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Recaptcha & Newsletter Block


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  • 4 months later...

Hi again, with an eye on the coming GDPR, which is necessary for the whole EU on 25. May 2018, i will ask again if there is any possibility for an Double-Opt-In for the contact and also for the newsletter form ?

This is absolutely necessary to go on with these forms from 25. May on.

Please find also some informations here: https://www.bitkom.org/Bitkom/Publikationen/FAQ-What-to-know-about-the-General-Data-Protection-Regulation-GDPR.html

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Hello mdekker, thank you for your helpful answer. With this, i could manage the DOI for newsletter (i use the native blocknewsletter module at the moment, now the DOI works fine).

But there is the need to inform the customer that his name and e-mail-address will be saved when he is sending some things via the contact form to us. For logged in customers the data and inquiry also will be saved in the BO and/or can be answered by external e-mail-software.

There should be a checkbox, even when we "only" save his inquiry and give an answer, i think this is the intention of the GDPR. When we use his e-mail-add. for marketing, then the situation is clear.
I am correct with my idea about the checkbox at the contact form (honestly i have to say i thinks so) ?

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@drmasterchief for most companies in the UK it will be sufficient to have a dedicated GDPR page detailing exactly what is and isn't saved. You don't need to edit the code to comply with it, you just need to tell the customer what is being saved and how it is used.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi again, regarding this thing with contact_form and your work on 1.0.4. with GDPR-module.... another question:

it is strongly recommended to have a checkbox with an link and hint for the privacy policy so customers have to mark it and confirm that they know where to read the privacy policy.... (maybe someone read it of course).

"Strongly recommended" means, that there is no actual judge from a court about this and to prevent from some bad guys it is much better to have such an text with checkbox on the contact form.

Will the tb GDPR module for 1.0.4 include such a solution?

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Unless I am wrong, nothing extra is required on our end. Just put a note in the privacy policy. It should be common sense that if you are submitting a form information is being saved about you. Nothing out of the ordinary is saved so I cannot see it requiring any notice.

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Yes i know, it is necessary to give some information to the customer also about the contact-from in the privacy policy.

But... as i have written, it is "strongly recommended" to have a checkbox with a short note to the privacy policy (the same at the end of the checkout here in EU). This is to obviate against hasty bills from lawyers and protracted discussion with them regarding this.

Maybe it is not that much work to include such thing in the contact-form?

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