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How to override BlockTopMenu




I am trying to everride the blocktopmenu module without touching the code .php file.

The class is 


is protected, which should allow to modify it from the theme.


What I am trying to do is basically to add a class="parent" to <li> for parent categories.


Would there be a specific way with ThirtyBees?

Kind regards,


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@Séane it's possible to override module's primary file, so you are in luck. Just create file overrides/modules/blocktopmenu/blocktopmenu.php with content like this:

class BlocktopmenuOverride extends Blocktopmenu
 	protected function generateCategoriesMenu($categories, $isChildren = 0)
		// your custom implementation


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Actually, I don't want to update the .tpl as you can't do anything inside.

The only code there is is: 

{if $MENU != ''}
<div id="blocktopmenu-tpl">



What I would like to do is to amend the html and add specific class, such as a class for all the parent <li>.


This can only be done in the .php but the class is private.


Any guess?


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My bad.
I actually figured out:
The override folder is at the root of Thirty Bees.

But then, this is not exactly what I would like to do, since I would like the override to happen from the theme folder.

Basically, I would like the user to download the theme and install the theme, and the override would work straight away without any change of the core/root folder.
I guess I will need to use javascript as mentioned in a previous comment.
I find it odd we can override modules .tpl in the theme folder but not the .php files.

Thank you for your help,

Edited by Séane
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I am more of a designer than a programmer, so I could not judge. I am tweaking the code as much as I can.

But this is frustrating.
Even trying to bypass this with Javascript seems to be difficult as you need to add a class to the module and create a hook in the header. You can't really load a .js file from the .tpl.

I might end up changing the core code after all.


Edit: actually loading a .js from the .tpl was quite easy:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{$tpl_uri}modules/blocktopmenu/blocktopmenu.js"></script>
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