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Everything posted by theMerchantDev

  1. Is there some positive aspect of using Cloudflare with TB?
  2. Maybe, first of all, check if your theme and main 3rd party modules support PHP 8. And then ask to developers for PHP 8 versions, or do it by yourself. So, first of first of all, have a clone of your shop to work with it.
  3. Have you tried clean caches and cookies, like anonymous browsing?
  4. Sorry, but it's so easy to say "bug" while you didn't even find the log of your module. Please check the module page configuration for a tab like Log.
  5. Check what was logged from this line. If nothing clear, try to change $data for $data['rgsp_id'] and $data['rgsp_token'], or even $json, in the log calling.
  6. Please check recent posts here in the forum, because I remember to read similar question with solution there.
  7. Did you try to disable friendly URL? If works, it's about server configuration, not TB.
  8. Maybe some change is needed in nginx config, if it's the case.
  9. I remember to read both issues here at Forum last weeks, duplicate and thumbs, and they were answered with solution if I remember correctly. Please check.
  10. Can someone please paste here the Bleeding Edge link? I have heard from but I didn't know it. Thanks.
  11. TB site looks forgotten, you can't realize there that we are living a new @Smile/@datakick age. IMO.
  12. In fact having TB and Phenix in different paths is a huge shame, because @Eolia and @datakick working together would be invincibles, two so solid knowledge and code quality, making the right things by the right way. It would be a dream for those who believed in the Prestashop project as it was in the beginning.
  13. @undecided Sure that your answer is the more responsible, but in fact it's not so easy to choose, even having both available for testing, and this is the reason that I asked for comments from community. But for those on same path of me, sure that setting up both is a good thing to do, because probably you will need to contact both community, both support, maybe dev hiring for more complex work or customization or professional help, etc. For example, you commented a migration from TB to Phenix, and I really appreciate if you can share how did you do the data migration. Thank you.
  14. Please leave your comments why should i choose one or other. I'm on PS 1.6 and planning to upgrade.
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