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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Most paid themes have it, its something we have been on the wall about putting in the default theme.
  2. @alwayspaws What the edit does is make tabs like on this page, http://store.nemops.com/free-modules/44-product-access.html instead of inline section areas like in our default theme.
  3. I don't think it is misleading. See the thing is, you come to them once you have already made a deal with your processor, they are not involved in that deal what so ever, so they cannot speak to the rates. What they are saying is you pay no transaction through them to use their service. There are others on the market that do charge a premium over what your gateway charges, think Shopify.
  4. There is one at the bottom of the blog post.
  5. Can you try disabling the prestashop gamification module and also going to the employee accounts and enabling the thirty bees theme for the employees / back office accounts.
  6. I have written an article about how to add the tabs if anyone needs it, https://thirtybees.com/developer-blog/adding-tabs-to-the-product-page/
  7. Have you all looked into cloudswipe? They add a huge number of gateways to thirty bees.
  8. Nice. I am actually talking to our guy over there about it now.
  9. I hit all the major pain points I saw in this article, https://thirtybees.com/blog/crowdfunding-modules/
  10. You will have to edit the temple that has the tab / block in it, not the one that has the content. What you will need to do is basically take out his 3h tag and make it a list item, something like this. {l s='Questions and Answers' mod='psqanda'}
  11. Here is the gist, https://gist.github.com/Dh42/d94c08a568b5ef20194eeaf5cc33543c Add the css to the bottom of your product.css, and copy the product.tpl over your product.tpl file and it should work.
  12. I will try to get it written up tomorrow, but by friday for sure. I can gist you the files now if you want, I just tested it.
  13. Sounds like a good topic for me to make a tutorial about on friday for the developer blog.
  14. There are a couple of private shop modules on the market that should be able to do what you are looking for in so far as stopping people without accounts from browsing your site.
  15. It kind of is, hopefully the crowdfunding will cover us making a new module.
  16. Its nice having things work pretty easy. Let us know if you have any other issues.
  17. Ahh, that one. We have talked about that and are planning some thing for it.
  18. It is on a theme by theme basis, it is pretty time consuming. Its not generally thought as a ranking factor currently, but its one of those things that might in the future. Some of the aspects can help ranking now though, such as containerizing nav and footers. That is why we are trying to get it in the community theme, so theme builders can use it.
  19. Actually the heading tag structure should be dictated by your theme. There is a flow to the heading tags generally, like the outline of a book. Just willy nilly added random handing tags in is generally bad practice. That was what a lot of the work in the theme update was about, proper use of heading tags. A h1 should never really be used in the description since your product name that is in the same container is already a h1 in most themes. One tool I use to find the proper heading tag usage is seorch.eu that is what I used to help layout the community theme update I did along with semantic html5.
  20. I am not familiar with the post, you might try asking him on gitter, https://gitter.im/thirtybees/General
  21. Is this the module you are looking for? https://github.com/thirtybees/custompayments and the blog post, https://thirtybees.com/native-modules/new-module-custom-payment-methods/
  22. Why do you need to use a heading tag?
  23. Right, but most sites use two fonts, there is no need to introduce another font in a rte on a product page.
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