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Update price on product page


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I have tried to find a module for it but either it does not exist. What I want to do is to update the price on the product page when the customer chooses the number of products he wants to buy. unit price should not change.

See the attachment. 0_1498314644866_price_change.png

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That would be quite non-standard eCommerce shop behavior. IMO it would be at best unexpected by customers and at worst confusing, especially if the main (large & bolded) price was changing with the quantity.

If this is something you would still really like to do I would leave the large & bold main price alone and instead of having "28.56 per 1" in small letters below the price I would put the total there, in brackets. Something like this:


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And then you directly break the German interpretation of the EU directive probably. And I dont agree that customers will be confused because what you add to the cart is the total price. And if you have combinations the price will change as soon as you choose an attribute. But different opinions are good for the discussion

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If German law requires a German site to be a certain way then there isn't much option but to follow what they demand.

I've never seen a major eCommerce site do what you are considering though. Not Amazon nor any other large scale site. Perhaps the AJAX calls this would create are too much extra overhead on a high traffic site but I suspect it's just not good UX practice to change the main displayed price from one to many without some sort of indication about what is going on.

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Its not really relevant for us, we never sell two dildos of the same kind, two hosting packages or two forklifts. But I don't think it would take more. If we sell set of office chairs they can have different material in the seat, different colors on the legs and different kind of fabric on the back. Some have 0ver 700 possible combinations and when the customer choose to see different possibilities the price change all the time

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Some have 0ver 700 possible combinations and when the customer choose to see different possibilities the price change all the time

Yes, but that is the price for one (quantity) of the item they are looking at, and that is the expected behavior for all shopping carts.

However when changing the quantity on the product page the item's price doesn't usually change, at least not on large mainstream eCommerce sites that I have experience with. The standard design is that the price shown is for "one" of whatever product the customer is looking at. This is why I suggest leaving the large price unchanged and if you want to show a potential subtotal do it in smaller text and with an explanation about what the number means.

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