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Everything posted by Tomik

  1. This should be already fixed in the upcoming new release
  2. Just a small workaround in the database at tbthememeta you can change left_column to 1
  3. Preferences > General > Enable multistore on the bottom somewhere
  4. did you start on the cloudways backend ?
  5. @violinparts said in elastic search friendly url: The latest release of elastic search simply does NOT work. Was it tested before announcement or release? It does work. but you can make a topic about your problems and someone will help you :)
  6. Tomik

    1.0.4 soon?

    there is no RC2 yet, RC1 is available on the github although there have been 100+ fixes already :)
  7. @slick_303 said in Add tracking pixels to custom checkout: I dont have any experience with doing that, but I'm thinking BO>Preferences>Custom Code might be of some use..? Would this not work? because im looking at the same
  8. Just tested with a clean 1.0.3 install, seems that the option Share orders Once this option is enabled (which is only possible if customers and available quantities are shared among shops), the customer's cart will be shared by all shops in this group. This way, any purchase started in one shop will be able to be completed in another shop from the same group. Warning: You will not be able to disable this option once you've started to accept orders. Is not working with sharing carts
  9. Hi, So I'm trying out multishop the problem i'm currently running into is that the user is not logged in/cart saved between the shops, is there anyway i can share the cookies along all the shops? Or any other solution ?
  10. Tomik

    1.0.4 soon?

    Would i be able to upgrade RC1 to RC2 or would it require a clean install
  11. just testing and with a clean install, its not any issue for me since friendly url is always on
  12. already tried that didn't work,
  13. Friendly url = Off, Elastic search = ON However every link that uses the search still gives this as link https://i.imgur.com/SyQMFof.png (bottom left) Which then gives the error product not found
  14. @mdekker said in elastic search friendly url: Not sure what that means? Does it force friendly URLs? Sorry its late :), elastic search uses friendy url even when i have it disabled so get a error page for product not found. if that makes better sense
  15. Hi, Everything works good on the default theme but the panda theme seems to have problem, with the same settings it doesnt show any products in the categories link https://i.imgur.com/gs8HfZ7.png Clean install 1.0.3, with the panda theme.
  16. Hi found a "bug" with the newest elastic search, it doesn't look at the option if friendly url is on or off, its default ON. When you enable it in settings everything works again.
  17. And i think google places ssl websites above others.
  18. I don't think people actually look at the SSL cert, and its not safer in any way since everyone can get a Let's Encrypt ssl,
  19. check your friendly url on the product that its not the same.
  20. i dont know about the sql but you try the store manager trial and export/import
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