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Everything posted by hubbobubbo
but the blog post says: "When a hook is pink that means it is not being cached. Clicking on the hook will turn it green and allow it to be cached. "
I am trying to test the integrated full page cache of ThirtyBees. I heavily tested a module called ExpressCache in the past and while it performed incredibly in terms of speed it had some issues causing me to never be able to update it. Having this feature integrated into the platform is an amazing idea so today I gave it a shot on the 1.0.4-RC1. I have enabled the File System option in Server Side cache and then I use the default settings for controllers and for testing I checked everything to green for the modules. The thing is that even after repeated tests, I am not seeing any difference. Lighthouse reports the exact same Performance score, load times there are unchanged. On webpagetest.org if anything the ttfb increased a bit compared to when I ran the tests without the full page cache activated. Anyone has any idea, experience from using this? The instructions on the blog are quite clear and in the backoffice it looks ok. I am testing on a vanilla installation running the tests on the product page with a sample product.
Hi I know everyone is eagerly waiting for 1.0.4 but I wanted to start a separate thread on the community theme to learn more about what plans, if any, for it. I understand that the theme in its current format has focused on speed and compliance with some new techs. However from a usability perspective out of the box it is not exactly user friendly. I think PS 1.7 did a decent, even if not perfect, job having a fairly attractive theme out of the box. I bring this up for a couple of reasons. 1. A new user trying out TB will not have a very nice UX experience with the community theme which might lead them to discard the platform. I ran some tests with other themes in Lighthouse and they do not perform that well so I was thinking about starting from the community theme if I migrate to TB, but it seems like a massive task. Having something to baseline from which has more of the basics covered would make it possible for new shops to start building their UX from something which is at least fairly attractive to begin with. I do not think there is an urgent need to have tons of visual tools to configure it to begin with, as long as the basics looks nice and are user friendly most people can do the basic tweaks. It is a bit unclear to me in which state the theme is in technically. One user pointed out that retina support was not working completely. If there are other known issues it would be nice to have a better view of that and if it is a priority to work on. What I am trying to say is that as part of the coming communications in April it would be really nice to get information on the plans for the theme as well. Will it be seen just as a test theme and getting another one would be required or are there plans to evolve it to have a working baseline theme like in PS 1.7 that has the basics looking fairly well out of the box? I know the dev team is overloaded so please do not see this as critique. I would be happy to assist and make PR`s for the theme for your consideration but from the current state it seems quite an uphill battle to get where I need to go. For now it would simply be very helpful to know if there are plans for the community theme and if so what they are.
Maybe start here: http://nemops.com/prestashop-modules-course/ I used this one a couple of years back when I built my first modules: http://module.minic.ro/how-to-create-a-prestashop-module-tutorial/ It seems a bit outdated now, maybe there are better options available.
After 18 days without any commits on github I would just like to repeat my initial question. Would it be possible to get any kind of status/progress information on how the 1.0.4 work is coming along? I would really like to help with testing it but since my previous attempt of installingRC1 did not work I am holding on for the official release.
fantastic. I am planning how to migrate and this was one of my open issues. Now it seems it should not be a major concern and I can focus on figuring out which theme to start from once 1.0.4 becomes available. Thanks for your efforts, I really look forward to testing the module. I have one feature suggestion for your consideration. On my shop Givensa I created a custom CMS page with an aggregated list of client reviews, like this: Customer opinions. I think its a nice way for new customers to get a quick overview of other clients opinions. Maybe its a feature you could consider including when you have time?
@datakick I should be able to export to csv and then I can make a script to clean up the data. Do you have a definition of how the data needs to look like in your review module or can the import module structure it the way it needs to be?
it is called : Google Rich Snippets + Product Ratings and Reviews from Businesstech https://www.businesstech.fr/en/google-and-advertising-modules-for-prestashop/23-google-rich-snippets-product-ratings-and-reviews-0656272653309.html Review texts are stored like jsons in the db: a:4:{s:6:"sTitle";s:17:"Muy recomendable!";s:8:"sComment";s:50:"Muy contenta con el producto, muy mono y original!";s:7:"iLangId";s:1:"4";s:8:"sLangIso";s:2:"es";} and then there are simple table entries for userId, date, star rating and productId in the db. Should be fairly simple to export with the right sql query
@datakick I would like to use your module when I have migrated to TB. I do however have another review module that I need to preserve the reviews from. Do you already have an import feature or would this be possible to add? I can probably export and format my existing data to fit your format if I knew what it would have to look like. Maybe this functionality can be useful for others as well in the future when migrating to TB?
@lesley I think my original question got a bit side tracked by various comments. I have the deepest respect for what you are trying to accomplish and I have tried to get started twice but had some issues so I am waiting for the official 1.0.4. Just to be perfectly clear, if you look at my first comment again I just highlighted the Core weekly blogposts from Prestashop as something that I find helpful. You write amazing blogposts and I have read them for years. My only comment was that if there would be a short blogpost maybe 1-2 times a month about how development is progressing, where is the focus issues etc it would be helpful and interesting reading. Then later on once you have tickets etc those could be referred to as well from these posts. I do not want to suggest more administrative work, simply a way to easy follow what is going on.
One thing that I really disliked with PS in the past was that it was impossible to know what was going on in the project. It seems however that they have improved a lot in this area, I really like these kind of posts they do with the core weekly news: http://build.prestashop.com/ I do not want to suggest adding more admin tasks to TB since its a small project so far but having some sort of progress updates would be really nice. 1.0.3 is from August last year and the RC1 for 1.0.4 is almost . 3 months old. I am following the commits on github but it does not give a good insight in what is currently in progress. In short, it would be really nice to have perhaps a biweekly or even monthly short summary of what is going in development wise? If this is already available somewhere I apologize in advance for missing it.
@zimmer-media maybe I did not make myself clear enough. I am planning to update from a perfectly working 1.5 to either TB or Prestashop. I am currently in the stage to choose which theme to base the update on. Yesterday I tried to install PS 1.7 for the first time and I only spent 30 min on it but I made two quick observations: The default theme in 1.7 is really nice, it would have been perfectly fine for me to start developing on. Due to that my comment on that if TB in the future has a community theme of that caliber, it would be more appealing to people getting started because the first impression is really nice. That was the positive remark in favour of PS. On the negative side, in the short time I spent with PS 1.7 I found several things that simply did not work such as mails and also the simple thing of adding an image to an existing product. That such a basic thing is broken in the latest release of PS strongly talks against spending time on 1.7 right now. Hope that makes it clear, I am fully aware that this is a TB forum but I think its good to cherry pick what is good also from PS 1.7 and keep improving on what was already good in 1.6.
I just tested to install PS 1.7 and I have to say that if we could have a community theme looking something like that it would be an excellent starting point to make your own customizations from. On another note, with a clean install of PS 1.7.3 when I tested to add a new product image to a demo product it did not show in Frontoffice even though it was all ok in backoffice, scary...
cool, will have a look. I did try a clone from 1.0.x first but then some files were not copied at all (the theme) so I choose the rc.1 tag and there is where I ended up with these two issues blocking me.
My intention was to contribute to the community by testing and it feels like a RC should work good enough for basic tests. 1.0.3 is from august so it would seem a waste of time to aim for that one.
I managed to get quite far using Xampp VM on my Mac. The installation has passed and backoffice is working but frontoffice shows these two errors: Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /opt/lampp/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/blockcart/blockcart.php on line 370 Fatal error: Declaration of StatsRegistrations::getData($layers) must be compatible with StatsModule::getData($layers = NULL) in /opt/lampp/htdocs/thirtybees/modules/statsmodule/stats/statsregistrations.php on line 208 My PHP version is 7.1.7 and this is a vanilla installation of 1.0.4-rc.1 Any suggestions?
@slick_303 thanks. I am on Mac so it seems xampp is the popular alternative. I will give it a shot and see if I can make it work
Hi I would like to make a localhost installation of TB. I recall struggling with this for PS a couple of years back so before wasting time I wanted to check if someone had step-by-step instructions that are up to date. I noticed another post about a docker image but it was not clear if it was up to date or working.
@MockoB thanks for the very informative reply. I agree, my 1.5 site works fine. My main concern is that I do not have https support except for the checkout page. Do you know if that is possible to add on 1.5. Apart from that I guess there will be other improvements coming further down the road but site wide https is something I do not know how to solve on 1.5
I am planning to migrated to TB when 1.0.4 is ready. However there are a lot of comments around the themes and their possibilities floating around. From what I can see these are the options most mentioned: Community theme I installed this a few months back. It probably has the basics but it felt like a long way from a production site. @ssimard made a nice site based on it but confirmed it required a lot of work. Warehouse. I have not tested this but I saw a comment that @mdekker is doing some TB maintenance on this one. Does this mean TB is taking a personal interest in this theme? Transformer. From the latest comments it seems that Sunnytoo wants to focus only on Panda for PS 1.6. If that is the case this theme will become less relevant for TB. Panda. Seems to be very popular. However there are some comments on sunnytoo which are a bit concerning. The old version used for PS 1.6 is apparently not getting enough love according to some users (not only TB users). It seems the PS 1.7 version is more polished and receives more features. I tried the demo site for TB and while providing the basics it was not really impressive either. Please note that these are just high level findings trying to plan for a theme to start working with when migrating from PS 1.5 to something else. I follow the TB community closely and read all posts here daily and would like to do the migration to TB instead of PS 1.7. The only thing that worries me is the front office experience and work involved in remaking our 1.5 site. If anyone has more comments or thoughts about this to share it would be very interesting.
@devnix I would like to try this out, are you still maintaining it? Any chance to have a guide in github?
My two cents. If you pass the email of the customer in the request uri of the link then when you get to the review form you know the email of the user but not the password and this is fine. Then when the user enters the review on the shop we only have to confirm that a user with this email has bought this product. If so, the review is allowed. I think that approach is simpler than forcing a login. In my current shop I do not even have a review button on product.tpl. The only way to access the review form is through the email link.
Thanks for the feedback. If anyone has other experieces to add, especially how it is working in the community theme and/or other compatible themes Panda, warehouse etc it would be very interesting to know.
I am currently on PS 1.5 so the only retina support I have are some logos I hacked myself to have 2x resolution. Now when moving to TB I am a little but confused on how retina is working. Someone for instance mentioned that the default theme (and even Panda for TB?) did not support retina completely. Could someone give a brief explaination on the situation for retina such as: - Is this fully supported in the core? - Is theme support also required or does it come from the core. - When moving from 1.5 to 1.6/TB, what must I think about for my shop. Will images automatically re-generate to also support retina? - If images are re-generated, what happens to the max resolution images where I do not have images sufficiently large to generate a 2x image, will it just keep the 1x image and show that? Thanks in advance for any clarifications.
This is really good news. Look forward to testing it. @SLiCK_303 one question. I have another review module from BusinessTech and Prestashop 1.5. What would be the recommended way to migrate the existing reviews to your module when I migrate to TB?