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Theme "Warehouse": data-vocabluary.org vs. schema.org in breadcrumb.tpl

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ich verwende das Theme "Warehouse" in der letzten Version 3.8.7 vom 17. Juli 2018.
Die Google Search Console bemängelt unter "Navigationspfade": "Schema "data-vocabluary.org" veraltet".

Die Datei Breadcrumb.tpl von "Warehouse" in "Prestashop 1_7" verwendet "schema.org", aber in "Prestashop 1_6" verweist die Datei Breadcrumb.tpl immer noch auf "data-vocabluary.org".

Kann Jemand mit einer modifizierten Version für "schema.org" helfen?


Die Google Search Console bemängelt, dass bei den Produkten nachfolgende Felder fehlen:

Feld "priceValidUntil" fehlt (in „offers“)
Feld "aggregateRating" fehlt
Feld "review" fehlt
Feld "brand" fehlt
Keine globale Kennzeichnung angegeben (z. B. gtin, mpn, isbn)
Feld "url" fehlt (in „offers“)
Feld "availability" fehlt (in „offers“)
Feld "priceValidUntil" fehlt
Feld "url" fehlt

Ist es in TB möglich, die Produkte mit diesen Feldern auszustatten oder gibt es irgendein kommerzielles Tool dafür?


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Posted (edited)

I have changed the breadcrump.tpl  but i have one problem with the style.  Before (with data-vocabluary.org) it has shown the shop title and the menu in a row, that looked great and was exactly how it should be in this Theme.

Now (with schema.org), it shows everything one below the other and on desktops it is displayed incorrectly. With mobile devices it is also the case with one below each other, but at least you can see it completely without errors. but that doesn't look good...

Help please, i am a totally noob with the breadcrumb / schema.org  -thing.... 

pls. see the picture,  the green text is my notice:


Edited by DRMasterChief
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Could you PM me your site.

In general - compare both breadcrumb.tpl files and only replace the functional part. You probably had some styling there too.

I was under the impression that you also used WH and then it would be drop in replacement.

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I send a PM with the files. 

Maybe this is a bigger thing for a lot of thirtybees users, as most of the themes uses a old schema and as far as i can see most of the users has to update this.  Hopefully we can gather some help and solutions here.

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