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Error 500 when changing order status

unica e-shop



When i create an order from backoffice, it dosent send email to the costumer and shows the following error:

Class 'QRCodeLib' not found

in file override/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php at line 285

Source file: override/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php

266:            $description_short = strip_tags($product->description_short);
267:            if (Tools::strlen($description_short) > 90) {
268:                $stringCut = Tools::substr($description_short, 0, 90);
269:                $description_short = Tools::substr($stringCut, 0, strrpos($stringCut, ' ')).'...'; 
270:            }
271:            $order_detail['description_short'] = $description_short;
272:            $order_detail['barcode'] = '';
273:            $code = $template->barcodeproductformat;
274:            $text = '';
275:            if($code == 'product_link'){
276:                $text = $product->getLink();//urlencode($product->getLink());
277:            }else{
278:                $text = urlencode($order_detail[$code]);
279:            }
280:            $filename = md5($template->barcodeproducttype.'_'.$text).'.png';
281:            if(!Tools::file_exists_no_cache(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'gwadvancedinvoice/views/img/barcodes/'.$filename)){
282:                if($template->barcodeproducttype == 'qrcode'){
283:                    $ecc = 0;
284:                    if($code == 'product_link') $ecc = 1;
285:                    $qrcodeObj =  new QRCodeLib($text,$ecc);
286:                    $im = $qrcodeObj->createImage(4,2);
287:                    imagepng($im,_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'gwadvancedinvoice/views/img/barcodes/'.$filename);
288:                }else{
289:                    $bacodeObj = new Barcode($text,$template->barcodeproducttype);
290:                    $bacodeObj->getBarcodePNG(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'gwadvancedinvoice/views/img/barcodes/'.$filename,2,35,array(0,0,0)); 
291:                }
292:            }
293:            if(Tools::file_exists_no_cache(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'gwadvancedinvoice/views/img/barcodes/'.$filename)){
294:                $order_detail['barcode'] = '<img src="'.$base_url.'modules/gwadvancedinvoice/views/img/barcodes/'.$filename.'"/>';

Do you have any solution for it? Thank you.


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This has got nothing to do with thirty bees.

This error is caused by an override you did for classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php.

Maybe you used to have this module "gwadvancedinvoice" that came with some lib named "QRCodeLib" and this module did the override for you and now you are not using this module anymore?

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I did that and now it says:


Call to undefined method HTMLTemplateInvoice::assignData()

in file override/classes/pdf/PDF.php at line 62

Source file: override/classes/pdf/PDF.php

43:                    if($customer_group){
44:                        $_id_template = (int)Configuration::get('GWADVANCEDINVOICE_GROUP_'.$customer_group, null, $id_shop_group, $id_shop);
45:                        if($_id_template > 0) $id_template = (int)$_id_template;
46:                    }
47:                }elseif($templatetype == 'HTMLTemplateDeliverySlip'){
49:                    $id_template = (int)Configuration::get('GWADVANCEDDELIVERY_TEMPLATE', null, $id_shop_group, $id_shop);
50:                    $order = new Order((int)$object->id_order);
51:                    $customer_group = Customer::getDefaultGroupId((int)$order->id_customer);
52:                    if($customer_group){
53:                        $_id_template = (int)Configuration::get('GWADVANCEDIDELIVERY_GROUP_'.$customer_group, null, $id_shop_group, $id_shop);
54:                        if($_id_template > 0) $id_template = (int)$_id_template;
55:                    }
56:                }
57:                include_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'/gwadvancedinvoice/model/gwadvancedinvoicetemplateModel.php');
58:                $templateinvoice = new gwadvancedinvoicetemplateModel((int)$id_template);
59:                if(Validate::isLoadedObject($templateinvoice)){
60:                    $this->pdf_renderer->AddPage();
61:                    $this->pdf_renderer->setCurOrientation($templateinvoice->pagesize,$templateinvoice->pageorientation);
62:                    $data = $template->assignData($id_template);
64:                    if($templateinvoice->rtl){
65:                        $this->pdf_renderer->setRTL((bool)$templateinvoice->rtl);
66:                    }
68:                    if($templateinvoice->activeheader){
69:                        $this->pdf_renderer->SetPrintHeader(true);
70:                        $this->pdf_renderer->createHeader($template->getHeaderGw($data));
71:                    }else{
72:                        $this->pdf_renderer->createHeader('');

Stack trace

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Than do the same with this override file as well: override/classes/pdf/PDF.php

Module gwadvancedinvoice installed a couple of overrides. These overrides should be automatically removed when you uninstall the module.

I guess you just deleted the module instead of uninstallation. Or the uninstallation process failed. Anyway, your system is now in pretty inconsistent state. You can use 'overridecheck' module to find overrides not associated with any modules, and delete them. You can also install my 'consistency check' module, that will probably detect few issues and help you get rid of them.


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