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Updating to 1.06 - Error with "Address::isDeleted"



I've just updated from 1.03 to 1.06 and whenever I try to checkout as a logged in user the following happens in debug mode: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Address::isDeleted() in /public_html/controllers/front/ParentOrderController.php on line 509

It also happens on line 517.

When I out comment the two lines, it works.

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@b_otho method Address::isDeleted was introduced in 1.0.4. Could you please verify that *all* files have been updated correctly - Simply open Configuration Information to see if there's any changed file. It is possible that updater could not update Address.php file, for example because of wrong owner or file permissions.

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@b_otho said in Updating to 1.06 - Error with "Address::isDeleted":

Dyou mean Advanced Parameters > Configuration Information? I cannot see that anything should be wrong.

If there are no changed files listed than it should definitely work -- the only other explanation is that the php APC cache wasn't flushed, so it's still uses the original php file.

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@datakick said in Updating to 1.06 - Error with "Address::isDeleted":

@b_otho said in Updating to 1.06 - Error with "Address::isDeleted":

Dyou mean Advanced Parameters > Configuration Information? I cannot see that anything should be wrong.

If there are no changed files listed than it should definitely work -- the only other explanation is that the php APC cache wasn't flushed, so it's still uses the original php file.

I just tried clearing APC cache through the module. Didn't help.

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@b_otho said in Updating to 1.06 - Error with "Address::isDeleted":

I just tried clearing APC cache through the module. Didn’t help.

Please open file classes/Address.php and ensure that it contains method isDeleted, it should be somewhere around the line 385.

``` public static function isDeleted($idAddress) { $row = Db::getInstance(PSUSESQLSLAVE)->getRow( (new DbQuery()) ->select('a.deleted') ->from(bqSQL(Address::$definition['table']), 'a') ->where('id_address = '.(int) $idAddress) ); if (!isarray($row) || !isset($row['deleted'])) { return true; }

    return (bool) $row['deleted'];


If the method is there (as it should, otherwise this file should be mentioned in Changed files list), then the issue really must be with the php cache.

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