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Everything posted by bhtoys

  1. So for the last two months, businesses in Canada haven't had to collect tax on toys. (I sell toys) - So I disabled something on my site to stop charging tax. Issue is... now that it's over, it's only charging one tax for some provinces, and nothing for the one I'm in... I've checked, and all provinces are there with the tax amounts in two sections. Am I missing something? I haven't had to check this for 5 years. I'm on TB1.4
  2. Got ya. However I'm still doing it manually per item... there's no option to click ALL and give them all the same size / weight for shipping?
  3. Maybe I've missed it, but is it possible to change the weight and height of all items in one category at the same time?
  4. bhtoys

    Export CSV?

    Missed this before. Sorry. I'm actually sad to see me go as well. But after four years of a bunch of bugs, and some that won't / can't get resolved, I think it's easier for me. My store (brick and mortar) is pretty busy, so I don't always have time to do updates and fix things for the site. I think Shopify is where I'm headed. Would love to return to Miva, but the cost is just too high.
  5. bhtoys

    Export CSV?

    Lol. I’ve been dealing with that issue for years. It’s well documented on here in my past posts. As are issues like being unable to upgrade to a newer version, etc. Im not worried about my customer base having to make a new password, a simple email to all customers will inform them of that minor inconvenience. Shopify suggested Cart2Cart and some others - however I wanted to ask here first.
  6. bhtoys

    Export CSV?

    Is there a way to export my site to CSV files? I wish you all luck, but I think it's time I moved on from Thirty Bees. It came in very VERY helpful when Covid hit, and was only to be a temporary thing for me at the time. I've appreciated all the tips, help, and suggestions over the years, my life has changed in such a way that I don't have the spare time needed to fix or alter things with ThirtyBees anymore, and just want to switch it over to Shopify, and have an employee do most of the things needed there without me having to teach them how to use Thirtybees, etc. Thanks, Mike
  7. Neither. Test just done. I didn't get my customer order confirmation, or the Store Order Made email. Mail Alerts check out. I get the test email from that. Just nothing else from the site. As much as I'd like this to work, I've not made any changes, they just stopped. Thirty Bees saved my stores ass wen Covid hit and we were in lockdown. So I'm very appreciative of it. I just don't have the time (or the knowledge) to fix all these little errors that happen. I can't figure out why I'm like the only one that can't update anything on my site, and why errors show up. Is there a way to export my site to CSV files. I wish you all luck, but I think it's time I moved on from Thirty Bees. I mean, I don't get any emails from the site at all. But I do get the test one? That makes no sense.
  8. Well, I did ask for help here before... even said I'd pay someone. Nada. Correct. Nothing has changed and those are still there since day one of install. Negative. I appreciate all the help you've given me. I'm tired of things just "vanishing" or missing, or new errors showing up. Thirtybees is the only cart ive ever used that i've had this many issues with. I think it's time I find a new one to use. The fact that I've never been able to update my version of TB should of been a sign.
  9. Sorry, that's the core updater. Says I still have 1.1.0 at the top of the screen however.
  10. 1. Nothing mentioned there. 2. Nothing at all pertaining to emails. 3. 1.6.7 - I have issues updating past that.. 4. I haven't made any changes - the email just stopped working. I don't get the notification that an email has been made to my email anymore. 5. Again, haven't made any changes. But yes, it's in there and while it needed to be updated, I've done so, and did a test order - still nothing. And thanks for the suggestion for the spam. But I don't quite understand how github works. I'm also not comfortable altering any files.
  11. I thought it was a glitch or something after I got a TON of spam via the customer service link. But now I get no emails. I also apparently don't get any emails from the Order Inquiry (customer service), or Webmaster options anymore either.... I did get the test email. And I've talked to my hosting company. The fact I get a test email, but not an order email makes me think it's something up with ThirtyBees?
  12. Thanks!!!
  13. Absolutely would. If I knew where it was…
  14. Scratch that.... I have an issue. I can't find how to add sizes and weight to multiple items at once on this page... Can anyone help?
  15. Disregard. Found it!
  16. I'm about to start offering shipping to the US and some other parts of the world. (UK, Australia, etc). The issue I'm having, is that for any shipping app I install, I need my products to say a rough weight and dimensions. Selling within Canada, I've always had a flat rate - so I never entered that information into the products. I do seem to remember someone posting a few years ago about a "catch all" way to highlight a bunch of products and change all their categories, or such. I used it, I forget what I used it for - but it was useful. Does anyone remember what this was? It was free, and I had to install it on my server - which I'm sure it's still there.... just don't remember what it's called. It's my hope that I can use that and set up an average weight/size for every item that's the same type to save me literally months and months of boring ass inputting.
  17. That solved it not showing in search.... still getting the error however. EDIT Ok, that didn't solve it... just added another item, same thing - won't show in search. Since when do I have to reindex every thing I add?
  18. I just added a packaged item on my site. It's not showing on search, and when I added it in two sections - I got a warning that it's a duplicate item.... It shows up in the catagories, and in the Site Map as newest items.... but not in the basic search. Images below. Any clue why this would be happening? I should mention, it doesn't matter what two sections I put the item in - I get the error each time. I already have items in two sections - have for years... no clue why this error would show up now, and not allow it to be in the search bar results.
  19. Are inodes an issue with most Thirty Bee users? I never experienced it before, and now I'm clearing the cache nearly every day...
  20. Well that's a poor feature to not include it the other way as well. It only affects one section, so I guess I'll manually go back and fix them all. Thanks
  21. So... nothing?
  22. When I was done adding items to this page : https://bountyhuntertoys.com/store/index.php?id_category=16&controller=category It listed the highest priced condition first for everything. That was about 6 months ago.... Now, it's reversed that, and the lowest priced (incomplete) version is shown first. I'm at a loss, where do I swap that back? I can only assume I did something that forced them all this way. https://bountyhuntertoys.com/store/index.php?id_product=206&controller=product#/38-condition-incomplete_1
  23. I’ve just renewed for three years: that’s a big chunk of money to kiss away.
  24. 766 Is what they came back with.
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