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Redirect needed - will pay someone for help :(


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If you like Warehouse and like certain PS 1.6 design I can help of course. (please note that 1.7 variation of Warehouse is not compatible with TB!)

You will have to purchase it from the dev and if you need help with the installation and can't cope with the configuration I will help you.


I would advise once again to go slowly now and check all your options. No need to hurry when choosing your platform and theme. You will use it for quite some time.

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I'm not really new to ThirtyBees, been using it quite some time and got quite familiar with it and just chose the defaults. I got my store looking great, but really like change. Therefore, I don't even know how to look at new themes. How do I look at Warehouse theme? And if I do purchase that one, how much will you charge to get everything ready for me? I'm anxious, and actually excited. 

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Warehouse is here: https://themeforest.net/item/warehouse-multipurpose-ecommerce-wordpress-theme/19358569?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0ZXes4iY6QIV8IBQBh0yowCjEAAYASAAEgK87PD_BwE

Check the 1.6 demos.

If you like some of them the developer offer ready to go import settings for all 3 main modules (theme configurator, homepage editor and mega menu) for each demo.

After that you can tweak many settings, change colors here and there and edit each part. Or start from stock install and make your own design (really time consuming to be honest, there are many settings to be done).

It comes with few custom modules and many changed modules from latest PS 1.6.x version and it works flawlessly with TB 1.1.x


In order to purchase you have to reg an Envato account, etc.


If you're confident you like the view you can order it. If you are unable to configure the view (which I doubt will be the case) and you need help we can help here. If you end up stuck and need help then I can fix something for you.


(once again - I'm not affiliated to this theme dev in any way)

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Brilliant! I will definitely check those, and consider a change. Absolutely. I probably will be able to tweak it, but I have one major concerns...

I have a live customer chat that I use daily - will it affect this?

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Yes, it's a module that works brilliantly right now. Awesome. Well, I am going to look at those themes within 1 hour. I have three large orders that just came in. I have to do something, my home page looks like crap and would like to start immediately. So excited. I don't know if you'll be around in an hour or so, and really, really afraid to install it on my own. I sent you a PM as to not clog up this post 😉 Oh wait, I see a reply. Continuing there 🙂

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I doubt you will be able to configure your shop within few hours so it's better to put it maintenance for 1-2 days and relaunch whit new look that's tested for both mobile and desktop and looks complete, rather to keep it live during the period in which time you will not loose many orders but it's not professional.


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