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Cache 'warmer'


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I have seen various cache warmers that can be run to visit all the pages in your sitemap which then adds that page to cache so that the next time a customer visits they get the cached version. 

Great - works a treat - for standard pages

Our problem is that some (most) of our pages are accessed via the Advanced Search filter system. Basically customers use filters based on features and the URL is effectively created on the fly (Ajax??) See here: https://u-bolts-r-us.co.uk/125493-u-bolts

So that link is the main page that is cached by the warmers. But when I select a filter the page Url changes to perhaps




And the URL's can be quite random depending on the choice the customer makes

So those pages do not exist for the cache warmer looking at the sitemap

While the advanced search module do use a cache, everytime the product is updated (price, stock levels) or the search index is reset the cache is refreshed. Unfortunaltey we update stocks and prices 4 times a day. Even if I reduce this to once per day it does mean the cache is effectively useless

So looking for a solution. I do have a couple of warmers I am working with

https://canonicalized.com/prestashop-speed-optimization/?section=cache-module (not sure how to actually activate this one yet)

and the one I am actaully using:


But can anyone advice if it is possible with any of these (or something different) how to make them visit the "filtered" results . Perhaps this could be with the URLs manually added to the program or manually added to sitemap

Looking for inspiration



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50 minutes ago, datakick said:

are you using FPC? If not, than there is nothing to warm...

We are using a third party module for caching. But even without that the Advanced Search module seems to use smarty cache and their own sql tables

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