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Everything posted by Acer

  1. TB 1.4 breaks modules that play with that class causing them to error out. I've had 2 modules break already. If people just update to 1.4, they could encounter problems. Also, right now I'm running 1.4 (for the benefit of running latest + security patches) on PHP 7.2, but will be running on PHP 7.4 when the site goes Live. Running on PHP 7.4 isn't the issue, TB 1.4 is... well technically PHP 8 is the issue, but I'm sure you get what I'm saying 😉 Maybe TB 1.4 can have a flag to support Attribute instead of ProductAttribute - for those who want to run 1.4 but aren't running PHP 8.0 currently? Perhaps this could help in the meantime while a potentially better solution is being worked on?
  2. Hi @datakick Thought I'd let you know: I encountered another 3rd party module with the Attribute / ProductAttribute issue (CSV Import Products by GloBo). All was working fine in 1.3 until I tried to do a product attribute update in 1.4 edge with the module and then it threw an error. The log file revealed that it was the Attribute/ProductAttribute issue, and the module worked again after I followed your fix instructions. The thing is that most people will think that their 1.3 site upgraded to 1.4 is running fine (mine appeared fine). Until they try to use their 3rd party modules to do something fancy, like updating product combinations/attributes. I'm not sure what the plan is regarding releasing 1.4, but I know that unless it includes the Mechanism that you mentioned that scans and updates affected 3rd party modules, then people will run into issues with 1.4 sooner or later. For those encountering an error with "Attribute Class not found", you can follow DataKick's fix instructions here:
  3. Working now, thank you. I appreciate it 👍
  4. Awesome, thanks for the explanation and solution. I will implement accordingly. Bytw, I particularly like your idea of the mechanism to fix 3rd party modules automagically. But I can appreciate the complexity and hornet's nest involved in that one. Also just last question for now @datakickWhen I started building this site, PHP 7.2 was kinda still fine with 7.3 recommended, with the dev site running 7.2. Assuming that Panda and other third party modules will still work, which PHP version do you recommend for the live site? Should I go for 7.4?
  5. So I've just purchased this module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sizes-units/24128-product-combination-attribute-dimensions.html#specifications But I'm getting the following error (Running TB 1.4 on PS 7.2): ThirtyBeesException Class 'Attribute' not found in file modules/combinationdimensions/classes/AttributeDimension.php at line 85 Source file: modules/combinationdimensions/classes/AttributeDimension.php 66: 67: /** 68: * Get saved attributes from DB 69: * @return array 70: */ 71: public static function getSavedAttributes() 72: { 73: return Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cd_attribute_dimensions'); 74: } 75: 76: /** 77: * Method to modify saved attributes for helper list 78: * @return array 79: */ 80: public static function getListAttributes() 81: { 82: $attributes = AttributeDimension::getSavedAttributes(); 83: 84: foreach ($attributes as &$attribute) { 85: $att = new Attribute($attribute['id_attribute']); 86: $attribute['attribute_value'] = $att->name[Context::getContext()->language->id]; 87: $attribute['height'] = (float) $attribute['height']; 88: $attribute['width'] = (float) $attribute['width']; 89: $attribute['depth'] = (float) $attribute['depth']; 90: } 91: 92: return $attributes; 93: } 94: 95: /** Is there something I need to change in the code here, please @datakick ?
  6. Ok found it. The folder name is update1.5.5 Unzip the installation, then copy the contents of the update folder into the Panda installation folder, then install Panda.
  7. It's a folder within the Panda zip. I think it's called 1.15 or something. Will probably check tomorrow. But you'll recognise it immediately when you see it. Got a bunch of folders in it.
  8. Enable debug mode. Advanced Perimeters -> Performance - > debug. Try again and see. You can also check out the log file in the site logs directory
  9. Another way is to include the Google analytics or tag manager code in the theme directly, which is what I've done. Find the header or footer template file for the theme that is being used then paste the code in a literal container tag. Like so {literal} Google script here {/literal} You'll need to clear the site cache afterwards ofc. Advanced Perimeters -> Performance - > Clear cache
  10. From what I recall the Panda patch could've fixed something with the config file and hooks. It was a while back when dk made some changes to the way the themes read that xml or something then Sunny had to patch Panda. The installation folder contains the patch. Unzip the installation and copy the patch into it, then use this new folder for the theme install. Let us know if you came right please. I'm curious to see what the problem was and how it was fixed and if the patch helped. Also if it works on a fresh TB with patched Panda, then you know it's likely something to do with the old site migrate and not the theme.
  11. More monetary support and more paid support work will help TB grow so we can get more devs. Obviously there are things that TB management needs to do to bring in more users / theme devs. But that's another story. Right, Chiel? @Smile Right now TB needs our support. Both for their sakes and ours. We like running one of the best opensource eCommerce platforms out there and want it to continue and get better, right?
  12. Also if you need any help and it's small enough not for paid support, you can always ask here in the forums and include Datakick. Thanks to @datakick, @Smile and the supporters who have kept TB alive. There's more to be done and room for improvement ofc, but at least it's alive and active.
  13. Remember to patch Panda before you install it and try a fresh install of TB first. If it's possible to do the migration after.
  14. Not knowing the exact details of what you are trying to do here makes this a bit difficult. But maybe try a fresh TB install, patch Panda then install Panda first before you do the migration...?
  15. @musicmaster I recently installed Panda on a 1.3 installation and didn't encounter any issues. Same installation is now running 1.4 bleeding edge and so far no issues. I suggest you try again and if it still doesn't work reach out to the ST themes forums for support as you should have support available after you purchased the theme. Also please post the solution here for anyone else that may encounter the same problem. PS: from what I remember there was a patch folder for TB in the installation zip. Think you should copy it and try it.
  16. Good man. And it's BS 1.7 bytw. I totally agree with you there. Though don't get me wrong I'm grateful that TB is still running and the work that Smile and Datakick have been doing, I'm sure that all of us appreciate it. Because honestly this project in this form could've been dead already. @Smile
  17. Hehehe I was just being cheeky. I was pointing out that you're running BS 1.7 on that site instead of TB 😜
  18. Like isn't it supposed to be running TB instead of BS 1.7?
  19. Shouldn't this be a TB site already? 😜
  20. Panda still runs fine and is mature. It has support in terms of tech and bug support still. It is a solid foundation and has the flexibility to match any of those themes if you have a capable front-end developer to shape it as you wish. It doesn't really need to be updated, perhaps with a new preset layout/design to match the fancy new themes, but not necessary imo. Either way, from what I can gather, it's the best paid theme for TB right now.
  21. Panda is an excellent theme. It's extremely versatile and has a bunch of really powerful modules packaged with it. There's no need for the latest bootstrap or whatever. The theme is modern and is mobile responsive ready. On top of that it comes with great support. I've built 3 TB sites with it, customised the shit out of it and remain happy. It's a great foundation for your online store. You can shape it as you see fit. What more do you need?
  22. But how did you resolve the need for it?
  23. Hi there @led24ee So I'm interested in purchasing this module and wanted to know your experience with it? Did you land up going with it or did you find some free alternative?
  24. Does this work in TB. Can we apply verbatim?
  25. Yeah I just found the code block as you mentioned before and did not go line specific. And ran the URL checker plus cleaner script as referenced in the articles you guys posted. Thankfully my sites are clean. Anyway, appreciate the posts. It's nice that there is still a TB community with fellow TBers 👍 Thanks again. I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank Google Translate 😉 If it wasn't for you buddy, everything would be French for me or better, Czech. You help me make sense if it all 🙂
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