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Missing payment method - invoice


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Hi all, 

so recently we re-opend shop, everything is working but i just saw missing payment methods from invoice - when selected cash on delivery or bank wire its just blank - but when selecting last option (GOpay) its shows as it should.. I tried turn off not native modules, overrides, turn off gopay and tried withut it, but still its blank.. So i reinstalled bankwire and cashondelivery no changes.. So i turned it all back and tried something like this - but unfortunatly still nothing: 

{if $payment->payment_method == "Cash On Delivery "}

<td class="right small"> CashOnDelivery text </td>  <td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount} </td>

{elseif $payment->payment_method == "GoPay Gateway" }

<td class="right small"> GoPay text </td>  <td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount} </td>

{elseif $payment->payment_method == "Bank wire" }

<td class="right small"> Bankwire text </td>  <td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount} </td>


<td class="right small">shoud not display </td>


So I just find out that there are none new orders in ps_order_payment

So any idea what to do? 

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1 hour ago, wakabayashi said:

Same here. Not sure if this was dropped or if it's just a bug.

Works correctly for me. I tried botch changing order status to 'paid' one, and manual invoice generation. In both cases, payments were correctly attributed to the newly created invoice

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Well problem is that overrides are forbidden, 3td party modules too..(atleast in the morging they were, now its not working it seems.. it just ignore those buttons)

so i opened ps_order_payment and there is same issue.. no new rows

when i edit/open order, payment method box is not filled - but I can add data manually and save it.. 

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