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Orders having a different customers address on


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TB: 1.1.0

Two customers created orders fairly close in time scale to each other but not instantly. But the address are crossed. 

When I click into the order (say john@order1.com) and then click into the address to edit the address, the address belongs to jane@wrong.co.uk

I thought this was a checkout module issue or perhaps a payment module but now I think not.

It has happened again, and this time we created one of the orders in the back office within a couple of minutes of another customer creating an order in the front office. When I click into the order I created it now has the address of the other customer. So that means two differnet cart systems and two different payment systems used at the same (ish) time cross the addresses over

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This has never happened here (as far as I know). But we have an increase in wrong attribution of delivery/shipping address. It seems to hapen more often that customer make it the wrong way around. Strangely also customers, that have done it correctly in the past. I have no idea if it's bad design or somewhere a bug. I just can't reproduce it.

Your issue seems even less likely to be a bug in the core. But maybe you can reproduce it yourself? 

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Just now, wakabayashi said:

This has never happened here (as far as I know). But we have an increase in wrong attribution of delivery/shipping address. It seems to hapen more often that customer make it the wrong way around. Strangely also customers, that have done it correctly in the past. I have no idea if it's bad design or somewhere a bug. I just can't reproduce it.

Your issue seems even less likely to be a bug in the core. But maybe you can reproduce it yourself? 

I think MORE likely bug in core as not using any modules at all apart from back office. As I did create one of these orders in the back office. All was perfect. Created the order in the back office. Customer received email with order confirmation and saw the address was wrong. Really weird 

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