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Everything posted by Acer

  1. Hi Traumflug, thanks for comment about the code. For me, and it appears for others as well, this is an actual problem, as resizing the browser window or clicking on another menu item to collapse the menu just feels unnecessary and frustrates the UX. In terms of the 'workaround' that you mentioned: as it seems that this problem has been around since many previous versions of PS 1.6 (if I recall) and TB - it appears that no one has come around to it as yet... Can you perhaps show us the workaround you suggested and where to update the code to implement? As it's so 'easy', and as the menu system is already pretty complex... many of us here are not as familiar with the system as yourself and the other senior TB devs here. Hence the reason I went with my 'solution' to fix this issue. For me, this solved a real problem and is nice to use until a better solution becomes available. Your workaround would be appreciated. Also, as the default behavior when a menu item is active, is to expand the submenu, not hover, thereby giving feedback on which sub item you're on (without having to hover on the parent menu item) - it's going to be interesting to see how your suggestion behaves / functions when it's implemented.
  2. Hi As I'll be moving the site from Local to Staging to Live, and do not want to use hardcoded static URLs for my links and images, I need to use some sort of baseURL (from what I can gather). I've noticed that smarty has $base_dir, $base_dir_ssl and $base_uri? As the different environments have different SSL setups (some with and some without), should I not just use base_uri? What exactly is base_uri and can I use it as a good baseURL identifier that changes according to the domain the site is on? Also, if the user adds an image to a CMS page on one environment (the normal way by using TinyMce and not a baseUrl 'enchancement'), does that path need to be updated again manually when the site is moved to another domain?
  3. Hi guys Problem: One some menus, screen resolutions and window sizes: I've encountered a niggling issue in the Admin menu (for me at least), where long Admin menu items can cause the next menu items to not be reachable (as there is no expand / contract or scrolling functionality on the menu). The only way to access the menu items below this menu (as far as I know) is to literary go to another menu item to force the large one to contract (wtf). Solution: For me this hampers the user experience a bit. And maybe because I'm used to accordion menus... To make my life easier, I've written a little jQuery solution that can be added to the Admin menu js. This solution creates an expand / contract icon next to an Active menu item (that has a submenu and when the menu is not in the collapsed state). And without having to navigate to another menu item, it expands / contracts the active menu accordingly. The hover / fly over menu is still available. This is my first attempt at writing some code for TB, and I've decided to share it with the community. Hope it provides some value. Instructions Go to admin***\themes\default\js\admin-theme.js Find: function navSidebar() { var sidebar = $('#nav-sidebar'); sidebar.off(); $('.expanded').removeClass('expanded'); $('.maintab').not('.active').closest('.submenu').hide(); After $('.maintab').not('.active').closest('.submenu').hide(); insert the following code: /// Expand Contract Icon for Active Admin Menu Items /// // Set text for expand / contract tooltip var tooltipcontract = 'Contract dropdown menu'; var tooltipexpand = 'Expand dropdown menu'; var expandicon = '+'; var contracticon = '-'; // Finds active admin menu item and generates expand/contract icon element in opened state $('.maintab.active.has_submenu').find('a:eq(0)').append('<div class="expandcontracticon expandcontracticon-open" title="' + tooltipcontract + '">' + contracticon + '</div>'); $('.expandcontracticon').attr('style', 'background-color: #2F3237; width: 10%; float: right; margin-right: 5px; display: block; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;'); // Binds expand / contract functionality to icon $('.expandcontracticon').on('click', function (e) { // Prevents the menuitem a element from opening the default link when the icon is clicked: e.preventDefault(); /// Ensures all submenus are hidden $('.maintab').removeClass('active'); $('.maintab').removeClass('hover'); // Checks open/closed state: var checkifopen = $(this).hasClass('expandcontracticon-open'); // Does sub menu work on menu item for active and not active states // Changes icon's +- text and title tooltip depending on state if (checkifopen == true) { // If the current state is opened, close the submenu and display 'expand/+' state $(this).html(expandicon); $(this).removeClass('expandcontracticon-open'); $(this).addClass('expandcontracticon-closed'); $(this).attr('title', tooltipexpand); } else { // If the current state is closed, show the submenu and display 'contract/-' state $(this).html(contracticon); $(this).parent('a').parent('li').addClass('active'); $(this).removeClass('expandcontracticon-closed'); $(this).addClass('expandcontracticon-open'); $(this).attr('title', tooltipcontract); } }); // Checks if the Sidebar is collapsed and hides / shows icon accordingly // Check on page load $('.page-sidebar-closed').find(".expandcontracticon").hide(); $("body").not('.page-sidebar-closed').find(".expandcontracticon").show(); // Check on Toggle Sidebar menu button action and hides the icon as it's not required on collapsed sidebar // Slight timeout to allow for page-side-bar-closed class to be applied first sidebar.find('.menu-collapse').on("click", function () { setTimeout(function () { $('.page-sidebar-closed').find(".expandcontracticon").hide(); $("body").not('.page-sidebar-closed').find(".expandcontracticon").show(); }, 100); }); /// *** *** /// Save, refresh and party 😄 Hope it helps 🙂
  4. Great, thanks - I assume the "home" fix is going to be included in future Naria / TB release?
  5. Thanks for clarifying. Would be cool to have this separate in the future though (not that it's a big one, just a nice to have). Will instruct our users to access it through a CMS page in the meantime. Thanks
  6. Hi MusicMaster Thanks great suggestion. Maybe add the link to the download here? Also, any other notable module and resources (tutorials, useful tips) that you can think of?
  7. Thanks for the feedback... Darn, this kinda sucks. Will create feature request in near future...
  8. Is there no way to include this baseUrl or ShopUrl in a tag somehow that we can then reuse wherever in Admin (product edit, URL link)? Similar to Smarty's {$baseurl} As creating static links to blog posts for example is going to become very difficult to maintain imo...
  9. Hi To clarify: This is in the context of adding a static link to a blog post in the Main Menu (Admin) or anywhere else in Admin. So whether I'm on the 'Edit product details page' or creating a link in the Main Menu to a static blog post URL, I'd like to be able to do the following: {baseurl}/blog/blog-post-name
  10. Hi Because the URL you've given will give you a 404 on Local (takes you all the way to the localhost root) My test blog post name is 'this-is-a-test'. So using your URL it would be /blog/this-is-a-test: Also, if you try something like this (no initial forward slash): blog/this-is-a-test It works until you browse the site for a bit, then try to access the link on the menu again - then you get this:
  11. Hi As there are many PS 1.6 and TB experts here, I'm wondering if you guys mind sharing some ThirtyBees and Prestashop 1.6 Secrets and great tips / resources? As I'm still learning, I'm constantly looking for great tips and insights into this awesome e-commerce platform (a well deserved kudos to the team and administrators bytw 😉 ) I've found some great tutorials by @Nemo, @lesley and @Vekia (PS 1.6). However, I'm hungry for more hidden and secret tips to help me and by extension, the TB community on our ThirtyBees journey. A nice example would be PS 1.6 and TB Secret Tips, "PS 1.6 Master Course", Admin shortcodes (if they exist 😉 ) and more. I'm currently working on a TB project for work, so a bit busy on this side, but I've encountered a few useful shareable tips / tricks while looking for specific project solutions. In the spirit of sharing and strengthening the knowledge base, I will endeavor to share whatever useful tips I encounter along the way - when I have the time in between focusing on the project. Also, regarding Free Modules, perhaps we can have a Free Modules Section on the Forum (not the market place)? Nemo Tutorials and Tips and Tricks: http://nemops.com/prestashop-101-series/ http://nemops.com/category/tutorials/tips/ http://nemops.com/category/tutorials/basics/ http://store.nemops.com/5-free-modules (modules) https://www.youtube.com/user/NemoPostScriptum/videos (Nemo's Channel on YouTube - great video resource) Vekia (MyPresta, the original): https://mypresta.eu/en/art/prestashop-16/ https://mypresta.eu/en/art/tips-and-tricks/ https://mypresta.eu/en/art/know-how/ https://mypresta.eu/prestashop/tag/for-free/ (modules) DH42 (Lesley) https://dh42.com/blog/ https://dh42.com/free-prestashop-modules/ (modules)
  12. Hi I've been creating static links to TB Blog pages on the Main Menu, but because I'm working on three different environments, the base URLs will be different. So when I move the site from Local to Staging and eventually to Live, I'll need to remember to update the base URLs every time. I've noticed in the SEO section that there are a few "shortcodes" being used, like: {categories:/}{rewrite}{/:selected_filters} Is there one for baseurl that can be used for a URL in Menu admin? Like: URL: {baseurl}/blog/myblogpostpage Also, is there a list of all the 'secret' shortcodes for PS 1.6 / TB for Admin (even product admin)? I'm aware of some nice Smarty variables for the front-end, but here I'm specifically interested in something similar for the BO Admin.
  13. Hi Is there a way to access the FileManager directly, i.e. add a link to it in the Admin Menu? I know you can access it through a CMS page, but this feels like an unnecessary run around. Is there a more direct way? I tried creating an Admin Menu item, but not sure what the class is and I'm getting Controller not found...
  14. Hi Zen This works, thank you. Although with the caveat that it's a temporary, Naria specific issue as you mentioned. Hopefully it get's sorted in future release. Thanks again.
  15. Hi Using 30Bz 1.1.0 Naria theme: On a Blog Post: It seems that the images for related products are not being displayed... I see this has been asked here as well - any solution? https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/3505-niara-theme-glitches-discussion/?tab=comments#comment-30768 Note: this appears to be working in the Community Default theme though. Screenshot of it not working in Naria:
  16. Thanks, datakick, I appreciate it 🙂 Regarding my other requirements: For "Contact form on Product page" - I've been following Nemo's PS tutorial: "Ajax Contact Form on Contact Page" For the most part, it appears to be working - but further testing is required - it seems I may have to modify the error state in the jQuery, but so far so good. For now it seems like it's working 🙂 https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/564724-creating-an-ajax-contact-form-on-the-product-page/ http://nemops.com/prestashop-ajax-contact-form/#.XYN8VSgzaUl Just a question regarding "Adding a new field to the Contact Form": I've found Nemo's Tutorial, but not sure if it will still work... I will try to implement, but could be a while before I provide feedback... Is there a better or easier way to do this? http://nemops.com/adding-new-fields-to-prestashop-contact-form/#.XYOCMCgzaUk
  17. Ok wow... I've check it out, turns out it's not just a simple "Contact form sending a mail" module. No, it's a fully fledged "Customer Service System" with tickets, 'reply direct from system', messages timeline, and more. Wow... 🤗 Sure, a built-in Captcha system would've been a nice addition (not to mention adding fields from the BO admin - I'm pushing it, I know 😉) + I need to figure out how to leverage this on the product page, but still... Much more than I expected! 30Bz continues to impress! 😀
  18. Thanks for the reply SeaSky. And the form submissions, are they viewable in the BO admin somewhere? Also can you specify or change the to and cc addresses?
  19. Hi I'm learning TB and trying to get more familiar with it. I have a couple of questions regarding the contact form: Are the Contact page form submits saved somewhere and if so, where can I access this? Also where do you set the to and cc addresses?
  20. For me so far, the "slash" problem has only happened on the Core Updater as well as causing a "minor" js error on the Product Comparison page. Other than that, I haven't encountered any other "slash" related issues on my local development environment running XAMPP on Windowz so far. And I've been testing and playing with 30Bz extensively for a quite some time now. The fix that MusicMaster provided earlier for the Core Updater issue (on the GitUpdater page) worked for me. Incidentally, he also provided a fix for the Product Comparison js error which also worked. I haven't had the need yet to change any PS ROOT DIR or PS CORE DIR stuff so far...
  21. Hi A lot of people use XAMPP on Windows for local development. I've had this issue as well. If you guys can fix this, it would be cool because otherwise more people will encounter this problem going forward.
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