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Everything posted by lesley

  1. @alwayspaws Yes, it has been updated since then though. We are likely not going to be compatible with much from 1.7, that is counter to the whole idea of this project.
  2. @alwayspaws this is not something you can really do with other themes. And you will not be able to use the 1.7 updates for the theme. @vzex In our next build all the images and fixtures are going to be replaced with thirty bees branded fixtures.
  3. nice. I will have to figure out how it works on mac. We use gulp to build the css files and js files.
  4. Same thing really, it uses a linux sub system. Are you familiar with the command line?
  5. @roband7 I talk to Marcin the owner of IQIT semi-frequently, he is not willing to support us yet. Hopefully his mind will change since his version 1.7 theme is not performing that well. I will reach out to the others though, they might be open to it. @vzex I should write a proper article on how to make theme changes. Do you use linux?
  6. I have reached out to them, hopefully they will reply back. I don't understand the second part of your comment.
  7. Which themes? I have been doing as much outreach as possible with companies trying to get support.
  8. If you like translating we do have some xml fixtures that need to be translated to german.
  9. It is, but its not in the direction that we are wanting to go in the future. That looks like a Word 97 toolbar.
  10. Most all 1.6 versions of themes work natively with thirty bees. There are going to be some theme developers that do not support us, Warehouse I think will be one of them. I have talked to Marcin extensively about it over the last few months, but he is not budging. As the further decline happens people will start looking for ways to make money, at the same time we will attract new developers in. Its not going to be easy in the beginning, but I think we can pull out of it and have a good library of products.
  11. Ok, the easiest way to build back links if you have an address that can be published is to build what are called local citations. The best search engine for finding local citations I have found is whitespark.ca. Basically you go there and search with your area and your business type and it gives you links to local businesses that have citation type sites where you can create profiles. Think of sites like citysearch, yelp, mechantscircle, ect. Whitespark is a search engine that finds sites like that so you can create profiles for your company. Those are the absolute safest types of links to create.
  12. The session variables save carts until a user clears their cache or deletes it.
  13. DO you have a physical location? Or a location that you do not mind being published?
  14. lesley

    minify html option

    @Traumflug If you look at the tests there is virtually no difference in using 6 files as there is 1 file. This is what leads me to believe in future versions we need to make multiple css files to improve paint speed. Just splitting the addcss hook into a top and bottom version should be enough, there is no reason for footer modules to load css at the top of the page. I think a lot can be deferred like this is we add the options and module developers are more conscious of it. As for removing unused selectors, that is something I have looked into heavily. I don't think there is any way to do this. There are a few unmaintained projects that have tried this, but have failings. At the same time you can do it with chrome programatically too. But the one thing they all lack imo is handling css in relation to javascript. The product page is a great example. You can strip the css down on that page using one of the tools, but then when you add the append for the thickbox, that css has been removed and it is unformatted.
  15. You can download them from here, https://thirtybees.com/download/ or you can also launch a free trial store from there as well and you do not have to install anything.
  16. lesley

    minify html option

    Mod_expires is not something in thirty bees, it is in your server setup. I honestly do not know with your server setup what are best, it depends on the server software.
  17. lesley

    minify html option

    And also that all the caching options are turned on in your shop.
  18. lesley

    minify html option

    It looks like the big thing you need to make sure of is that mod_expires is installed on your server.
  19. lesley

    minify html option

    Run your site through something like GT Metrix and see if it picks up on any compression errors for resources that are on your site. Likely it will flag things like Google analytics and Facebook, but it should not flag any of the files you host.
  20. lesley

    minify html option

    It is a server setting, likely it is already switch on, it is unusual for it to not be.
  21. lesley

    minify html option

    @Traumflug Actually with http/2 becoming prevalent the methodologies are changing. Here is a good article on resource handling, https://medium.com/@asyncmax/the-right-way-to-bundle-your-assets-for-faster-sites-over-http-2-437c37efe3ff @alwayspaws Only text based files can use server side compression, so css, js, html.
  22. Is this a migration or a new installation?
  23. lesley

    minify html option

    Google is actually migrating from the Pagespeed framework to the Lighthouse framework to measure performance. If you notice they have been heavily funding Lighthouse and now with Chrome 60 it is going to be included by default. I have already started trying to optimize for Lighthouse, the last theme update added a lot of accessibility options and some speed improvements. In the future we are going to add even more, since we are trying to design thirty bees for the future, not the past. That is also a reason for removing the minify html. It speeds up the download time of the html, there is no doubt in that. But it slows down the processing time of the server. So you might save .2 seconds on download time and trade that for .5 seconds of processing time. It would make your site .3 seconds slower using it.
  24. The theme might not support it. I am doing some work on the theme this weekend, I will check it out and see if I can fix it.
  25. You should be able to update as normal. That could be a bug with the menu items, we might not be adding them properly on the migration.
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