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Bug in order weight calculation



I have an order consisting of 10 x 1kg of Product A, so the total weight should be 10kg, but in the order class it's given as 100kg.

I noticed this because the DHL shipping module I used wanted to calculate with 100g instead of with 10kg. I contacted the module developer and they checked and said it's a bug in thirty bees, because the order class says 100kg and that's where the module takes the weight from.

How can I help find where the issue is? Note: It was only one order out of many, so if it's a tricky issue it might not be worthwhile digging too deep to find where the bug is.

Edited by 30knees
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Looks correct to me: 



public function getTotalWeight()


$result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue(

(new DbQuery())

->select('SUM(`product_weight` * `product_quantity`)')


->where('`id_order` = '.(int) $this->id)


return (float) $result;



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Thanks, @musicmaster!

Some additional information: It's with regard to variants/combinations. My main product has a weight of 0 and the variant has an additional weight of 1kg per unit.

I checked the tables (albeit after having corrected the weight in the DHL module) and I think we've found the culprit:

tb_product: It's correct, 0 for the main product.

tb_product_attribute: It's correct, 1kg.

tb_cart_product: Mine doesn't have weight.

tb_order_detail: It's correct, 10kg.

tb_orders: 139! (total_products_wt)

Where does the total_products_wt come from?

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total_products_wt: wt=with tax; So that is not relevant.

The function that you mentioned before gets things from the order_detail table.

However, I have my questions about your order_detail value. I checked it in my shop and I saw the weight for one product in that field. Not the total weight for the number of products that was ordered. 

I don't have time to dive deeper into this. But I suspect this could be the problem.


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@datakick found and fixed the bug in 20 minutes. Thanks! I highly recommend his services: https://store.getdatakick.com/en/services He's fixed many buggy modules I've purchased elsewhere where the module developers couldn't or wouldn't provide support.

I contacted the folks at @Common-Services offering them datakick's patch, but they tried to sell me their support instead and then ultimately declined the patch. 


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