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Migration keeps stopping at file update stage around 4600 files left. "Snap something went wrong" and browser goes to error page.



Hello All,


I have been trying to migrate my prestashop to the 30 bees using the psonesixmigrator-v2.1.1 Tool. I am using php 7.1 on my own dedicated server. When i configure the module all looks fine and the update starts. All checks passed. I have also deactivated non native modules and overrides and changed to the default template. It gets to the point where its says its upgrading files. It upgrades over 3/4 of them then it gets to around 4300 left and then the browser kicks out and it says "snap something went wrong" and the install fails. I have got to this point over and over again and had to restore from backup to try again and again. Very frustrating... I have increased all the post sizes and timeouts to max so i know it's not that. Is there anyone that has had this problem and can offer some advise? I am even willing to pay someone to get this done for me.


Thank you, Wayne

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11 answers to this question

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What could help is to play around with the host settings:

  • max_execution_time
  • max_input_vars
  • memory_limit
  • post_max_size

Increase those and try again.

Also you can try different php versions - try 5.6 for the migration only. If it works revert back to 7.1 after the migration.

Then update gradually to 1.3 put your php on 7.4 and update to 1.4 or edge. @datakick could say more precisely what version was the first non 5.6 compatible.


Edited by the.rampage.rado
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Thank you for the assistance! I really appreciate it!! I have all the host settings at the max but it stilll did the same thing. I have php 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 and everything up to 8.1. I have just downgraded my php to 5.6 and all checks have passed and all dependencies were resolved on each php version i switch to. I'm going to try the upgrade again with 5.6 and see how she goes. I have a few questions about things and also need to enquire about some services.

1. Once i am fully upgraded, what is the best version of php to use with 30 bees so i remain compatible with all the modules i have purchased from the ps addons store?

2. I have a few modules on my site that are for ps that i can't do without. Is there anyone here that i could pay to fix these modules, ie. (Make them secure and work with 30 bees?) I have purchased them all from the ps addons store for way too much money and would really like to keep them working. A few names of the modules are "Call for Price", "Sorting of Categories, "Advanced Top Menu" and "Slider Verification" for the contact form and a few others. I would also maybe need my template updated if it ends up being a problem. It works great with ps so i'm not sure how to tell if it needs upgrading except to look at the error logs.


Thank you, Wayne

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Well.... The same thing happened but it made it to 2345 files this time. I'm wondering if this is a browser problem or a web issue? I received the error below. I am using chrome. Should i try Firefox or MS Edge? I've never experience this type of error before. Would you know if this is browser or server side related issue?

Aw, Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage. Error code: Out of Memory.

Thank you, Wayne

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Hello Again,


Thanks for the programmer recomendation! I managed to get it to work after using firefox and changing the memory settings. I also used a private browser window.  I was just trying to install 1.4 and received an ajax error. Any idea on hot to fix this one> Alos when i did the upgrade my images in the slider and front end categories dissapeared. Allos the main category images are gone.  It happened the last time i upgraded also. I tried uploading them again but all i get is the black camera image... Not sure what to do on that. 

Here is the error it throws when trying to upgrade to 1.4 using php 7.4. Should i be using php 7.1 still while i'm upgrading to 1.4 then switch to php 7.4 after the update completes?

Ajax request failed: parsererror

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
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This error message suggests that you were logged-out during update.

This can happen because coreupdater is a module that depends on core which is being updated. If something related to authentication process (encryption algorithm, cookie serialization, etc) changed in the new version, the current back office session is invalidated. 

That's quite stupid. No, it's very stupid. One of the high priority task on a todo list. We need separate updating tool that does not depend on core. Such tool could be even use to migrate ps16 directly to latest thirtybees.

Anyway -- you should run core updater again. If there are no changes listed, go to Database tab and apply fixes. At least all missing tables and missing columns -- that would be performed automatically, but was not due to the logged-out bug.

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First of all sanitize your admin folder because it's visible.

Currently at what version of TB are you?

I believe I was running on 7.0 and 7.1 up until 1.3 so it should be working. You can try setting the update target to Custom target then select 1.2 or 1.3 when you update and see if you can update to this versions first?

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Well i managed to get it updated to 1.4 bleeding edge on php 7.4! I did all the database fixes and it shows all green-good in the updater. I am still not able to see the slider images on my homepage though even after reuploading them. They show in the backend module but not o the fron tend. I just see the black camera default photo. Any idea on how to fix this? I also get an error when i try and go to checkout as seen below. So close to getting it working even though i'm seeing alot of popup errors in the backend. I have the display errors enabled so i can try and get rid of as many as i can. How do i sterilize my admin folder? I already renamed it.



Cannot use object of type Carrier as array

when rendering smarty template themes/theme958/./order-carrier.tpl
compiled file cache/smarty/compile/2d/62/2c/2d622cc7ea5ea54e386529f15a7f665e29c41302_0.file.order-carrier.tpl.php at line 152

Source file: themes/theme958/./order-carrier.tpl

1:{if !$opc}
2:	{capture name=path}{l s='Shipping:'}{/capture}
3:	{assign var='current_step' value='shipping'}
4:	<div id="carrier_area">
5:		<h1 class="page-heading">{l s='Shipping:'}</h1>
6:		{include file="$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl"}
7:		{include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"}
8:		<form id="form" action="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" method="post" name="carrier_area">
10:	<div id="carrier_area" class="opc-main-block">
11:		<h1 class="page-heading step-num"><span>2</span> {l s='Delivery methods'}</h1>
12:			<div id="opc_delivery_methods" class="opc-main-block">
13:				<div id="opc_delivery_methods-overlay" class="opc-overlay" style="display: none;"></div>
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Both are issues with your theme

29 minutes ago, WayneB said:

I am still not able to see the slider images on my homepage though even after reuploading them. They show in the backend module but not o the fron tend. I just see the black camera default photo. Any idea on how to fix this?

29 minutes ago, WayneB said:

I also get an error when i try and go to checkout as seen below.

29 minutes ago, WayneB said:

How do i sterilize my admin folder? I already renamed it.


That's enough. Just don't post your admin dir anywhere. It was visible in your previous post -- I have edited it already to remove this sensitive information.

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I have fixed the slider by replacing the code as seen in the post you sent. I guess for the checkout page error i will need to pay you to fix this. Should i export my template and send it to you? Please let me know how to proceed? Thanks again for your help so far! I really appreciate it.


Tank you, Wayne

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