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  1. 30knees's post in Webservice call returns 301 (#CON11) was marked as the answer   
    Solution: The domain in the external service and the tb parameter SET SHOP URL have to match precisely. The external service said to use domain.com but in SET SHOP URL I had www.domain.com. Changing the external service entry to www.domain.com fixed the issue.
  2. 30knees's post in Export Order Detail was marked as the answer   
    I had a module developed that I use and that I'd be happy to share with the community.
    Below is what the CSV export currently contains. Should be easy enough to edit.
    Module attached.picklistmodule-v100b13.zip
  3. 30knees's post in How to define the default image for combinations was marked as the answer   
    Yep ... but your post gave me the idea to look into the database. 
    Solution: go to tb_image and then you can change the order under the column 'position'.
  4. 30knees's post in TB 1.1.x error with the Order Edit module 1.3 was marked as the answer   
    Yep, changing the shipping costs works.
    My versions are:
    TB: 1.1.x bleeding edge
    Order editor: V1.3.14
  5. 30knees's post in Combinations not working with volume pricing was marked as the answer   
    The way I do it is not to have any prices for the parent product and then only prices for the combination. That means the impact on the price of the parent is actual price I want to sell it for. That works quite well. Maybe it'll work for you, too?
  6. 30knees's post in No carriers available error was marked as the answer   
    I solved the problem, and I think this is a bug.
    "State required" was activated. When I turned it off, I tried checking out, but that didn't work. Then I thought of going back into the address and saving the address again without the "state" field. That worked.
    But why would having the state activated cause this problem?
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