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Strange behavior, new products after update to 1.4

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After update to stable 1,4 we have got a very strange problem. If you follow the pic you will understand

1. From phpmyadmin. Note the ref nr 85619 which is correct

2. BO Ref or artikelnr 85619. correct

3 nSearch for 85619. Note the image and price. Its correct

4. Detail for trhe product. Wrong refnumber (Artikelnr), wrong picture, wrong description.

All Info and picture is taken from the 85626.

Whatever product we add, it come correct in the first 3 steps but the get all info and ref nr from 85626.

How is this possible

Skärmbild phpmyadmin1.png





I dont get it. Have you messed image 3 and 4? Then it would make more sense to me.

In general I would suspect a rewrite problem (same rewrite link) or just try to reindex the search.


I wrote the post and added the pics. But they came up in wrong order. But I think it's quite obvious which pic is which anyway. But it does not matter now, the rollback fixed it so we keep it there. We have tested everything. Taken away the post that always show up, it just change post. Maybe something went wrong with the update but for now we keep it as is. Perhaps I will try to update it again and see if the same thing happens but that means some downtime if it goes wrong so that has to wait.


It's not only2 products. If we take them away, it affect all new product that I upload. So for now I use the blledinf edge we installed 3-4 months ago. When we upload the same products in the old version it works 


Hm ok. It seems to me, that you prefer to stay on 1.3 than fixxing the problem. 

Sounds now like an auto-import issue. There were some changes made in the recent past...


Well it's about import to database. I doubt it has some impact on products that is uploaded 1 by one. We never import CSV files, if we upload we upload xlsx. 


Ok I have to give up then. I don't know, what you are actually doing. Your naming "upload" / "1 by one" probably confuses me. I don't even know, if the core allows xlsx files. Cause my BO says: "Allowed formats: .csv"

IMO you are using multiple times the same rewrite_link. 

14 minutes ago, Havouza said:

Well it's about import to database.

Aha! One second. Your are importing xlsx files directly into PhpMyAdmin or so? Well then I am even more sure, that it is an link_rewrite problem. Please check this column for duplicates.


From experience I can say, that very strange things happens, when you have dupliacte urls. Few weeks ago I had the following:

- shop1.com/quiz -> was leading to a module site (as intended)
- shop2.com/quiz -> was leading to an error like "product no more active".

The strange thing was, that the dispatcher in shop2 was leading to the product and in shop1 to the module site. I still don't know, what the difference was there actually. But just wanted to make clear, that duplicate urls are very tricky and confusing.



To sort things out once and for all. We create new products manually one by one in bo. Fill in the different sections. Info, price, category, image etc. Nothing else. If we use excel we use a upload module for that, only to update prices. We NEVER mass upload new products. Tb create all URLs itself. 

32 minutes ago, Havouza said:

Tb create all URLs itself

That's not a good assumption. The link_rewrite is defined under SEO tab (in product form). This should be unique. I guess you, that you are using multiple times the same value there.

In the BO under preferences, you should even have a point "Duplicate Urls" or so. You can also check there, if there are some issues...


Well, all products have unique names, also in these problem cases. This must in my opinion mean that the URL also will be unique. This has at least worked in the other 1500+ products we have in each shop.

After I rolled back, we recreated the same products, and now there is no problem. So I still don't think that is the problem.

5 hours ago, Havouza said:

Well, all products have unique names, also in these problem cases. This must in my opinion mean that the URL also will be unique. This has at least worked in the other 1500+ products we have in each shop.

After I rolled back, we recreated the same products, and now there is no problem. So I still don't think that is the problem.

In the example above the visible names of both products in the last 2 pictures are the same.

If you make a backup and update I'm sure this 'issue' will not be present as currently they are with different names in your shop (and because of that - different SEO urls). We don't know if you saw this and changed one of the products or not.

This is your 'issue' - SEO URLs sometimes could end up the same (product or categories) and the system picks the first in the db and redirects any later matches to it. Not a bug but a inconvinient feature and it's really easy to go around it.

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