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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. Did you look on one of YOUR posts, but not the first one?
  2. you click on the 3 little vertical dots on the right of one of your posts, the option to mark it solved is there.
  3. wow...4 files changed. ok...ill give er a whirl. thanks
  4. When creating a new address, we can save it into the DB even the phone number is just a whitespace. To test: BO > Customers > Addresses > Set required fields for this section > make the phone required, FO > Sign in > My addresses > Add a new address > fill the phone number with whitespace and "Save", check if the error message is displayed. The following almost fixes it, it makes it so you can't just put in a space, but doesn't fix the fact when you put in a space, goto a different field, the phone # field you just put a space in colors green for good. It also doesnt take into factor that I can put in an incomplete phone number, like 123-456-7 or 1234567, in the US it should have 10 digits.(ie. 123-456-7890) I guess I could change it to 10,15 or something.... ``` public static function isPhoneNumber($number) { $phoneNumber = preg_replace("/[+. ()-]/", "", $number); return (bool)preg_match('/^[0-9]{7,15}$/', $phoneNumber); } ``` This is a replacement for the function in /classes/Validate.php
  5. We all await eagerly for your fix
  6. @Generaal you might wanna start a new thread for that one, and mark this one solved.
  7. @mdekker and @lesley are on it.....
  8. @MockoB what browser are you using?
  9. SLiCK_303

    Panda Theme

    continue the favicon topic here...https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1346/fav-icons-not-working
  10. The iPhone and iPad favicons don't seem to be working....
  11. SLiCK_303

    Panda Theme

    this need fixin.....
  12. SLiCK_303

    Panda Theme

    ahhh, bummer
  13. SLiCK_303

    Panda Theme

    I have them set, but as I don't have an iPhone or iPad I cant say if they work or not. What do you see if you goto my site on your iDevice?
  14. you cut off the first word in that code snippet... edit: there ya go. ;)
  15. solved by @mdekker as always... https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/2fee5fe47a63901c7103c92d22abdbce6ee8034a
  16. what file are we talkin bout?
  17. SLiCK_303

    search error

    Have a product with a - in the name, like mine has '-Five for 35'. Then in 1.0.3 do a search for -five and see what happens, then do it in 1.0.4. In 1.0.3 it doesn't work right, in 1.0.4 it gives a nasty error message.
  18. good deal!
  19. good idea...but no. anything is possible i guess, if you can code though.
  20. SLiCK_303

    1.0.4 soon?

    @Baarssen I would start now, why wait. That way you can start developing your theme, or modify your old one. You can also make sure your modules will be compatible to TB. I'm confident there will be an easy upgrade path from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 via the updater... I maybe wouldnt do a full migration to it, ie making it live, but do a developer site...
  21. I dont have any experience with doing that, but I'm thinking BO>Preferences>Custom Code might be of some use..?
  22. SLiCK_303

    1.0.4 soon?

    Actually there are a few differences I can think of just off the top of my head, now that I think about it more. The modules statsbestmanufacturers, graphnvd3, and gridhtml are no longer in RC2, so you would want to uninstall and delete them, before copying the files over.
  23. SLiCK_303

    1.0.4 soon?

    From what I've seen, I don't think there are any DB changes, so you should just be able to copy the RC2 files over the RC1 files and be good to go.
  24. How about this one, it only changes two lines from the original 1.0.x file ``` protected function updateCustomizationQuantity($quantityChange, $idCustomization, $idProduct, $idProductAttribute, $idAddressDelivery, $operator = 'up') { // Link customization to product combination when it is first added to cart if (empty($idCustomization) && $operator === 'up') { $customization = $this->getProductCustomization($idProduct, null, true); foreach ($customization as $field) { if ((int) $field['quantity'] === 0) { Db::getInstance()->update( 'customization', [ 'quantity' => (int) $quantityChange, 'idproduct' => (int) $idProduct, 'idproductattribute' => (int) $idProductAttribute, 'idaddressdelivery' => (int) $idAddressDelivery, 'incart' => true, ], 'id_customization = '.(int) $field['idcustomization'] ); } } } /* Quantity update */ if (!empty($idCustomization)) { $result = (int) Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('`quantity`') ->from('customization') ->where('`id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization) ); if ($operator === 'down' && ((int) $result - (int) $quantityChange) < 1) { return Db::getInstance()->delete('customization', '`id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization); } return Db::getInstance()->update( 'customization', [ 'quantity' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => '`quantity` '.($operator === 'up' ? '+' : '-').(int) $quantityChange], 'id_address_delivery' => (int) $idAddressDelivery, 'in_cart' => true, ], '`id_customization` = '.(int) $idCustomization ); } // refresh cache of static::_products $this->_products = $this->getProducts(true); $this->update(); return true; } ```
  25. It seems like it works for me, I dont understand I guess what you're saying. I can add, and delete items in the cart with no issue. If this fix isn't the correct solution, at least we know the function causing the issue, and you can fix it. I made a video about it, but cant seem to share it here anymore. ;( Maybe this will work.. https://vimeo.com/250966125
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