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Issue with Google Analytics modules



Hi everyone. Struggling with the Google Analytics module, which used to work fine before.

Basically, the Google Analytics portion tells me everything is fine - my credentials are correct, everything is good to go: Account ID updated successfully Settings for User ID updated successfully

The other module, the GAPI connector, tells me that the connection is made (Google API Authorization granted) but that either my analytics are empty (they are not!) or that it cannot retrieve the information: Cannot retrieve test results or there is no data in your account, yet.

I tried the piwik module, and this one works very well, except it seems to track mostly robots (I get an insane number of traffic, which clearly does not reflect reality) and does not provide as detailed informations as GA, so I would very much like to figure out what is wrong on with the GAPI module connection. It used to work perfectly before, up to 1.0.6. Any help is appreciated.

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@the-rampage-rado I receive no information whatsoever. I have zero visitors if GA is installed , even if there are some, there is also no information available in traffic sources and the most viewed page asks me: You must enable the "Save global page views" option from the "Data mining for statistics" module in order to display the most viewed products, or use the Google Analytics module.

Also, if I do not use GAPI, even if GA is installed, I get an icon asking me to link my GA account.

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I went into the database and in tb_configuration, erased the tables related to the two Google Analytics modules. I then created a fresh API in Google and entered the new credentials in GAPI. I get the exact same result as before. Is there something I am missing???? Any help? Someone?

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