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Everything posted by dynambee

  1. You're welcome to your opinion on hosted email costs but different people place value in different ways. Let's keep this thread on the subject of search.
  2. @Traumflug said in Let's talk about Search!: Does it work with Elastic Search? I didn't try, I just wanted to express that $5/month for just email delivery is a pretty steep price and worth looking for a better solution. Like keeping your current hosting for this email stuff, for example. The $5 a month is paying for guaranteed uptime and a fully managed service. Companies of all sizes use Google Apps for this reason. There are even quite a number of companies with 1000+ users that use use Google Apps or pay a similar amount for hosted Exchange. Properly functioning email is critical to an online business, making sure that it will always work by paying ~17 cents per day per user isn't such a bad deal.
  3. @Traumflug said in Let's talk about Search!: The best mail provider is, IMO, Google. However it costs $5 a month per user. For $5 a month I get a whole hosting solution, including 5 domains and some 50 email addresses. I actually have ~25 different domains that have Google Apps "Standard Edition" on them, the free edition of Google Apps that is no longer available for registration. Every time I bought a domain when it was available I set up Google Apps Standard for that domain, even if I had no immediate plans to make use of it. Each Standard Edition gets 50 users, and it's possible to add new domains to existing accounts in a couple of different ways. So I get the best of both worlds, fully managed email and no charge whatsoever. That said, I think with a bit more time I will self-host email using something like Mail in a Box. There are a few different similar options, I'm not yet sure which one I will go with.
  4. The best mail provider is, IMO, Google. However it costs $5 a month per user. You can have more than one email address for no extra charge but they will all end up in one mailbox. There are other hosted solutions too, such as hosted Microsoft Exchange which can also be very good. Like Google Apps this is typically around $5 a month for a reasonable amount of storage on a reliable host. Zoho offers a free hosted mail service for domains with up to 12 users. There are some caveats however including that there is absolutely no support provided for their free accounts. Zoho is a decent option but it's definitely not as good as Google Apps. In the end you get what you pay for. Cloudways also offers an addon solution, email hosted by Rackspace. I don't know much about this as I haven't tried it (we use Google Apps) but it seems it costs $1/month per email address. If you only need one email address then this might be the easiest & cheapest solution.
  5. We need more users, a longer track record, and a module/theme store. It will take time but when developers see money to be made they will come. If PS goes under and 30bz has a module/theme store then they will come quickly because nothing to lose ar that point. :)
  6. I got a PM on Reddit telling me about 30bz and directing me here to have a look. This was before 30bz launched and I signed up for the mailing list to get more info.
  7. I was very much looking forward to being able to "put my money where my mouth is" and happy to have been able to do so.
  8. Thank you @lesley and @mdekker! A few dollars sent into the project pool. Hope others are willing to contribute as well!
  9. Yes, very happy with Cloudways. They're not perfect but for me they provide a great balance between doing everything myself and being on a shared hosting platform with crappy performance. PHP 7 is fine, fast and stable. MariaDB 10 is better than MySQL 5.6. MariaDB is run by the people who originally developed MySQL before Oracle bought it. Shockingly (lol) Oracle has let MySQL languish so it was forked and MariaDB was born. That said I am still using MySQL for now. Cloudways has also recently upgraded their Elasticsearch offering to 5.4, the current version.
  10. Yeah, I have the same problem both with the blog and in the "new feature request" area. I actually commented about it in one of the feature request threads, here. In the end I created a "dynambee" Disqus account as I gave up trying to log in with my 30bz account. I tried Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, and/or Safari across multiple platforms but was unable to log in with my 30bz username/password. No error is given, it just doesn't work.
  11. Cloudways now supports Elasticsearch 5.4 on all their VPS. This project was completed earlier today and should be available to all users now.
  12. We pay 1.9% directly through PayPal. We'll likely add Stripe to the site once we get things running but the fees will certainly be higher.
  13. No one has any ideas about this? Has using tabs become a bad practice? @Nemo, @mdekker, any thoughts?
  14. @vzex said in Difference between uninstalling and disabling modules?: Can removing the db leftovers from deleted modules be added to the thirtybees cleaner when clicking on clean database? Doing this is possible but it would be all-or-nothing. There is no (realistic...) way for 30bz to know which modules have created which database tables. If you have some modules installed and configured that you want to keep using the cleaner would remove all of those tables, too.
  15. @MockoB That was @Traumflug's statement. I didn't find anything online that contradicted it but I don't know much about favicons except that there are many different types and sizes now.
  16. Okay, so the default icon from 30bz (and I guess PS?) is the gray question mark if the requested type/size of favicon can't be found. A good writeup on favicon types and sizes: https://realfavicongenerator.net/faq
  17. @MockoB said in Front office favicon: Same situation here with the favicon, before it was capital A now is question mark, maybe she changed something ... is there other thirty bees site running which users with apple devices could check, then we will know whether the problem is with the images or not? When I added alwayspaws.com as a bookmark I waited for ~10 seconds or so on the bookmark add page to see if the icon would update from the default "A". After some time the question mark appeared. So I think Saffari was trying to download the icon and when it failed the question mark was used instead.
  18. @wakabayashi said in Front office favicon: https://www.spielezar.ch https://www.chesspoint.ch They should have different icons. What do you see? https://realfavicongenerator.net/faviconchecker?protocol=http&site=www.spielezar.ch https://realfavicongenerator.net/faviconchecker?protocol=http&site=www.chesspoint.ch A lot of missing icons, it would seem. That site also offers a favicon generator that will take an image and build all favicons from it, as well as provide the necessary HTML to make everything work. @mdekker, maybe that HTML could be emulated in 30bz and people could just generate their favicons there? Later perhaps 30bz could have it's own built-in favicon generator using imagemagick.
  19. The tool I linked to in a message above reports a lot of problems with the Always Paws favicon: https://realfavicongenerator.net/favicon_checker?protocol=http&site=alwayspaws.com
  20. @alwayspaws, I haven't visited your website on my iPhone before (7 Plus, iOS 10.3.2) so I just tried it now. Site loads nicely and looks good! Tried to add as a bookmark though and at first there was a big "A" in the favicon area and then after a short time it changed to a question mark icon like seen before. I assume during this time Safari was trying to download the favicon and when the download failed the question mark appeared. So, unfortunately it looks like the favicon issue isn't resolved yet.
  21. It's possible to mix licenses in the same file, too, just messy. As long as substantial and important portions of the overall project are GPL then I'd be fine with that.
  22. It depends on the goals of the license. Permissive licenses like what Brad uses (and more standardized permissive licenses like BSD etc) allow their code to be used in commercial products and don't have a requirement to provide source code. Microsoft uses some BSD code in Windows, for example, and this is perfectly fine. Producing a full search module for 30bz and licensing it with a permissive license would allow anyone to modify the code and then sell the resulting product on the PS store, pocketing the profits. I would have a hard time contributing financially to a 30bz module that could be reused in such a way. I want the module to benefit 30bz, not potentially be modified and sold by someone for PS.
  23. Combining code from BSD-licensed projects (and Brad's license is a permissive license like BSD, Apache, MIT, etc) with GPL-licensed "copyleft" code is messy but not as impossible as I misremembered it to be (my bad). There is a very detailed writeup available on this very practice, including information on mixing code from different licenses inside the same file.
  24. ~~It doesn't allow the software to be relicensed, the current license and the notice must be included. So this code can't be used in a GPL product, for example. It might be usable with, say, a BSD-style license but that type of license doesn't protect the code from being used in a closed-source commercial product.~~ Edit: Incorrect information, corrected in messages below.
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