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Custom CSS form in Warehouse template convuluted since TB V1.08



Custom CSS form in Warehouse template convuluted since TB V1.08



this is really nasty. Since TB1.08 I would say since I do not know for certain my form that supports to save custom CSS code for the IQUIT Warehouse theme is convuluted. Escapes and so on mess all up. That needs an urgend fix since I can not work so 😕


    .columns-container {\r\n        min-height: 600px;\r\n    }\r\n    /* check if good for mobil devices. made in order to not shrink content on some pages. Boris 02.2019#revws-home .btn-primary {background-color: #83C11F}/*startseiten 50% col banner*/\r\n    \r\n    #iqitcontentcreator .fullheight-banner {\r\n        padding-right: 0px !important;\r\n    }\r\n    /*#order 

Moreover, the content creator module gives now an 500er error. Well, since the template isn't really developed anymore and worked for years this incompatibility must habe been created by Thirtybees I supppose. Anyhow, since I am not the only one with Warehouse here I hope a solution is ready?

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I did a test. I cloned my live shop and used successfully the coreupdater. I went from V1.08 to "bleeding edge". I suppose that is a version that reflects latest or the latest changes marked as stable in the devs git tree. Anyhow, I am no coder and have no clue about that.

Fact is, now CSS code is the named form is shown correctly and the content editor is saving as used to. Great stuff! 🙂

Having a closer look I dig that on Jan. the 8th Petr made a fix public.


So, here comes the big question. What shall I do as humble merchant? Shall I manuall update all files from GIT up to Jan. the 18th or so or shall I use the coreupdater in order to update the latest changes made public on GIT or wait for 1.09? I do not want to risk raise new errors in our shop that is for sure.


Thank you

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Bleeding Edge isn't supposed to be marked as stable. It's the current state of development.

That said, thirty bees takes great care that every single commit in the repository gives a working installation. Which means, big failures when updating to a random Git commit are unlikely.

Regarding your question I'm not sure what you want. If an update to current 1.0.x works, what's the problem? Software doesn't get better if it receives a big STABLE stamp.

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Hi Markus,

you answered my question perfectly. Id did not know exactly what 'bleeding edge' reflects concerning the git commits.

I did now the 1.0.x update on my live shop (yes, I am a bit of the risky type but that is also the reason why I am here since more than a year) and the problem is mostly gone.

Saying mostly since before 1.0.8 I guess I could paste my css code nicely formatted into the corresponging form of my theme editor and it was saved like that. Now, all pre-formatting /beautifying is gone after saving and css code is 'pressed' into one long line in the form. But good news is that the escapes have gone and all works.

Thank you very much

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