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Everything posted by Havouza

  1. @wakabayashi yes I have access to the ID. Where should this code be placed please?
  2. Btw most discussion has been around Elastic/Brad. I see there is an expensive polish PD module. Anyone has tested?
  3. All this is good but again we talk tech guys, not my cousin that is born totally tech zero but is a premium merchant. He has no clue about i-click install or vps or.... But he is super also on economy and realize the trap with platforms like Shopify. About hosted elastic search. I have only looked at their own cloud pricing and a setup with 2 Gb ram and 48 Gb storage cost 79 $ per month. Same time they state that less than 8 Gb is very bad
  4. Me? 62 y o fart. I doubt it. I probably have to ask someone about where to place the target code ;-) I often use trial and error but I have just broken one shop so I must admit my limitations
  5. This is the code in the tpl. To me it looks if a target is hardcoded here, all links will open in a new tab. Solution for that is to only place links here that should open outside the shop <ul id="footercustom_link_informations"> <li class="footercustom_link_title footercustom_title">{$blocktitle1|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</li> {foreach from=$blocks1 item=block name=loop} <li>{if $block.link}<a href="{$block.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$block.title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{/if}{if $block.title}{$block.title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}{if $block.link}</a>{/if}</li> {/foreach} </ul>
  6. the error you see happened because I tried to save the target also and it is not possible
  7. The problem is that I can only save the clean link in the db. Need to look into the tpl I think
  8. www.host-thirty.com I am working with the footer. It is the link to control panel
  9. I have some links in the footer. One should go to an external page and I want it to open in a new tab. So I wrote it like this www.example.com/index.php target="_blank" The links are saved in a table The target attribute is shown when I hover the link but it does open in the same window when I click on it. Is there some other way to do this else than the obvious, right click
  10. This thread has been very interesting to follow. But again most of the discussion is for the nerds that is members of this forum, not for all of the ones that is merchants only, not tech freaks. What shoud they choose, They ofc want a very good system. Not all of them will go to Shopify or Bigcommerce or whatever, its very expensive. So for them it reall does not matter, Algolia is there quite easy to setup but can cost a lot. But that is really the same for Elastic. If you want to use the Cloudservice they provide, it quite quickly get very high priced. Why is it so? Computer power and bandwidth is cheap nowadays. I would like to see a very good TB module that can connect to a good priced Elastic provider. Not one that charge hundreds and hundreds per month. It is fully possible, someone just have to start
  11. @mdekker is there a way to force a footer link to open in a new tab? I know it should be target = "_blank" but how should the link look. It goes to an external site and I dont want the customer to leave the shop
  12. I fixed the tpl. I dont know why the alt text showed all the time. I took it away and made a text under the logo instead. Not perfect but OK for now
  13. I dont know if I am alone on this but a native helpdesk module would be great to have for me that also will sell services. The chat is not enough, the customer should be able to leave a ticket and be able to follow the progress from his customer account page.
  14. Forget it, it is the express checkout.
  15. I see now that it goes to paypal when I want to pay. Was it not just an overlay before? You never left the shop
  16. Yes somehow all this errors appeard. Not possible to update modules, sql error, etc. So I saved descriptions, cms text and css files and started again. You know I can always find something to do ;-)
  17. Thanks, Michael, a star as always. And my fresh install is now back to where I killed the old one and everything is working, fingers crossed
  18. Can anyone tell me which tpl file this is? I want to see if I can make a better layout on logo and text
  19. I have set up the new one and everything works as it is supposed to. Nice
  20. I use thetb one now in the new shop. Its OK. But I would like to find where I can fix so the text Pay with Paypal or.... comes under the logo and not after
  21. Yea Markus, I used oscommerce more than 10 years ago. Then you could talk about tricky
  22. OK thread solved. I have backed upp css and cms pages and deleted the shop and db Will start again and hope for better
  23. I can now also update modules without an error
  24. Screenshot of checkout
  25. Took it away and now the sql problem is gone but payment option still missing
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