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Module psonesixmigrator 2.0.0

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As mentioned yesterday already, the migration module received a lot of stability and convenience improvements. This resulted in

Module psonesixmigrator 2.0.0

These new features are: - Extended directory tests for more reliability. - Compatibility with PHP 7.2. - Known incompatible modules get now moved aside automatically, into a folder modules.off. This should solve a number of cases where these modules had to get removed by FTP to allow loading the list of modules in back office. - No longer needed modules like 1-Click Updater or PS Cleaner get now removed as well. Equivalent replacements (tbupdater, tbcleaner) exist, of course. - Run not the PrestaShop, but the thirty bees testsuite before allowing migration. This is where the shop should run after migration, after all. And give meaningful error messages in case of misalignments, of course. - Synchronized PHP sources with thirty bees 1.0.7. This should bring thirty bees v1.0.7's reliability to the migration module. - URL schema settings now get preserved during migration. If they were never edited before, they previously got lost. For looking up what's going on, see https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/604. - Employees get switched to the thirty bees back office theme, to make merchants aware of the new safe waters visually as well.

Supplemental files on api.thirtybees.com were just published as well already, so you get all the goodies immediately.

For those shops migrated earlier: no worries, the regular update to thirty bees v1.0.8 will bring the cleaning part of this as well. No need to migrate again.

(and I wish I knew how to avoid the following Github preview :-) )

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  • 1 month later...

Migration with this module to 1.0.8 was as easy as it gets.

Thank you very much for this module, as it made me finaly switch to TB after few months.

Only one error happens during migration where email subject is not added to "Email Template Subject" field.

It happens on fresh installed prestashop migration, and as I see it also happens with upgrade from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8 (dont know if migraded),

so this might not be the modules issue, but 1.0.8 upgrade procedure issue.

But other than that, it just works.

After the migration, and TB Updater there was stil some stock modules which were saying: by Prestashop, but this might be because fo the reason they were not installed and therefore not checked by the updater.

Good work and thank you very much.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would suggest small update to this module for unexperienced users.

TB stock theme uses srcset for images to provide 3 different dimensions - **_default, **_smaller and **_smallest

However those 3 sets are not added automaticly to list for regenerating and some browsers show no image if there is no image generated with tag **_smaller or **_smallest.

So this could be either automaticly added or maybe aditional visible notice that one should add them manualy and regenerate images.

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