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Error 500 - Add to Cart


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Hi All


My website is giving an error 500, when add to cart on some items.  But the items is in stock.


Here is the Debug Report:

What could this be?

102:		if (is_array($cart_products))
103:			foreach ($cart_products as $cart_product)
104:			{
105:				if ((!isset($this->id_product_attribute) || $cart_product['id_product_attribute'] == $this->id_product_attribute) &&
106:					(isset($this->id_product) && $cart_product['id_product'] == $this->id_product))
107:				{
108:					$qty_to_check = $cart_product['cart_quantity'];
110:					if (Tools::getValue('op', 'up') == 'down')
111:						$qty_to_check -= $this->qty;
112:					else
113:						$qty_to_check += $this->qty;
115:					break;
116:				}
117:			}
119:		if ($this->id_product_attribute)
120:		{
121:			if (!Product::isAvailableWhenOutOfStock($product->out_of_stock) && !Attribute::checkAttributeQty($this->id_product_attribute, $qty_to_check))
122:				$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('There isn\'t enough product in stock.', !Tools::getValue('ajax'));
123:		}
124:		elseif ($product->hasAttributes())
125:		{
126:			$minimumQuantity = ($product->out_of_stock == 2) ? !Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') : !$product->out_of_stock;
127:			$this->id_product_attribute = Product::getDefaultAttribute($product->id, $minimumQuantity);
128:			if (!$this->id_product_attribute)
129:				Tools::redirectAdmin($this->context->link->getProductLink($product));
130:			elseif (!Product::isAvailableWhenOutOfStock($product->out_of_stock) && !Attribute::checkAttributeQty($this->id_product_attribute, $qty_to_check))
131:				$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('There isn\'t enough product in stock.', !Tools::getValue('ajax'));
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Make a DB backup before you apply all of those. Most are non-critical (ignore the red label) but few of them might be part of this rework I mentioned.

Each file update to most recent bleeding edge version should be followed by check and update on any available fixes here because otherwise the shop might end up broken.

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8 minutes ago, the.rampage.rado said:

Make a DB backup before you apply all of those. Most are non-critical (ignore the red label) but few of them might be part of this rework I mentioned.

Thank you, I just applied them all, but it seams like the Error is still there when I add that product.  What I find off is that the older products add to cart 100%, but not this new product.


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1 minute ago, the.rampage.rado said:

Open this file:

and edit the highlighted 121 line to datakicks version and it will work as it used to before. 😉

Got it, thank you so much.  I changed it and now its adding.  Thank you so much.

Edited by HenriBierman
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