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Ecommerce with 30bees



Hey guy's I have been playing with  a bunch of eCommerce sites trying to figure out which one to use. Opencart was not bad but their Support was the shits! One of my major concerns is batch uploading pictures. Opencart does not do that well and it wants everything converted to the right size before I upload?? I have 1000's of pictures to load and if I have to convert everyone before I upload it it would take forever. I can do the batch convert offline no problem but then opencart has all kinds of complaints trying to upload. 

So before I waste a lot of time how do you people like this thirty bees? how is it for graphic conversion and uploads? Any advice would be appreciated! if I don't get the software and get my store online I will go bankrupt before I even start 🙂






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thirty bees resizes product pictures automatically as needed, of course. Just upload the image and it'll get resized to all sizes needed. If the theme happens to change its mind about required sizes, there's a batch processor built in, which recalculates all of them again.

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By default TB uses white background and it does fill the image you upload to the specified pre-configured dimentions and ratio with white. If your images have different background color I remember there was fix for that also and it can be aplied to TB aswell. So - go ahead and investigate the option to use TB for your project, I believe you won't be disapointed. :)

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