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Customer registration


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Is that possible to make customer registration pending on administrator approval?
I do no wish complicated, only a option (that can be permanent) to allow customer to register on site, but after that, customer account must be validated by administrator to complete registration.

Thank you very much
Luis Cortes

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Dear MichaelEZ thank you very much for your reply.

I didnt know that we are able to use prestashop modules. In fact, I would like better a TB module, but I really need this feature, so I will try this.

Once more, thank you very much for your concern and for spending some time helping a newbie member.
I will test it and then I will notify if it worked well.

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8 hours ago, Traumflug said:

Most thirty bees modules are rebranded PS 1.6 modules anyways. Just stay away from PS 1.7-only modules, they're incompatible.

I didn't know that. Thank you Traumflug.

So, I read a little, and correct if I'm wrong, TB is based on PS. If it's true, you did a good job. TB is much better than PS.
Some years ago I tryed to implement a online store and tryed magento, prestashop, zencart, opencart, etc. I decided for opencart that time.
Now that I want to reactivate online shop, I went directly to opencart, but because my ISP has Softaculous, I decided to give a try to any other software.
When I saw TB I though: this must be nice... bee's are good workers 🙂 Installed it, and fall in love. I'm still learning how to use it, but for me is already the best.

Thank you again TB team, and TB members that spend some time helping guys that don't understand programming, like me.

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