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Knowband modules


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I have bought a couple modules from Knowband, neither worked 'out of the box', and required their payed support that was included when I bought the modules.  One of the modules has been updated twice since I got it, which is good, bug fixes are always appreciated, but neither new version would work without their payed support.  They are making modules that REQUIRE you to have payed support to use.  I highly recommend anyone thinking of buying one of there modules, stop, don't do it, unless you feel like paying for support indefinitely.

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YIP.. Can't agree more . I have lost a lot of money because of them and a faulty 1 page checkout.. All my modules also have had many issues ...Like you I got tired of paying extended support to fix a messed up update.. Also be wary of Product Fields manager by Anvanto , it's causing me no end of grief and they want me to pay £70 to fix it

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