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Everything posted by Acer

  1. Excellent! This is working, thank you 🙂 I assume that this patch is included in 30Bz Bleeding Edge (1.1.x+), hence the reason you didn't encounter it in your initial round of testing?
  2. it looks like this: http://localhost/development/local-dev-sites/new-onlinecopiers/coffee-and-tea/tea/bee-hive/tea
  3. Windows on Xampp PHP 7.2. However, the URL seems to be correct and the other options {tags}, {reference} seem to work just fine...
  4. I've checked this on a fresh install of TB 1.1.0 as well as an upgraded test install from 1.08 to 1.1.0 And I'm still getting this problem.... seems like it has something to do with {manufacturer:/}
  5. This is odd... I'm running TB 1.1.0 and haven't made any other SEO Route changes... If I use {tags} instead of manufacturer - it works. Weird. But as soon as I use {manufacturer:/} it breaks... Even though the manufacturer exists and the path looks correct in the address bar. Eeek...
  6. Weird, I'm still getting 404... (cleared cache, generated new htaccess) Am I missing a step? Is there a 're-index' I need to do somewhere? Have you tried this on your local?
  7. Thanks, I've done this - but no change... (New htaccess, Cleared TB cache, Browser cache = nadda )
  8. Hi Interesting that this doesn't handle multi-language. I understand your frustration. In my case, the problem was that it wouldn't update the feature on CSV import, it would keep on adding values to it. Hence the 'solution' above that effectively nukes the product features every time there is an import and replaces the features with the new ones specified in the CSV import. Impact on multi-lang wasn't even a thought... I guess my question to you is: is the reason you were looking at this post because you were using the free module "Advanced Feature values" as above? Because the reason the CSV import would add and not replace feature values is because of the functionality added by this module. If you're not using this module, then the modifications above are not necessary - and could possibly cause unnecessary headaches. Anyway, I know this is an older post, just thought I'd provide some feedback.
  9. Hi I'm trying to add the manufacturer to the Product route, like so: {categories}{/:manufacturer:/}{rewrite} The URL appears to be correct, and the product URL seems to reflect the new URL... But I keep on getting 404... What am I doing wrong here? Your help is appreciated.
  10. Hi guys Just out of curiosity: Any update on incorporating this into TB? And how do we get it into TB? @Traumflug
  11. Ok cool, thanks
  12. Interesting... so the download and run "For_a4.php" file step is not necessary if you're running Panda v1 for 30Bz?
  13. Awesome, thank you
  14. Hi Jonny I've tried the module and it works awesomely! Just a few minor fix suggestions, if I may? When you get a sec, maybe rename the module name from "Prestashop 1.6 / 1.7" as this one is for TB only? The screenshot on the module page is extremely small - and it's easy to miss the && Update the 'code to add' to && !isset($route['params']['fc']) Excellent support, really awesome... Once again: thank you 😀 Also - thanks for providing this module for free - it has not gone unnoticed.
  15. Perfect, thank you
  16. Update: Ok good news: Jonny and co has come back to me, saying that they are currently developing a FREE module for 30Bz to fix the ID issue for Panda Blog URLs 😀 Thanks @Jonny Will keep you posted when it's been released.
  17. Hi Haylu Panda / ST Theme has a solution - I think prompted by your original post of the ST Forums. https://www.sunnytoo.com/forums/topic/lazy-load-of-images Solution: https://www.sunnytoo.com/13194/integrate-advanced-search-4-module-work-transformer-theme-panda-theme As I have as yet to install Advanced Search 4 - please may I ask you try to see if these instructions still work on your latest version?
  18. It's got a built-in slide show for one + caters for videos. Plus - it's visible to the Panda Menu system which is just so cool - because with TB Blog, you need to add the URLs manually (like static URLs) - not so cool. Plus it has: Featured Blog Articles (select from Blog Category + column and home page slider), Comments, Blog Search, Related Articles, Blog tags and more. It also has additional sliders and lots more styling and layout options available. I'm sure there's more - don't have time to compile complete comparison list at the mo.
  19. Oww.. that doesn't sound good. So it may have to be the TB Blog module then... which isn't all that bad mind you (imo). And thank goodness it actually has a decent one (thanks TB team). Just Panda is something else in general (in terms of being wow) + the Panda Blog and Blog functionality is pretty cool. Still waiting for feedback from @Jonny and I guess we'll take it from there...
  20. Indeed - initially Jonny came back to me "saying just purchase the module", it'll work. Now he's just mailed me saying "So sorry, I installed the module on my TB demo site, it can't work fine, don't buy it." Lol - so now I asked him if he knows of a solution. Obviously @Jonny is welcome to join this thread discussion 😉
  21. Thanks for the feedback guys. This is ST themes so it's Jonny and co. (Panda) I've asked about the native TB rewrite. Will provide feedback when I hear back from them.
  22. Wise words indeed and agreed. And Lol - another thing to add to the "let's not discuss list" at parties, next to "religion, politics, etc." And woahah! - the price and time to do this just seems insane. Thanks for checking that module... ST Themes recommended maybe this module - mind having a quick squiz at the features pls? https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/prestashop-removing-ids-urls-module-seo-friendly
  23. Look, maybe from a technical point of view and from a developer's point, maybe it's not a problem. However aesthetics do matter and from an SEO / Marketing expert's point of view, it's a big deal. Also I've asked the Panda team - but so no solution so far. That's why I'm asking the TB community - to check if you guys maybe have a solution?
  24. Good to know, however lazy load is critical in improving page load speed (plus it looks cool) - so it needs to be sorted somehow before we can go 4.12.9. I don't suppose any one here know the fix for the Lazy loading issue? @Jonny
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