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Problems with URL

unica e-shop



I have two url one wich is www.unicae-design.dk which is the original one and the second www.unicadesign.dk, both are hosted on there own webhotels, but when i change the URL in the SEO & URL section the shop url for both of them changes to one, how can i split these so there is no connection between these two?

Thank you


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@Wartin Thank you for your reply, let me try to explain:

I have a webshop with the domain www.unicae-design.dk that is hosted on simply.com, then i decided to change the domain to one that is easier therefor i bought another domain, without any hosting: www.unicadesign.dk (I only bought the domian name/adress/Url). Now to change the old domain for the shop to the new i had to buy another webspace/hosting on the same host, so when i did that i then copied all the files from the old domain map to the new domain map, so i know have 2 website hosted on there own seperat webspace, so now when i change the domain name in SEO 6 URL under preference from the backoffice in the old domain, the domian also changes on the new one, so when i try type the new url it then redirects me to the old domain. I know it is a bit unclear, but hopefully you understand me

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There is something I don't get. If you wanted to change only the domain name, you should have changed the DNS, delegating the new name to point to the old webspace.

Anyway, you already have two web hostings. Did you changed the database in order to point to the right direction?

I paste the steps to migrate to another hosting/hostname:

1. Copy all files via FTP
2. Duplicate database to other hoster
3. check the php settings at your new hoster!! (PS <= is not yet PHP7 ready! so you wont see anything in these cases)
3. open Database and edit "tb_shop_url". Set the new path and domain for your new shop  (finish it in slash, as /shop/)
4. edit config/settings.inc.php and set the new database access
5. delete the .htaccess file in your shops root folder
6. login to the admin backend and go to settings > seo & urls and save the path and domain properties to create a new .htaccess file (after creating the new .htaccess file you will be able to view/use the frontend of the shop, not earlier as it contains all necessary info it needs to translate the friendly urls of the shop frontend)

Maybe you didn't do step 3, did you?

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@Wartin Thank you very much, i tried up to nr. 4, but now i cant access the backend of the older domian, as it refuse to accept my password, and when i click on send by email nothing happens

Also when i when i type in the old domain url it redirects to the new domain, but looks very messy: www.unicae-design.dk (old domain) -> www.unicadesign.dk (new domain url)

and another strange things is that when i change the shop url via SQL on the database it automatically changes on the other SQL database, i have checked settings.inc.php  for both and they are correct, meaning that they are not pointing on the same SQL database but different ones

Edited by unica e-shop
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Hi. www.unicae-design.dk gives me 500 error, it doesn't redirect me to the new one.

In the new domain I think the problem is your .htaccess. Try step 5, deleting it. And login to the new backoffice, it doesn't matter if it does not display OK, you can go to the menu SEO & URL and regenerate it.

For the last databases thing... it's pretty weird. I wonder if your web server is configured fine.

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18 hours ago, unica e-shop said:
Now to change the old domain for the shop to the new i had to buy another webspace/hosting on the same host

Not really. Make the new domain pointing to the old hosting and it should work. No need to copy files around.

This said, it looks like the new domain doesn't point to any IP address at all:

> $ ping www.unicaedesign.dk
> ping: www.unicaedesign.dk: Name or service not known

A first step would be to get the DNS entry of the new domain right, else a browser can't ever find it.

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Thank you both for your answer, @wartin i tried it but it doesn't have any effect, but what i dont understand is why the frontend changed to look complty messed up: www.unicadesign.dk

@Traumflug I wanted to change the main domain name from unicae-design.dk to unicadesign.dk so that the old url would redirect to the new url, for that i had to go through all as i understood it.


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Whatever you want to do with the new domain, it needs a DNS entry. This DNS entry can point to the same IP address or another one. DNS is this.

Having a full thirty bees installation just to redirect to another domain is quite wasteful. A 3-line static HTML page sending a 301 redirect is entirely sufficient and much faster. Others do such things directly in Apache/Nginx configuration.

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