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Everything posted by Tomik

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%85land_Islands yes apparently the weird A ( no offence) is correct :smile:
  2. at Localization > Countries you can enable or disable all the ones
  3. @ajensen27 said in Onepage Check-out like presta 1.7: Really like that address finder too! I know it's just the Google one probably but was done differently than I've ever seen. Yup really good function to have
  4. i use the cloudways setup with maridb and php 7 with smarty @ filesystem with CCC everything except "Move JavaScript to the end" cache with redis its not slow atleast :D
  5. i agree, you should be going PS > TB not the other way around :smile:
  6. Yes free plan ill wait for tomorrow then
  7. So ive set up mailchimp as in the blog Meanwhile at mailchimp itself i cant see anyone added to the list.
  8. @Anima have you tried to look at cloudways Without ref managed vps which you can upgrade anytime.
  9. Tomik

    Refferal password

    But now its still not possible to login, its the default referral module that comes with TB guess its broken and untouched :smile:
  10. Tomik

    Refferal password

    You were right, Database is already correct. The fix is to change /classes/Referrer.php Line 76 from 30 to 60 No idea how to change it on github but you can mark this as solved after someone updates it :smile:
  11. Hi, im using the tracking for referrals module but when i want to set a password for a user i get a error, Property Referrer->passwd length (60) must be between 0 and 32 http://i.imgur.com/E31UixV.png
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