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Community Answers

  1. You can do that with mass edit.
  2. Yes. Note that there are two widths, weights, etc. One is a field in ps_product used for shipping. The other is a feature. The fields used for calculating shipping costs have been called shipwidth, shipheight, etc in Prestools
  3. I understand that it would be useful for you. But it would be a lot of work for me. So I would need to charge you some money to add it. You can pm me if you want a custom addition.
  4. Prestools doesn't support warehousing. That is a limitation. Few people use that, it is complex and its functionality has been reduced In Prestashop 1.7.
  5. This is useless for me. I need concrete pictures and data that show both the present output and what changes you would like to see.
  6. I doubt whether you ever will see such a function. With discounts, carriers, etc the product information is enormously complex. The product-edit page has a csv export function and if you have concrete demands we can look. Makes me wonder what you are doing. I have uploaded a new version. Maybe it helps. People like to preserve their settings1.php when they upgrade. But that is not a good idea when new fields have been added. So you need to take the new settings file and enter your credentials and choices in it. When you enable the field you see how it will look like and how it works. The only thing that doesn't work is the submit. I don't understand what you mean when you ask for a demo. Most people who buy the package use some plugins more than others. That is one of the reasons why it is much cheaper than the sum of the parts.
  7. Hi Obi, Thank you for your report. The problem only happened when you had selected subcats AND you displayed the position field. I have fixed it in the attached file. M product-edit.php
  8. Thank you for liking Prestools. I have uploaded a new version that may solve some of your problems. - stock is one of the optional extra fields that you can select. - I fixed one bug in products-sold, but as you didn't provide details I am not sure it is the one you meant.
  9. I am now running the 3.3.1 version of Mollie with Thirty Bees 1.4.0 (compiled for PHP 7.4) and PHP 8.1. It works but I am stuck. Upgrading Thirty Bees will crash my Mollie module. And newer versions of the module don't make a difference. Are there any plans for an upgrade?
  10. You can use my free tool for that https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/445453-copy-shopdata-script-for-upgrading-and-fixing-buggy-shops-by-copying-business-data-and-images/
  11. If you find the Prestools mass edit functions time-consuming then you will need to build your own tools. But it is not even clear to me whether you are using mass edit.
  12. Yes, I am using the native Paypal module. But two things puzzle me: - I have disabled the guest checkout. Yet this cart has no registered customer - the cart and the mail have the same time (2:27am). One would expect someone to expect at least five minutes before sending a mail that you didn't receive an order confirmation. Those things make me wonder: is something going wrong in the shop or is someone trying to get products for free?
  13. This morning I received a mail from a customer that he had placed an order and paid but that he hadn't received confirmation. There was no order in the orders list and I couldn't find his name in the customers list either. Finally, when I looked at the carts I found something relevant: a recent cart with the product he had mentioned. But it was also puzzling. The cart contains the label "Non ordered" and has no customer name. Also puzzling is that the cart has exactly the same date/time as the mail that he sent me. What is going on here?
  14. I am busy making my webshop fit for PHP 8.1 and Thirty Bees 1.5.1. Now when I run the shop in this new constellation I get an error 'Class "Mobile_Detect" not found' for my Whatsappchat module. The offending line is "$mobile = new Mobile_Detect();" It looks like this is a Thirty Bees problem. In the TB 1.4 version I see in /classes/Context.php "new Mobile_Detect();". In 1.5.1 this is "new MobileDetect();". So something was changed. However, making a similar change in my Whatsappchat module doesn't solve my problem. I still get a class not found error. Does anyone know the solution?
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