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Question about store phone number


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Genuine question here, not a gripe...

I have noticed with several different eCommerce platforms, that a phone number requirement is invariably hard coded into the platform.

It seems like...

Address - Not Important
Email - Not Important
Product - Not Important

Phone Number - Mandatory, no progress without...or at least lack of phone indicated by hard coded indicator that phone number was not supplied. (i.e. 0123-456-789)

I can understand the option for a phone number.  In the case of a brick and mortar location, perhaps a necessity for a phone number. But why, of all possible required information options does this one seem to be such a universal mandatory requirement.

What is the love for phone numbers in eCommerce platforms that drives the developers to make them mandatory?


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On 3/30/2019 at 10:32 AM, jfnewell1965 said:

What is the love for phone numbers in eCommerce platforms that drives the developers to make them mandatory?

One can call such a customer with phone number and advertise even more, of course. Advertisers, and accordingly most merchants, looove personal data.

That said, one can remove the mandatority of this field in back office -> Preferences -> Customers. Some even remove the entire field from the front office template.

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Or more likely there is a problem with your order and you are not answering emails. That is what a lot of my clients use it for. Remember, old people that do not check their email very often still have to use ecommerce sites. 

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