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Everything posted by papagino

  1. I tried to add html in the Theme configuraton for the Home hook and transplanted the module to the this hook, but the content doesn't appear on the homepage. This module seems to be only to add images...
  2. Hello people, on my Prestashop site, the homepage content is done via the "Home text editor" module. The content created with this PS module will be shown as your homepage (your website URL). On my new Thirtybees site (not yet online and in maintenance mode for development), there is no module like the "Home text editor" utilized with Prestashop. My website uses the Niara Theme with 3 columns setup, I am on Thirtybees Bleeding Edge 1.5 under PHP 8.1. I created a page using the HTML Block module and set its Hook for "Homepage content," but when viewing the homepage with a smartphone, it doesn't look too good, the content is not centered (Top Image) and there is no padding at all on both sides. The text is almost going out of the screen in portrait or landscape mode. The page text alignment is set to "Justify." The page looks fine when viewed on a PC, however. When comparing the padding (both sides) for the CMS pages and the page created with the HTML Block, it is different on the HTML Block content where the Padding is less (or not at all). Still, all the pages done via the CMS module shows great and is responsive to whatever you use to display the content of the website. Is there a way to use CMS to create the homepage content? It seems impossible to set the Hook to Home, no way to transplant it either. I am missing something here, is there a particular module to create the homepage that I missed! Can anyone replicate the problem I see with the HTML Block content not showing correctly when viewed in Portrait (or in Landscape) mode on a smartphone? Does the HTML Block module need modification to add Padding on both sides? Any help on this problem would be greatly appreciated. Updates... I have done a workaround by adding my content inside a table with margin set to 15px like this: <table style="margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px;"> <tbody> <tr> <td> content in here... </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> But I still think that this should be done automatically via the module or a CSS for this module when the HTML Block module is used in the Homepage content hook. Cheers, Dan
  3. Niara, but I am using a clone of it as I am modifying some of the CSS for look...
  4. Hi, thanks for the reply, I did look inside Localizations->Translations->Front Office and the messages above were not in there. (I clicked on "Expand all fieldsets" then used "Ctrl F" to search for the messages to be translated, but they were not there.) This is on Thirtybees Bleeding Edge 1.5, anyone with this version should be able to confirm the problem with unable to translate those messages. Cheers
  5. On the Create an account page, if you leave the email field blank and click on "Create an account" button, a "Please fill out this field." error appears and if you enter a non-valid email address, the error, "Please enter an email address." appear. How do I translate "Please fill out this field." and "Please enter an email address." errors? Also, when guess checkout is enabled, and don't select anything in the drop-down menu for the Province/State and click on the "Proceed to checkout" button, you get the error "Please select an item in the list.", how do I translate this error in French? Could not find these in the "Error message translations" under Localization/Translations of the Backoffice. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers,
  6. Thanks, any way to translate the button "Browse" for "Parcourir" ?
  7. Hello people, I have cloned the Niara theme so I can do some modification to it. I am on Thirtybees Bleeding Edge 1.5 under PHP8.1 My website is in English and French. I've noticed that on the contact form, some texts are not translated in French. I have searched in the Backoffice Translation but could not find the text that needs translation. Here are the texts that need translation, the subject heading "Customer service" and "Webmaster" (inside the drop-down menu) The text : "For any question about a product, an order" when Customer service is selected and "If a technical problem occurs on this website" when Webmaster is selected. I did not notice if this was also a problem when I was on the original Niara theme. Can anyone help me solve this problem? Would using the "Copy" French Language pack from the original Niara theme to the new cloned theme (Niara2) in the Backoffice Translation menu fix this problem or this problem is present in the original Niara Theme? Thanks,
  8. Hello folks, I am on Thirtybees Bleeding Edge 1.5 under PHP8.1 using a 3-column type setup for my Theme Niara (Cloned). When viewing my shop on a smart phone, the 'Block Top Menu" is replaced with a "Menu +" button. If you click on it, you get the category under it and you can click on your product category you want to see. The problem is that the Products under that category are listed way at the bottom of the screen below all modules that show on the Left Column Hook (CMS Categories, New Products Block and Blog Popular Posts...) of the theme and just above whatever modules are set on the Right Column Hook. This also happens if you select a link from the CMS Category, it will show up at the bottom and not the first thing on top. This is not to user-friendly for mobile users as they have to scroll way down to see their selection. How can I fix this, so that when you make your selection on the "Menu +" button or a link to a CMS page, it is the first thing you see on the top of the page? Note that this has only been effected in mobile mode. I tried playing with Hook Positions but this is not fixing the problem. I know I could disable some of the affected modules to not show by selecting "Disable on Mobiles," but is there a way around this? Can anyone replicate this on a 3-column type theme? Any advice to fix this would be appreciated. Attached is a screenshot of my theme advanced settings.
  9. Hello people, I have unable the "Block Permanent Links" module and transplanted it in the "displayNav" location, but it doesn't matter where I move it in displayNav, it will always show up on the right side and slightly above the links for "Sign In" and "Language", no way to have it aligned with those other links. In prestashop, it would automatically be perfectly positioned in line with the other links. Is this a bug? Any way to fix this? Cheers See photos:
  10. FAQ Module Basically, a module for Frequently Ask Questions. In the FAQ page, you see all the questions and when you click on a question, the answer appears at the bottom of it when you click on it, accordion style. Similar to this module: https://bontheme.com/prestashop-modules/faq-page-frequently-asked-questions-prestashop-module
  11. Hmmm! never thought of doing this as this must have been done automatically with Prestashop... Simple when you know where to look. Cheers
  12. Hi, thank you for your input. However, I think that Thirtybees developers should make these changes, as changing core files will cause problems every time you do a "Core Updater" in the Backoffice of your store. Cheers
  13. Hello people I noticed that "My Account Block" and "My Account Block Footer" is always showing up on the website even if a customer is not logged in the store. (In Prestashop, it would only appear once you are logged in the website) Is there a way to have those two modules only show up on the website when a customer is logged in? (This should be considered as a bug and need to be looked at...) I am on Thirtybees 1.5.0 Bleeding Edge and on PHP 8.1 Thanks! Dan
  14. Hello people, I know that some Prestashop 1.6+ modules are compatible with Thirtybees but some won't work under PHP8.0+. The new Prestashop 8 is PHP 8.1 ready, but my question is, are the modules compatible with PS8 work with Thirtybees 1.4+ under PHP8.1? Cheers Dan
  15. Ok I managed to do an easy way around by editing the tbhtmlblock.php so the HTML Block module is able to be transplanted to the displayBanner hook. Could the Thirtybees developers make this change so this can be used by others. Attached is the modified tbhtmlblock.php files Cheers Dan tbhtmlblock.php
  16. Hello people, I would like to create a banner on the top of the page in Navigation Hook using the Native HTML Block module, but that would show up in the center of the page and on the left side of the Language and Sign In button like in this image: I have tried all kind banner sizes and it will always show either above or below the Language and Sign In buttons, never on the same horizontal block. BTW, I've tried the native "Thirtybees Banner module", but this is not working to good for me, Native HTML Block is a much better and easy to use module as you can turn on or off contents by a simple tick... I am on Niara theme under Thirtybees 1.5 bleeding edge and PHP 8.1. Anyways to get this working like mentioned above? It is not possible to transplant HTML Block module to the "displayBanner" Hook. This should be added for this module. Cheers Dan
  17. You are right datakick, I just tried the 1.4.6 version again, it installed, but you get a "500 Server Error" as soon as you click on the configure button in Modules. Tomer mentioned I need to comment out any complete condition where ps_versions_compliancy is mentioned. I've look inside the paypalpro.php files but can't figure it out... Any help to make this module work would be great. Thanks
  18. Thanks, I had created a user with view only, but it looks like I used the wrong token in the configuration... Anyway, all is good now. Cheers Dan
  19. Ok, I just tried the 1.4.6 version again, it installed, but you get a "500 Server Error" as soon as you click on the configure button in Modules. Tomer mentioned I need to comment out any complete condition where ps_versions_compliancy is mentioned. I've look inside the paypalpro.php files but can't figure it out... Any help to make this module work would be great. Thanks
  20. Yes Yes maybe you're right, there is another version PayPal Pro (Direct Payment + Hosted Solution) (1.4.6) that I am currently using on my Prestashop shop. I tried the latest version with Thirtybees thinking that it would support PHP 8.1. I will try the 1.4.6 version again, but I am pretty sure it won't work with PHP 8.1. Here is the 1.4.6 version... Cheers paypalpro.zip
  21. Hello people, I recently installed Matomo Web Analytics v1.3.0 - by thirty bees on my Thirtybees 1.5 (offline and in progess) using PHP8.1. Matomo is working fine on their website, tracking and all.. However, whenever I click on the Piwik Analytic button in Stats of the backoffice I get this window: I have attached screenshot of my entire Matomo configuration page (blocked out sections for security reason) Can anyone help me identify what's wrong with my configuration? Any help would be very much appreciated. Cheers Dan
  22. Hello wondefull people. I was testing the PayPal Pro (Direct Payment + Hosted Solution) (2.0.5) free module from Presto-Changeo and it was working great with Thirtybees 1.4 under PHP7.4, but not longer work under PHP8.x, causing a 500 server error every time the payment page would load in the cart. (Needed to comment out any condition where ps_versions_compliancy was mentioned in paypalpro.php in order to be able to install the module in Thirtybees) Anyway, I wrote to Tomer from Presto-Changeo to see if he was interested in updating his module to make it compatible for PHP8.x. His reply was that they've stopped working with PrestaShop and TB over a year ago and have no plans going back. I then ask if he would agree to have the Thirtybees community modify his module to make it compatible with PHP8.x? His reply was: "You are welcome to upgrade and share the module, the only request I have is that the affiliate key in the module remains the same." This module was the best I've found for PayPal payment with business account and was working great under PHP 7.4. Would there be anyone on here who is a coder be willing for this task? I have attached the zip file for the module version 2.0.5 Let me know... Cheers Dan paypalpro.zip
  23. Hello people, I've never used Overrides before. I want the overrides to remove the ... at the end of the drop down cart product names and also on the crossseling product names. I was just modifying the truncate values inside the dropdown.tpl and crossselling.tpl but this is a no no when having to do a Thirtybees updates. Basically, the overrides need to do this: To remove ... in product names of drop down cart, go to: public_html/themes/niara/modules/blockcart/includes/dropdown.tpl Line 44, change truncate:13 to 55 To remove ... in product names of Cross Selling (Customers who bought this product also bought) public_html/themes/niara/modules/blockcart/crossselling.tpl Line 14, change truncate: 18 to 55 How do I create overrides? Do I create folders in the override directory to match the paths to the edited files for dropdown.tpl and crossselling.tpl ? Do the dropdown.tpl and crossselling.tpl files have to be basically the same files copied from their original locations, but with the edited truncate values or I only have to have the specific edited lines in those files ? Any help to accomplish this would be appreciated. Cheers Dan
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