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Everything posted by Acer

  1. Am I really too nervous or do I not have a point? Will these modules work in Bleeding edge and future versions? I'm currently running on 1.1.0. Thirtybees needs the existing PS 1.6 modules to work. It just doesn't have a large enough developer base and store to fill that gap. Advanced Search 4 is not crap. Latest version is working very fast on our store - and its features are a business requirement. In terms of "Multiple features for a value" come on? When was it proposed, more than 3 years ago and still nothing? Hence a free PS 1.6 module that works great. I even got the developer to reach out to TB and donate it to the Core... but no, not priority to implement - @datakick confirmed this. I mean even PS 1.7 has Multiple values for a feature now... And yes, you can do a lot with "vanilla TB" - but other modules are there to fill unique and other business requirements. Not every need will be met with vanilla TB. TB is built on the PS 1.6 foundation. Many people rely on PS 1.6 themes and modules and need to know that these will work going forward. Like in future TB 1.1.4 for example. I mean, you can still run some Win XP / 2000 programs in Windows 10. No need to destroy the foundation on every evolution... Would be great if we could also get some feedback from the team.
  2. Wow. This comment is very disconcerting. And I don't believe that I'm the only one in the community that feels like this. My face felt like it went a little pale when I read this... Cuts?? The Point: TB is PS 1.6 The entire point of TB was to take care of the thousands of PS 1.6 stores that were suddenly left adrift by Presta with the 1.7 shift. And to provide a better PS 1.6 than the actual 1.6 and continue with the PS 1.6 improvements and bug fixes and new PHP versions etc. And to be largely compatible with most existing 1.6 modules and themes. Essentially a continuation of PS 1.6. This is the very reason merchants and developers migrated over to TB from 1.6 in the first place. For the most part, it was a painless process. We need a solid foundation on which to build We don't need shifting sands. We need stability and certainty and backwards compatibility. Most stores have external third-party 1.6 modules that were designed for the original PS 1.6 and that work just fine with TB 1.1.0. If these modules do not work with a later version of TB, then the stores will grind to a halt. With no TB alternatives... For example: Advanced Search 4 - great PS 1.6 version - lotsa people use it. If it doesn't work - major deal breaker. The built in layered navigation is not a suitable substitute... Panda theme (even though it's been updated to 1.1.0) - contains great modules that come with the package, like: Mega Menu, ST Easy Content, ST Blog, ST Related Products, etc. + Revolution slider (packaged with Panda). And yes, it beats the Community theme hands down in many many ways. $75? Worth it and more. + Advanced Feature Values (multiple values for a feature - free module, created for PS 1.6, works in TB). + Some great little modules by @Nemo (mass tax rule update, etc) and Vekia (Hook creator) and many more. Like on this list: https://thirtybees.com/partners/compatible-modules/ If this all of a sudden doesn't work in TB 1.1.2+ for example, my store and lots of other stores will be dead in the water. PS 1.6 module compatibility: Losing PS 1.6 module compatibility is not ok and will cause merchants and developers to migrate away from TB unfortunately. As the whole point of them coming here would be nullified. It feels like the initial point of the project may be getting lost. And one day, we as developers and merchants will see TB 1.1.3, and won't be able to upgrade. The nett result is that merchants will be leaving in droves. If this happens TB will die. And while it's dying its user base will dwindle, and it will be seen as just another 'niche' project until its eventual slow, sad and painful death. Somehow it feels like a silent f u to the merchants and developers. If this happens we will be left in the lurch. Like the carpet is suddenly pulled out from under our feet.. It will almost be as bad as what happened with the Magento 1 to Magento 2 story. Hundreds of thousands of stores completely 'abandoned' by Magento - because upgrading to Magento 2 easily is virtually impossible due to change of architecture and module incompatibilities. And Presta? PS 1.6 to PS 1.7 - I don't even have to mention the complete f'up that that was? I mean I'm typing this in the official Thirtybees forum after all, no? The point is - I'm not saying that our stuff is not working or that this is the TB plan... I'm just making the point that we want PS 1.6 compatibility going forward. That's why we are here. We believe in TB and have spend money and hundreds of hours creating stores for it. We appreciate the effort the team and community have put into it. I for one, want to know that as far as the modules I'm using today is concerned, when they're running on TB 1.1.4+ in a few years from now, the modules think that they're running on PS 1.6. And everything works as it should. I'd love to hear from the TB team what they think about this and I think some clarity would be great for all of us. @Traumflug @lesley @datakick
  3. Hi @rubben1985, thanks. This is just so that @datakick has a clearer idea of the issue you've been getting in Panda with TB Bleeding edge. And to be clear, Panda has been updated to work in 1.1.0 which is what I'm using. And this problem appears to be in Panda with TB 1.1.x Bleeding edge...
  4. Also @rubben1985 can you detail your issue here again as well please?
  5. More detail and specifics about the problem here:
  6. Thanks @rubben1985 for the update. Really appreciate it, I'm sure that others that are using Panda and have a concern about next TB release appreciate this also. Had a feeling that Jonny's delay or silence could be Corona related. Phew, at least he appears to be ok. May it stay that way.
  7. Sorry, but your comment does not make any sense. Bizarrely, the forum is where most people come to report bugs (as you can see in most forum posts), and as you put it "have a communication channel with the developers". It's also where the developers have assisted us normal users to sort out problems and bugs on many occasions (yourself included). These solutions in some cases get filed by the developers as issues in Github and hopefully get sorted out and included in the next release. Also, if what you say is true, then why did you create a forum post specifically for Bug hunts for the next 1.1.1 release? And funny that, why is there a Bug Report Topic in the Forums? And, maybe if the forum isn't a "communication channel" with the developers, then maybe you can direct us to the correct communication channel for the developers? Is there a Slack channel we could join for example?
  8. No not at all, no offence taken 🙂 However, imo, experience has also shown that sometimes it's the one "outlier guy" who finds a "very real" bug that no one else has seen before. Maybe a unique use-case. So no, I feel that each "bug report" whether it's reported by many people or just by one should be taken seriously and not just written off to "Server issue / external module". It's silly, because it's a very real bug that could get ignored. Only to blow up in everyone's faces later down the line when 1.1.1 gets released, when everyone catches up and uses the faulty feature all of a sudden and "boom". Also, while we're talking about this - I've noticed somewhat worryingly that even if multiple people (i.e. more than 1 person) reports a bug, it seems that all we hear from the team is silence / crickets. It's like the team fell off the planet or something...
  9. Same error here as the original post. Not sure if it is actually Panda related though... Now that it's more that one person that is experiencing this problem, maybe it would get looked into or seen as a 'real issue'?
  10. Ok, fair point. However, you're hinting that if it's only one person, it gets ignored. As I see there's still not proper solution to Alan's post on February 6. What's bizarre is that I don't think it's a Panda issue. Everything was fine and then seemingly randomly when I tried to create a new Category this error occurred. Also, it seems that there's been a similar problem and even an older one in PS 1.7, 1.6 going back years. Seems like one of those deep / unresolved errors... https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/952960-backend-8-undefined-index-category-error/ Maybe someone can provide a solution?
  11. Hi Running TB 1.1.0 (with latest Panda): I'm getting the following strange errors when I try to create a new Category in Admin / Back-end I've made no changes to AdminCategoriesController.php. Notice on line 638 in file AdminCategoriesController.php [8] Undefined index: category Notice on line 647 in file AdminCategoriesController.php [8] Undefined index: medium The only category related thing I did recently was removing some duplicated main categories that somehow got created on CSV Import... Your help is appreciated in advance.
  12. Totally agree. It should stay in Core. One of the main features that used to be "advertised" for TB was its great and fast caching and Page cache functionality. This is not just for "advanced" users, and provides an immediate and measurable site speed boost for most sites (including those that use custom templates), with no issues in most cases. + Very simple and easy to configure. I still use it and I'm sure many others still use it too.
  13. Does anyone know if this TB Bleeding Edge + Panda caching issue has been resolved? @rubben1985
  14. MyPresta HTML Box link if anyone is interested (though with TB's built-in HTML block this one is actually not needed): https://mypresta.eu/modules/front-office-features/html-box.html Some great Free Modules from MyPresta: https://mypresta.eu/prestashop/tag/for-free/ And yes, most of these modules are Thirtybees compatible. Bytw: MyPresta is the company of great Prestashop legend Vekia - used to be very active on the PS forums for years and supplied excellent help and modules...
  15. @Traumflug @datakick @Jonny Please may we ask you to shed some light on this?
  16. Hi I'm curious, did you get an answer or solution to this issue? A lot of us are running Panda, so if there's a problem with Panda + 1.1.x bleeding edge...
  17. So I encountered the same problem now with TB 1.1.0 and latest "nocaptcharecaptcha" module... I can confirm that Datakick's fix above works. For those of us with an existing override, this post will help. Module Update Request please: Can Datakick's fix please be incorporated into the module and pushed as update? https://github.com/thirtybees/nocaptcharecaptcha/issues/5 New users / developers will continue to experience this problem until it's been patched. Also, I'm sure (from what I've seen in this thread) that there are merchants that think this is working when it's actually not.
  18. For those of us with an existing ContactController override: Ok confirmed, the reason why it wasn't working on my side is because I already had an override for ContactController as stated above. Used the new ContactController file as created by the "nocaptcharecaptcha module" as main. Identified Nemo's code from previous override and pasted into new main override (the entire "if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')) {}" code block) Commented out "return parent::postProcess();" from the "nocaptcharecaptcha" module. Now everything works as expected. For those with no previous ContactController override: The following works: Go to "override\controllers\front\ContactController.php" and replace all occurrences of Module::isEnabled('NoCaptchaRecaptcha') with Module::isEnabled('nocaptcharecaptcha') As per DataKick's post here Hopefully this gets patched and rolled out as update to "nocaptcahrecaptcha" module.
  19. I still think the module should be patched and pushed as update, as people have been downloading 1.1.0 with this bug, activating Captcha and just assuming that it was working correctly... However, I think that the reason why the "fix" is not working for me at the moment is because I already have an override for ContactController. My override is a result of implementing Nemo's "add additional field to Contact form" post. (http://nemops.com/adding-new-fields-to-prestashop-contact-form/#.XjkioCOxWUl) Will see what I can do to merge the two and will give update.
  20. Hi Nope, this doesn't work :( @datakick mentions here to do the following: "you edit override file (\override\controllers\front\ContactController.php) and replace all occurrence of Module::isEnabled('NoCaptchaRecaptcha') with Module::isEnabled('nocaptcharecaptcha') " For me, there's only one instance of the title case "NoCaptchaRecaptcha" in this file and replacing it with lowercase does not work. Contact form still bypasses Captcha. Can this module not be patched with the fix and pushed as an update? Like the other TB modules (Beez Blog etc)?
  21. Hi Tried implementing NoCaptcha Re-Captcha on the Contact form (using TB 1.1.0 with Panda with latest Captcha module) But the Captcha validation is being skipped, so the form allows you to post without Captcha validation. Login attempts is set to 0. I see this has been reported as a bug a while back, but not seeing any updates? Also, it appears to be mentioned in the thread below, but no apparent solution? https://github.com/thirtybees/nocaptcharecaptcha/issues/5 https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2400-2400/no-captcha-recaptcha-installed-but-start-receiving-spam-mails-again/#comment-23808 Is there perhaps a temporary fix that I can implement in the code until a bug fix becomes available? There is a javascript error that occurs after the form has been submitted (in case this is relevant): recaptcha__en.js:515 Uncaught Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be an element or id at Object.lS [as render] (recaptcha__en.js:515) at onloadCallback (contact-us:299) at WY (recaptcha__en.js:518) at recaptcha__en.js:511 at Qo (recaptcha__en.js:504) at Cc (recaptcha__en.js:511) at recaptcha__en.js:519 at recaptcha__en.js:539
  22. Acer

    Any news on Lesley?

    He himself mentioned this in a thread. Community all wished him well here. So... Is it wrong asking how the guy is doing? Not asking for private info bytw.
  23. Acer

    Any news on Lesley?

    The reason is that he as come out and mentioned this himself (in the thread included below). This comes from a genuine sense of caring and well-wishes from myself and it seems from others. Unfortunately, it's now become awkward... All we wanted to know is how he is doing (not private specifics of course). He happens to be a big part of TB... It's great that you guys are missing the point here...
  24. Acer

    Any news on Lesley?

    Hehehe. Look, I asked 18+ hours ago. I think it's reasonable to do a follow up, to keep this post / thread alive. If you want to make a comment, you can ask the team guys why they haven't bothered to reply?
  25. Acer

    Any news on Lesley?

    Can the team give us an update please? @datakick @Traumflug @wakabayashi @lesley
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