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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. @nickon said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: @SLiCK_303 icon-comment would be better. IMO the icon should replace the "rating" word to keep consitancy with "mail" and "print" icon (You show to the user that this is a comment, you explane next to it that he needs to sing in) agreed...
  2. @nickon said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: @SLiCK_303 Agree. Just instead of "Rating" is should display an icon instead IMO sure, like icon-sign-in for instance..
  3. I think when you have it set to 'Hide reviews tab completely', that it should still show the 'Rating: Sign in to write a review', up top still, like this... IMO
  4. Sounds good, thanks
  5. The review tab shows, even when there are no reviews, with the button to create a review, even when visitors cant write a review. The top shows that the customer cant write a review with the message, ‘No customer reviews for the moment’ (because there no review for this product, and the customer isn’t logged in) but the review tab is showing, and the button is showing and working like they can. It would be nice that if a product didn't have a review, and you were not allowed to write one, that the review tab and button would not even show.
  6. @slick_303 said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: Ok, so the first time I go into a product that has a review, and click on the stars, or read reviews link (the one after Rating:) I get the 'This comb does not exist box'. If I refresh the page, it works after that. It's only when you first view the product and then click the link. I just looked at your test fronend, and it happens there too. @datakick thanx for the prompt resolution of this matter, as always, you da man!
  7. @datakick thanks for the input, I'll leave it at.. if (Module::isInstalled('revws')) { try { $productReviews += Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('revws_review') ->where('`deleted` = 0') ->where('`validated` = 0') ); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { } }
  8. @luv said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: How to show unapproved reviews in the main bashboard? Ok, this is what you do, which involves editing the core dashactivity module, which means if they ever do an update to this module, you'll loose this hack. Edit /modules/dashactivity/dashactivity.php. Replace this.. ``` if (Module::isInstalled('productcomments')) { try { $productReviews += Db::getInstance(PSUSESQLSLAVE)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('productcomment', 'pc') ->leftJoin('product', 'p', 'pc.id_product = p.id_product '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p')) ->where('pc.deleted = 0') ->where('pc.date_add BETWEEN "'.pSQL($params['datefrom']).'" AND "'.pSQL($params['dateto']).'" '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_ORDER)) ); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { } } with this.. if (Module::isInstalled('revws')) { try { $productReviews += Db::getInstance(PSUSESQLSLAVE)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('revwsreview') ->where('deleted = 0') ->where('validated = 0') ); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { } } Now edit /modules/dashactivity/views/templates/hook/dashboard_zone_one.tpl, and replace this.. {if Module::isInstalled('productcomments')} {l s='Product Reviews' mod='dashactivity'} {/if} with this.. {if Module::isInstalled('revws')} {l s='Product Reviews' mod='dashactivity'} {/if} ``` Might wanna clear your sites cache after, and do a refresh in your browser of your BO main page.
  9. Ok, so the first time I go into a product that has a review, and click on the stars, or read reviews link (the one after Rating:) I get the 'This comb does not exist box'. If I refresh the page, it works after that. It's only when you first view the product and then click the link. I just looked at your test fronend, and it happens there too.
  10. nevermind, I figured it out...
  11. Now how about the link to it in tpl file that displays it? This brings be to it's settings, I want to bring it to it's Unapproved Reviews (moderations) area. Sorry you have to hold my hand here..... {if Module::isInstalled('revws')} <li> <span class="data_label"><a href="{$link->getAdminLink('AdminModules')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}&amp;configure=revws&amp;tab_module=moderation&amp;module_name=revws">{l s='Product Reviews' mod='dashactivity'}</a></span> <span class="data_value size_l"> <span id="product_reviews"></span> </span> </li> {/if}
  12. that worked, thanks! Can't believe I missed that....
  13. Still didn't work for some reason.
  14. I'm trying to modify my dashactivity module to find and count the number of Unapproved Reviews, can you tell why this isn't working?... $productReviews = 0; if (Module::isInstalled('revws')) { try { $productReviews += Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue( (new DbQuery()) ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('revws_review') ->where('deleted` = 0') ->where('validated` = 0') ->where('`date_add` BETWEEN "'.pSQL($params['date_from']).'" AND "'.pSQL($params['date_to']).'" '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_ORDER)) ); } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { } }
  15. @datakick said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: the js app depends on this library that uses jss instead of css. So it's not possible to extract css, but we can set palette for the components. I plan to add this option to settings page. I think normal users will prefer to set colors in UI instead of via css. It's definitely not a best way for power users, but they have an option to rebuild js app with their own settings if they wish. Sounds good to me, thanks
  16. @datakick Is there a way to change the css look of the js popups? You know, those grayish/rose colored guys... edit: I see it's inline, and I'd have to modify a core js file. Is there any way to pull that out and make it css'able?
  17. @datakick It might be nice if you could hook this module into displayMyAccountBlock, that way a link would show in the My Accounts side block. I should have been a beta tester, sorry I wasn't...... ;)
  18. @datakick said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: New version 1.0.2 has been released. You can now migrate review and criteria settings from native product comments module. Very cool, but I dont see a way to do that in the settings, am I missing something? It also looks like you can change the icon (icon-star) to something else in the settings, but again, I dont see where to do that. edit: Neeeevermind, I had to do a refresh of the setting page in my browser to get those options to come up. Thanx again for the great module.
  19. I hope I'm not being to forward, but I forked your module, and made a couple of Pull Requests, do with what you will....
  20. Are you using the default theme? If not you can add this to the bottom of your themes config.xml, right before the last line, <lazy_load>1</lazy_load> <high_dpi>1</high_dpi> <webp>1</webp> as this error is happening in the backend, I find it hard to believe it will help, but you can try. I assume this issue needs to be addressed by a developer...
  21. @slick_303 said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: How does one go about changing the css? I tried coping front.css to /mytheme/css/modules/revws, but that didnt seem to work. I don't see that option in revws.php, I recommend you change function hookHeader to read.... ``` public function hookHeader() { if (fileexists(PSTHEMEDIR."css/modules/{$this->name}/{$this->name}.css")) { $this->context->controller->addCSS(PSTHEMEDIR."css/modules/{$this->name}/{$this->name}.css", 'all'); } else { $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->path.'views/css/front.css', 'all'); } $this->context->controller->addCSS('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500', 'all'); } ``` this way a person can overright the css by coping revws/views/css/front.css to /mytheme/css/module/revws/revws.css file and modify it. I would also suggest, maybe, you do something similar so we can change the tpl files as well. Can I talk ya into changing the my-account.tpl icon-star to icon-comment? I think it looks better this way, and is more applicable. IMO Nice module, BTW!
  22. Is there a way to import the current reviews from the stock Product Comments module? How does one go about changing the css? I tried coping front.css to /mytheme/css/modules/revws, but that didnt seem to work.
  23. @jamesblond008 said in Stats Not Working: Everything was fine in 2017 with the Stats but now it shows Zero. everything in the stats shows zero, or just your dashboard forecast. or...?
  24. I find it strange you are getting a FastCGI error when you are on fpm. Have you tried changing your php to FastCGI and see what happens? Have you tried just deleting the statsmodule folder? You'll need it after you get things working, but just for now.... Before the migration to 1.0.4 did you get your cloned site fully working?
  25. Do you have the modules, graphnvd3 and gridhtml installed?
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