny. @dynambee People tend to be very critical of large sites like eBay, PayPal, Amazon, Envato, etc. However these sites do not profit by shutting down their seller's accounts. They only profit when the seller is making money on their platform. Therefore they do not like to shut down successful sellers for no reason as it costs them money. Envato's non-exclusive author fees are 55% of the sale price. That's not a typo, they take more than half of every sale. If you are exclusive to Envato then fees are a sliding scale between 12.5% and 37.5%. I do not know what happened in the case of Jonny with Envato but I suspect from Envato's standpoint they felt he knowingly did business with someone in a sanctioned country. Jonny even admitted himself that he "cooperated with an agency from one of those countries in the last few months". If Envato does not ban sellers/developers who break sanctions then Envato risks losing their entire business. It's just not worth the risk.
  23. @bzndk said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: I still wonder how envato got proff of this again if there proff is based on contact form via there page, then they actually is the issue. There is no problem with talking to someone from a sanctioned country, or having someone from a sanctioned country connect to your web site. It's also impossible to block people from visiting your public website, especially technical people. Geoblocking etc is fine but proxies and VPNs exist and will easily get around any sort of Geoblock. The problems happen when they try to do business with you and you accept. "Hey, I'm in Iran so I want to pay you with BTC because I can't use PayPal, Visa, etc." If you say "Sure!" then you're potentially in a lot of trouble. If you say, "Sorry, no can do" then you would generally be fine.
  24. @marci123 said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: Yes sanctions can be a useful tool. However, I think it should only concern the 'big industries'. People like you and me should be able to communicate with developers from those countries and exchange experiences. Being peaceful and friendly between 'normal' humans prevents wars too. There's no problem to communicate with people in sanctioned countries. You can even visit sanctioned countries if you feel safe doing so. However you can not conduct business activities with sanctioned countries.
  25. @daokakao said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: The fact of contacts with prohibited countries isn't so important (in my view) compared to overall hypocritical approch - it is always much easier to punish theme developer than Apple or MS for instance If you think Apple, MS, or other large companies are doing business with Iran, Cuba, or North Korea you're delusional (and I'm starting to think you might be delusional.) I'm sure some products are smuggled into those countries as that is impossible to stop completely but you're not going to find an Apple Store in Tehran or Pyongyang. Anyway, you seem to have a very strange understanding of international relations and diplomacy. There's not much I can do about that so I don't see much point in continuing to discuss this with you.
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