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Posts posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. @datakick - can you check this out? https://github.com/getdatakick/revws/issues/31

    AWESOME MODULE!!! How can we add additional images instead of stars and hearts?

    And one more question - when I run the microdata through the check tool it says something like "Normalization of the rating was not successful" and "The value of your rating is outside the range. You must assign min and max values" (it's in Bulgarian so I have to roughly translate. Those represent 2 errors. What must be done?

  2. I would recommend installing imagick module for the pictures and also you must enable the extension.

    And - which is this module that relies on php 5.6?! If it was me I would uninstall it and move to 7 right away and if the developer updates it add it later. PHP 7 is a must with opcache and apcu. The shop gets usable.

  3. This is the first bug I've notices - all prices are zero. Where should I check to see if they are kept or I need to fix them somehow?

    EDIT - just checked the prices are kept in the db but shown as 0. EDIT2 - they are displayed as 0 only when I use Bulgarian language. English is OK

  4. @traumflug said in PS Addons equivalents:

    If your previous shop is a PS 1.6 shop, the solution is simple: use these PS modules. They should continue to work with thirty bees.

    If it's a PS 1.7 shop, search not only for thirty bees modules, but also for PS 1.6 modules.

    And don't forget this: https://thirtybees.com/migrate-from-prestashop/, there's even a module making a migration from PS a pretty simple task.

    Speaking of using PS 1.6 modules - will their normal Paypal module also work? Are there any differences in the modules section which we have to keep in mind?

  5. Hello,

    I'm working on a side project for my daily job and we are building webshop on 30beez and Warehouse.

    The Layered navigation mod module is not working. I want to fix it above the category so I have to use the modded version.

    When I try to edit the default filter template the server gives me 500 error and when I want to create new one it's not displayed in the table but the green notification above says ''it's saved''.

    Can somebody help me out?

    The installation is pure TB 1.0.3 and WH 3.6.latest.

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