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Everything posted by dynambee

  1. After monkeying around with grep for a bit I think that perhaps this is the file that needs to be edited: /vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Plugins/RedirectingPlugin.php It's the only place I could find that uses the addTo function. If this is the right file then the following is the code that I think should be added after line 123, becoming the new line 124: $message->addBcc('yourmail@yourmail.com'); I haven't tested this yet, and as always, editing the core files is not recommended and edits will likely be lost after upgrades and need to be reapplied. I will test it out in the next day or two and report back. If it does work then the result would be the BCC email address specified would receive a copy of all emails sent by the 30bz swift mailer.
  2. I agree that receiving copies of the mails sent out would be helpful to store owners, especially during the process of setting up a new store. There is a PS module that does this. However 30bz has revamped the email sending system so I have doubts about if this module will work. There was also a user in the PS forums asking about this same issue who solved it himself with a single line of code. I tried to figure out where to apply similar code in 30bz but have not had much luck. Thanks @30knees If you send updates and don’t hear anything back, you don’t know whether it’s received or in spam. Or even if it went out. Receiving a copy of the message will mean you know with reasonable certainty that a copy was also sent to the customer. However you still won't know if the customer actually received the message, and you won't know if it has been tagged as spam by the customer's mail system. You can test the likelihood of being tagged as spam by testing the 30bz mails with a system like this. It's not the easiest thing in the world to test though as the mail you want to test must be sent to the randomly generated email address. It's possible, you just have to change your test customer's email address to be the address they want you to use, and then have your 30bz site send the mail you want to have checked. I will certainly be doing this but it's really something everyone needs to do with their own site as much of the score depends on how the mails are sent and how the sending domain is set up.
  3. dynambee

    Clear Demo Data

    I'm sure everyone has already seen that there is a "thirty bees cleaner" module now that does a great job of nuking all demo catalog, customer, and order data. (You can find it by searching for "cleaner" ind the modules section of 30bz.) The top two options for deleting catalog data and order & customer data are pretty self explanatory. However what do options 3 & 4 do? "functional integrity constraints" and "database cleaning". I hesitate to use them without knowing at least a little more about what they do...
  4. I had a look through that thread before I wrote my above comments but I didn't actually notice your final post there. I can see the Tools section of that menu for my own posts, but not for anyone else's posts. @mdekker, @lesley, sorry to bother you guys, but any thoughts on this?
  5. That's weird, I can mark my own posts as the correct answer but I can't mark any of your posts as the correct answer. Bug?
  6. I'd like to mark this as solved but even after reading the recent thread about how to mark things solved I can't see any way to do it...
  7. Thank you @mdekker! I guess the changes will become apparent when 1.0.4 is released?
  8. I should add, the above db table data came from a fresh install of v1.0.3 and a fresh install of I actually did both fresh installs to confirm this is a problem with the v1.0.3 release data and not a problem caused by me monkeying with my dev test site.
  9. I've noticed that the demo order data in 30bz v1.0.3 is invalid, in particular the data in the orderdetail table all has the productid set to 0 (zero) and the productname field is still showing the old PS names rather than the new 30bz product names. The productattribute_id values are also odd with some also being zero. Here is how the 30bz v1.0.3 demo data order_detail table appears: And here is how the PS v1.6.1.17 demo data order_detail table appears: All productid values are zero, some productattributeid values are zero, and all productname values are showing PS names instead of the new 30bz values. I discovered this while trying to test some API code and getting odd (zero...) product_id values.
  10. @traumflug said in Phone number validation - problem for some customers: inadvertently included a trailing CR, LF, tab, tripping over such a situation would be a bug. After a little testing it will fail if a tab is included but CR LF seem to be replaced with a space. Using an em dash will also cause validation to fail. My expectation would be that any special character, visible or not (besides CR LF), will cause phone number validation to fail.
  11. @mdekker said in Cart Rules (Vouchers) Issues: Hmmz, interesting idea. I know that you can apply vouchers to the custom payments module and have seen changes like that before to charge extra for certain payment options. Let's see if it's possible to add. The minor changes I made to enable surcharges seem to work without any issues. Unfortunately it's a little beyond my PHP/30bz knowledge to be able to add a maximum value so that discount/surcharge ranges could be created. I think it would be useful for a lot of shops to be able to offer discounts for multiple price range blocks. One discount for orders between $100 and $199.99 but a different discount for orders $200 to $499.99, etc. I did find a module that offers cart value ranges for discounts, among other features. I may end up purchasing it but it really does a lot more than what I need.
  12. My guess would be that for some reason she cut & paste her phone number into the field and inadvertently included a trailing CR, LF, tab, etc. Alternatively if she c&p from Word it could have had the dashes replaced with special characters. Another problem that happens with customers from some countries is they end up using double width numbers instead of half width (aka normal) numbers.
  13. @daokakao said in Cart Rules (Vouchers) Issues: IMHO, since local legislation differs from country to country it could be difficult to reflect in TB all possible modifications around the world. I'm not a programmer, but imho, it could be made as some kind of localization plugins or api? There is no need for such complexity. The Cart Rules system is fairly limited in what it is able to do and could be made much more useful with a few minor tweaks. Especially the ability to use it for surcharges (not only discounts) and the ability to set maximum values, not only minimum values.
  14. @moy2010 said in Transformer & Panda ST-Themes ThemeForest account on Envato has been Suspended :(: Wow, this is utterly wrong. I'm glad my business is not located in the U.S. :S You don't have to be from the US to be affected the sanctions like this. If the US decides you're helping the sanctioned countries you could find your ability to deal with any US companies to be limited or removed. No PayPal, no Stripe, no VISA, MC, or AMEX, etc. I don't know about your business but mine wouldn't survive without the ability to process those types of payments.
  15. I do see Envato's side of this issue as well. The US government is insanely strict about no dealings with certain countries. It's a relatively short list of countries but anyone found to be dealing with those countries faces stiff penalties. If Envato didn't remove sellers found to be transacting with those countries then Envato themselves would be at risk of no longer being able to stay in business. (Envato seems to be based in Australia but if they find themselves no longer able to accept PayPal or any credit cards they wouldn't have much of a business left.) Potentially losing one developer who is very friendly to our community (and seems to make great products) sucks. Losing the entire Envato platform would suck much more.
  16. @lesley said in Updating products from Filemaker ?: I have a client that does this, he puts directly into the database and does not use the API from my understanding. This is what I do for price & stock updates, and is also how I create our somewhat complex 130 country carrier/delivery structure. However for adding products to the database I just use the API. Products only need to be added once so even if there are 100,000 of them letting the API do it's thing (including all the photos) isn't a huge issue.
  17. I usually sleep from 5am to 9am, sometimes 10am, Japan time. Tonight things got a little out of hand and sleep time is going to be shorter than usual...
  18. Thanks so much for the immediate replies. It's 6:18am here in Japan and I haven't had any sleep yet... So I'll be offline for a few hours. :)
  19. Here in Japan shipments with a value exceeding 200,000yen (~$1850 USD) are now charged a $25 fee for export processing. :( There have been a couple of other requests for this that I found online, like here and here so it seems I'm not the first person to hope for something like this. It would also be fantastic to be able to set both a minimum and a maximum price for Cart Rules, rather than only a minimum price. We will have some very small parts to sell soon (~10 cents each, for example) and would like to be able to add a handling surcharge for orders under a certain amount. I think the Cart Rules could become a very powerful tool with a few more options added.
  20. I've added the ability to have Cart Rules with "negative discounts" which become surcharges at checkout. To do this: In the classes directory, edit CartRule.php and search for reduction_amount. Everywhere you find reduction_amount > 0 change it to reduction_amount <> 0 Do the same thing again in Cart.php. There is only one location that needs to be changed in this file, at least in 1.0.3. In the /controllers/admin directory, edit AdminCartRulesController.php. Find the following three lines and comment them out by adding // to the start of each line (in 1.0.3 they are lines 246-248 of the file): if ((int) Tools::getValue('reduction_amount') < 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Reduction amount cannot be lower than zero.'); } Now you can create Cart Rules with negative "discounts" that will become surcharges during the checkout process. Keep in mind that editing the core files is generally a bad idea and that when you update 30bz your edits will be lost. You will need to apply them again if you want to maintain this functionality. Of course it would be fantastic if these small changes could be included in 1.0.4... @mdekker, any thoughts?
  21. Hi all, I've been monkeying with the cart rules and have noticed a few things: A value MUST be set for the "total available" and for "total available for each user" fields. For cart rules / vouchers that are to be automatically applied to all qualifying orders it would be ideal if these values could just be left at 0 and therefore be unlimited. . It's not the end of the world to just set an absurdly high number for each one BUT there is no star in the BO indicating the field is required. It would be great if it was possible to use negative values with Cart Rules to apply a surcharge for certain orders. We have a situation where orders over $2000 need an extra $25 handling charge and being able to apply this as a Cart Rule would be ideal. I tried manually editing the database table to put a negative value in but when a negative value was set the Cart Rule was no longer applied. It would be great if there could be no expiry date set for Cart Rules. Again it is no problem to just set it to 2099 or some other far future date but leaving the field blank and having the rule never expire would certainly be a tidier solution. Being able to set Cart Rules discounts or surcharges based on the payment type would be a killer feature. We take bank wire payments sometimes but for orders under about $1500 we charge a $50 fee for this due to what the bank charges us. Being able to add a description for each Cart Rule that is shown to the customer would make it a lot easier for the customer to understand what discounts or fees they are paying, and why. I'm sure some of these things are easier to implement than others, and I'll probably hack together the "cart rules surcharge" thing myself. Just some thoughts for things that might make cool & useful features for future versions!
  22. @grbfst said in Updating products from Filemaker ?: Hi Ian, This sure helps! I'll get coding. Many thanks, Marc How's the coding going?
  23. I definitely feel bad for him. This type of thing is one of the risks we all face when we trade on top of someone else's platform. They have the ability to pull the plug at any time and for any reason. :(
  24. @30knees said in No carriers available error: I had to re-save the address after turning off “state” to get the state dropped from the address. This makes sense, IMO. It would be very bad if changing a small setting in the back office caused all currently saved addresses to have their "state" data deleted. However it does seem odd that turning off "state required" would stop carriers from working with addresses that have a state saved. That might be a bug that needs to be checked out.
  25. I'm back into website dev mode again, have a test site running with ~3000 products on it. I have a couple more API things to iron out and then I will start monkeying around with the new ES module! Very much looking forward to trying it out. :) Are there any areas in particular that you would like tested?
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