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About veganline

  • Birthday 05/17/1964


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    https://veganline.com - I sell shoes among other odd jobs. My short term memory and concentration get better each year, but I do tend to revise posts. Hope this is harmless! My list of modules is on https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/5114-modules-lists/?tab=comments#comment-41019
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  1. Veganline.com - vegan belts and shoes in the UK https://veganline.com Also, https://trends.builtwith.com/websitelist/thirty-bees sometimes has a list of Thirty bees web sits but I think the free version is limited somehow
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20220718212000/https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/ is a reminder of Haylou's list of modules, which he researched after a job ended and a "walk in the rain" and while thinking what do do next. Sadly the detail pages are not preserved, but the names of themes and modules are on his blog. Sometimes more detail loads very slowly from the archive servers. I hope his retirement - or whatever comes next - goes well.
  3. Ease of Work / None of these I think that synchronisation with ebay amazon etc etc etc is the most important issue. For shops like mine, a cheap solution is important too. There used to be a program called Store Manager that could sync with Prestashop 1.6 and had its own module that could sync with Ebay, maybe, for some people. For me, the free help support ran-out before I could get it going but other people may have done better. I left the program installed but not working. More recently I've had a Stripe bug which says "your order could not be verified" to each customer after each order, so it is a major bug. It stopped when I turned-off a module called "Bridge Connector" that was meant to connect Prestashop 1.6 to Store Manager and from there to Ebay, so I think the system kaput. There is also a message on their web site which I can't read because it dissapears too fast but could be a notice that they're giving-up on Prestashop 1.6 to concentrate on Shopify or whatever. To summerise, I think that ecommerce is nowadays about syncing ebay amazon etc etc etc as well as having en e-commerce site.
  4. I used the Sirv web site for showing 360 degree photos. It has instructions for posting an iframe version of 3D images such as this https://veganline.sirv.com/Spins/slipper-Comfylux-rugby - 50mb/spin24/spin24.spin ...in your product description. It can turn a collection of photos from different angles into that spin image automatically for free. There is a limit to free use and you have to put "powered by Sirv" next to the spin photo. If the limits run-out, there are probably some other 360 degree image hosting platforms that work in the same way. There is risk of an error message something like "The description field (English (English)) is invalid." appearing on your product editing page instead of "successful update" " update successful"; it won't save. Somewhere in the code is a check that everything in this field is pure html. This can be worked-around without changing the code (I think). Solutions: backoffice > preferences > general > Allow iframes on HTML fields > yes On the Tiny MCE editor that lets you put code into the desription field, choose the source code button. There is also an option to "embed video". I am not entirely sure which is best or how to solve any problems that come-up, but I am sure there are solutions. When I first wrote this post, the instructions worked but now I come back to it, they don't! I can take text field code that works on one product, paste it into a duplicate product, and something deletes it on saving. Will investigate I used to use a Prestalogik module alonside, no longer sold, that is a bit jerkey on my shared hosting and there was a need to put photos in order on some kind of set-up screen that took time. So I turned it off. I got as far as installing a Magictoolbox module and using it a little, and forget why I didn't use it much. Maybe it asked too much of cheap shared hosting. --------------------edit 10.4.24 This year there are some services that use AI. I don't know much about them. -------------------- About 2020 and then 2022 I made some notes-to-self on a google doc. They may not make sense to anyone else and frankly I don't quite understand them now either! ---------------------notes about 2022 https://fixthephoto.com/360-product-photography-guide.html is someone’s re-write of the Orangemonkie and Spinzam instructions. Orange Monkey is a photo booth and matching turntable that can stop and trigger a smartphone at intervals. It has a light at the back to reduce shadows Spinzam is free, hosted, and gives you the IFRAME code for you to add the spin to your product description. Shows on mobile. It wants small square pictures. Even if I can get the control underneath to work, it tends to leave the edges of a rectangle. The first product, Sliders, doesn’t fit. The site says there’s more software coming soon for the upload page. There is a primitive tool for removing the background which assumes that it’s almost done already, so you have to buy the light tent. http://web.archive.org/web/20210305104519/https://www.argos.co.uk/product/8817477 (now £6) shows something to use as a lamp shade to diffuse the light a bit. Serv is free for branded photos up to 500mb altogether and something I didn’t understand about secure servers. There’s a prestashop addon. I have a shop account unused. Putting photos in a “spin” folder automatically makes a spin, which is good. Can it cope with 800 x 533 photos? First month us unbranded. After the first month, can I use their javascript for showing other photos without the branding? I’m not sure how to get obvious spin photos onto every page: how is the button hidden on smartphone pages?. 360 modules Prestalogik has a button for a rather jerky spin on 12 pictures. <- I got this one, no longer sold On dozens it requires several uploads in turn or a change to whatever the error messages says should be changed. You need to sort them manually in order, even if they’re called 1,2,3,4… You need to remove a paragraph of template file to retrieve your ordinary product thumbnails displayed as before. Prestashop 360 photo viewer http://www.modulesden.com/home/1-prestashop-360-product-viewer.html Both work alongside the native fancybox with forward and backward arrows, using differently uploaded images. https://example.360productviewer.com/fashion-sneaker-360-product-viewer.html …looks good for a pack of existing products, which Thirtbees can do, or maybe some kind of configuration which it can do in a way or with an extra module. They mention free and open source but that’s Magento. https://bashooka.com/coding/360-degree-image-video-javascript-plugins/ lists free 360 viewers, jumbling outside-in and inside-out views https://www.360-javascriptviewer.com/examples is £15 or a logo but looks rickety on the trainer example jQuery360 - doesn’t work Ajax Zoom. Expensive - 500 images £129 with a Prestashop plugin 3dEye - abandoned. Was good at uploading pics it says. Free but no working demo http://polarnotion.github.io/turntable/#install a free simple one from the same site but you have to understand it and (I think) put your picture links in an html unordered list. Dopeless Rotate €14.95 magnification and 1 row rotation. Neat control. 360 Degree Image Slide was a demo in .net magazine and Github. Last update early 20-teens. Free if non-commercial. jQuery Threesixty Slider is the last one, written as a Drupal plugin, no longer updated. https://www.jqueryscript.net/other/360-degree-product-image-viewer.html from a list of other free ones Old list along the same lines from 2020 360 spin https://www.ajax-zoom.com/index.php?cid=download 500 images, branded, or pay €200. There is a prestashop module or use an iframe. https://cappasity.com/pricing/ has their own software and hosts free for up to 2K views with their logo. They have some youtube videos. Recommended gear @ $4,000 [I got Orangemonkey which is cheaper] The free Prestashop module is on https://addons.prestashop.com/en/visual-products/26586-cappasity-3d-and-360-product-viewer.html Magic360 £99 per site or branded - can do more than one row. https://www.magictoolbox.com/magic360/modules/prestashop/#pricing2 I’m not sure why it was wonky - maybe the caching of javascript and moving it to the end of the page was what made it sometimes work and sometimes not. This shoe - https://www.magictoolbox.com/magic360/ - spins on one axis and then another without jumping, but I forget if Magic360 can do that for you. If it does, it would need multiple rows of 360 degree pictures from different angles and I don't know how to photograph that. Multi-access 360 spins are the speciality of a studio Spain, usually, rather than a DIY thing. https://sirv.com/pricing/ - 500MB with their logo for free. Same people as iPhone Cupchair. There is a Prestashop module or a way of adding some javascript instead of an iframe to make it full size on any web site. £15 a month without the logo. Hosted. Very proud of their image serving. They can turn a series of photos into a revolvable image as soon as you upload them. https://www.yofla.com/3d-rotate/support/plugins/prestashop-module/ for their ? desktop version. €9 a month hosted. https://www.webrotate360.com/pricing.aspx Free with a logo https://www.webrotate360.com/products/cms-and-e-commerce-plugins.aspx There’s a desktop program that produces the animation. You can add your iframe in the product description if the plugin doesn’t work, perhaps, on programs like this.
  5. On 2/19/2024 at 3:34 PM, veganline said: Is there a way to test for this? The "An error occured: * failed to validate order" problem on Stripe has returned unfortunately eMagicOne Store Manager Bridge Connector, version 3.0.13 - by eMagicOne was the problem The Storemanager system doesn't update automatically but there is a current module for PS1.6: eMagicOne Store Manager Bridge Connector, v3.1.7 - by eMagicOne Storemanager was a way of tweaking the store data from a separate screen, which claimed to have an add-on that could synchronize Prestashop 1.6 and Ebay. That's why I bought the thing dispite never getting it to work. There was also an android app that could read your back office apparently, but I can't make it work today. ...has the same problem. I am using Thirtybees 1.6.0 on PHP 8.0.30 with no regular error messages except I forgot that I had the module as I have never managed to make the thing work, so turning it off is no problem. I'm just adding detail for reference in case anyone else finds the same thing Error logs included a notice from about the time I installed the updated module Message: Only variables should be passed by reference Location: modules/bridgeconnector/functions/for_ajax.php line 308 I can pass-on more detail if anyone is interested.
  6. Is there a way to test for this? The "An error occured: failed to validate order" problem on Stripe has returned unfortunately
  7. Yes and a new problem. I used to get the address not recognised error message, and sometimes a previous customers' address on my order form. Now I can type in the new address but I get Failed to validate order Which I think is a kind of general Stripe error message rather than the more specific Thirtybees one . Datakick mentioned the related problem of caching on order forms, which could be what I have got
  8. I had the same problem. Might be fixed now - thanks! Are there any ways to check that caching is off for my ording page, which is called https://veganline.com/order ? I am on default settings and Cloudflare. -------edit-maybe I can answer my own question --------- Cloudflare > Dashboard > Example.com > Rules > Page Rules > Example.com/order > Cache Level: Bypass Free users get three rules ----------------------- Example.com/backoffice > Advanced Parameters > Performance > Cache > default settings don't have any full page caches so should be OK ------------------------ DNSchecker.org > your host's site > Lightspeed If it uses lightspeed and has the cache set-up in a tricky way, I don't know what to do.
  9. Einige andere Leute haben einen Thread über das gleiche Problem auf Englisch erstellt. Some other people made a thread about the same problem in english. I had been following a Github issue from years ago and got a message to say solved! Maybe I have to turn-off full-page caching if I do not understand it; the error message is meant to stop the last customers' address being used for the next customer. The error message comes from here https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/7093aee9d1f849a43b47cb2cb15b220f89a2e934/controllers/front/OrderOpcController.php#L227 There is a thread about it just recently below and some email notifications of code changes, because I was following the topic from years ago. ------------------------------------- Most likely duplicate of issue #1745 ... view it on GitHub, Closed #1692 as completed.... view it on GitHub, -------------------------------------- Maybe the links to the code changes are in the thread. There are also some links that came by email Most likely duplicate of issue #1745 Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, o
  10. Hauptsächlich von Großbritannien nach Großbritannien. (Früher waren es 20 % EU, aber der Brexit hat das zunichte gemacht; früher waren es 10 % USA, aber ich bin aus der Mode gekommen und habe wenig Google!) Danke. Ich werde ein paar Tests ausprobieren und mich dann an Stripe wenden. Es kann sein, dass es wieder funktioniert hat, nachdem - Deinstallation und Neuinstallation des Moduls und - Schauen Sie in /backoffice/advanced-parameters/error-logs nach allem, was Sie beheben können - Cookies sind ein Problem. Vielleicht muss ich Cookies besser autorisieren. Andernfalls kehrt das Modul nicht zum Warenkorb zurück. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK to UK mainly. (Used to be 20% EU but Brexit killed that off; used to be 10% USA but I'm out of fashion and low on Google!) Thanks. I will try a few tests then contact Stripe. It may have started working again after - un-installing and re-installing the module, and - looking at /backoffice/advanced-parameters/error-logs for anything to try to fix - cookies are a problem. Maybe I need to authorise cookies better. Otherwise the module does not return clients to the shopping cart.
  11. Alle meine Kunden sind Gäste. Ich habe die Registrierung auf dem Standard-Warenkorb hier vertuscht: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/3593-tip-default-one-page-checkout-shortened-from-the-back-office-css-panel/ . Ich habe ein oder zwei Jahre lang Stripe-Zahlungen verwendet. Allerdings funktioniert Stipe im Moment nicht gut für mich, daher bin ich nicht das beste Beispiel für tollow. (Ich spreche kein Deutsch und habe nur nach allen Stripe-Beiträgen gesucht. Es kann sein, dass ich Antworten auf dem deutschen Forum verpasse) English version All my customers are guests. I covered up the registration on the default shopping cart here: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/3593-tip-default-one-page-checkout-shortened-from-the -back-office-css-panel/ . I've been using Stripe payments for a year or two. However, Stipe isn't working well for me at the moment, so I'm not the best example of tollow.
  12. After deleting this module, I have lost my way to updating version 1.4 to 1.5 I thought there would be a backoffice link under "preferences" or "advanced" but can't find it. Have I missed something obvious?
  13. I had a got making Prestashopmanager.com for ebay work, but failed I thought their one vital service was ebay synchronisation, but it is an add-on module to an add-on module so hard to install and find before their free support runs-out. Notes on
  14. Thirtybees is almost cheapest, but costs a few £$€ monthly in server space There are threads on this forum about the cheapest server and database that this thing runs on, and you can get the price down to very few pounds / dollars / euro a month, depending on hacks you use to get a secure server system such as using cloudflare secure server. Once you have the server space, Thirtybees has free modules for the essentials, I have found, lots of free features that I only think about once I am in business. It's different from Prestashop in that way; they charge for more of the modules. [Edit: cheaper than WooCommerce too] Cheapest option is Byethost or Attractsoft free servers and no inventory database: you only pay for the domain name. You would have to find a way of getting a secure server certificate, again perhaps via Cloudflare. You could construct a flat file web site any way that you know how, and add links to a Paypal shopping cart. (Talking of flat-file web sites, I read that they can be hosted on Github personal server space which is very fast, but I have never done it.) I guess that a shopping cart with cut-and-paste buttons to go on your site, like the Paypal one, can't have an inventory: a product can run out of stock and still be for sale on your site which is for most merchants a bad thing. [Edit: a google search for "remote hosted shopping cart" might find other options. I used to use Mals E-commerce. I suggest Paypal because they are a payment processor and have a free remote hosted shopping cart., so you get two in one] You might find software like Litecart that might work on a free server and keep an inventory and keep the shopping cart on the same domain, but if it works on a free server it's bound to be very limited, and there's always the risk of basic features being charged-for, as with Woo. There are loads of programs that you can try to install on a free server, but run-out of space or file quotas or some restriction like that. [Edit: Byethost and Attractsoft do allow databases and one click installs. Byethost offers a Softaculous one click installer and Attractsoft have their own limited one called Zacky, but both can install programs which don't work on the free web space: good for practicing the first click but bad for trying to make something work. You can even try to install Magento which a vast bloated program and doesn't work on a lot of paid servers. After comments below and agreeing in part: the danger is that you pay 50 £$€ for a plugin, spend a weekend or two learning that the thing allows no pages of text or something obvious like that, and then loose the benefit when you have to move-on to Thirtybees. The nearly free options are best for proof of concept, hobbies like self publishing or band merchandise sites, un-profitable businesses being run-down, small charities, projects done as a favour without full agreement on how it will work... that kind of thing] Conclusion Thirtybees is one of the cheapest options for most projects. Thirtybees is best for nearly everyone because it is scalable and reliable and has so many free features, but if you are just testing an idea and you know how to make a basic web site on a free server, something like a remote hosted shopping cart is a bit cheaper.
  15. I made a test order on a bleeding edge update and had an error message prevent it: 'This address is not yours' from https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/e84fd0b4bc4adf1600cac135e1d5c42f75cefb60/controllers/front/OrderOpcController.php#L226 which reads if ($addressDelivery->id_customer != $this->context->customer->id || $addressInvoice->id_customer != $this->context->customer->id) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('This address is not yours.'); Does anybody know what this check is trying to do, or a way of turning it off from the back office without over-rides? I try to cut-out everything to do with customer registration and keep all customers as guests who can order from any address. This isn't urgent but ideas are welcome
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