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  1. Thank you very much for replying. I hope my question didn't bother you because it wasn't my intention. DevBlinders is a group of Spanish developers who made a free theme for Prestashop. They also developed some modules and if you want to unlock all the features, you have to pay for them. I think this project needs a change of scenery and could start with a more attractive and intuitive theme.
  2. Hi, Why doesn't the developer community come together to make a new theme? A group of Spanish developers has developed this theme with some modules that revolve around it. @wakabayashi @zen @datakick @toplakd @jollyfrog https://github.com/DevBlinders/classicblinders Demo: https://theme.devblinders.com/ It is a theme that corrects all the bugs that Prestashop 1.7 has and also adds many improvements at the interface and usability level. Crawling and indexing: Canonicals well set up in filters and order systems Encrypted links to private sections to not link to 3xx Links to areas such as encrypted cart Well configured infinity scroll Semantics: Relevant text anchors (text and images) Data markup with JSON-LD Optimized semantic hierarchy Short and long descriptions on all page types Internal authority: No loss of authority for irrelevant sections No empty or irrelevant anchor text Authority Priority to Major Categories and Brands Couldn't something similar be done but with an interface like the one that the new Prestashop 8.0 will bring? I think it would give a lot of strength to this project. Thanks a lot! https://github.com/PrestaShop/hummingbird https://www.figma.com/file/LfVl5leeSKcVUhSaYwhbtM/New-Theme?node-id=0%3A1
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