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Anyone observed high server load these days?


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Hi everyone,

we just had a support request related to high server load. Looks like there is a potential for infinite loop. That can have quite negative impact on server performance.

This issue is actually not a bug in the thirty bees core. It looks like a bug in PHP itself, and only for some combinations of PHP and server time zones. I was able to reproduce the issue on PHP7, time zone US/Central. Not reproducible on PHP8 US/Central, or on PHP7 Europe/Prague.

The issue is related to adding time interval to \DateTime object shortly before the Daylight Saving Time threshold.


Just to be sure, you can look into your database:

SELECT from_unixtime(last_execution), from_unixtime(last_checked) FROM tb_scheduled_task;

if any of the returned datatime is around the DST threshold, your server is probably affected.

To fix this, simply update all scheduled tasks:

UPDATE tb_scheduled_task SET last_checked = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), last_execution = UNIX_TIMESTAMP();
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28 minutes ago, datakick said:
SELECT from_unixtime(last_execution), from_unixtime(last_checked) FROM tb_scheduled_task;

This table does not exist for me 🙃

#1146 - Tabelle 'tb_scheduled_task' existiert nicht

And core updater doesn't show anything wrong under "database".

Edited by wakabayashi
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